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Vendor User Guide

This guide covers how the Sustainable Facilities Tool can assist you in helping provide federal agencies access to sustainable products, services, and resilient supply chains. The information provided does not supersede requirements and/or contract specifications. The SFTool can assist with the following responsibilities:
I. Understand and Identify Sustainability Measures II. Navigating the Sustainable Purchasing Landscape III. Compliance with Federal Regulatory Requirements
  • Understanding Sustainability [Value-based Selling]
  • Selling with Efficiency in Mind
  • Identifying Labels, Certifications, and Best Practices
  • Understand the Sustainable Acquisition Policies and Procedures that Apply to Federal Agencies


Break down the silos!

As a Vendor, I don’t live or work in a bubble.

To deliver a successful project, I regularly work with a variety of professionals who would benefit from the value of SFTool.

Integrative Design Process
Procurement Professionals Contractors
Manufacturers Facility Managers
Owners Architects and Engineers
Energy Service Companies Suppliers

Learn more about the Integrative Design Process

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