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Transportation and Automotive

Alternative fuel vehicles and products used in repairing and maintaining automobiles, trucks, and other vehicles.

Guidance and References

You can determine the specific sustainable requirements that apply to your acquisition by clicking on the individual product categories on the Left Side of this page. See below for additional information about this category and guidance on prioritizing federal requirements.

Category Guidance

EPAct Section 701 (42 U.S.C. § 6374(a)(3)(E)) requires federal agencies to use alternative fuel in dual-fueled vehicles when it is reasonably available and not unreasonably more expensive than gasoline.  Dual-fueled alternative fuel vehicles (AFVs) are vehicles that can run on both alternative fuel or conventional petroleum fuel. The U.S. Department of Energy reviews and approves or denies waiver submissions. Learn more hereopens in new window.

EPAct (42 U.S.C. 13212(b)) requires that, beginning in FY 1999, and for each year thereafter, 75 percent of all covered vehicle acquisitions by federal agencies must be AFVs. Biodiesel consumption can also count towards federal agency AFV acquisition requirements. Agencies receive one (1) AFV credit for every 450 gallons of pure biodiesel (equivalent to 2,250 gallons of B20) used in diesel vehicles. Note that biodiesel credits cannot exceed 50% of the annual AFV acquisition requirements.
Acquisition Guidance

You can find the federal government’s sustainable acquisition policies and procedures at Federal Acquisition Regulation Part 23opens in new window. Federal agencies are required to buy sustainable products and services to the maximum extent practicable (see FAR 23.103opens in new window, 23.105opens in new window, and 23.106opens in new window for additional information, including exceptions, and exemptions).

FAR 23.104(c)opens in new window provides direction to ensure that federal agencies, first and foremost, comply with statutory purchasing program requirements and prioritize multi-attribute sustainable products and services, which are those that meet all applicable statutory purchasing program requirements and one or more required Environmental Protection Agency purchasing programs.

Purchasing Programs

Statutory purchasing programs:

  • Comprehensive Procurement Guidelines (CPG)
  • Federal Energy Management Program (FEMP)-designated
  • BioPreferred®
  • EPA's Significant New Alternatives Policy (SNAP)

Required EPA purchasing programs:

  • WaterSense®
  • Safer Choice
  • EPA Recommendations of Specifications, Standards, and Ecolabels

Visit the Environmental Programs page for more information.

Visit the GSA Automotive siteopens in new window for more information on purchasing vehicles, and GSA Fleetopens in new window for information on vehicle leasing.

Other Considerations

Before buying new products, be sure to consider excess personal property from other federal agencies. It's not just the mandatory first source of supply, it's sustainable! Visit the Personal Property Management Systemopens in new window to search the federal government’s available excess personal property for transfer.

To promote fuel efficiency and reduce greenhouse gas emissions and air pollution, consider using a SmartWay Transport Partneropens in new window for shipment of your products.