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Relevant Mandates and Rating Systems

Mandates / Standards Rating Systems

Guiding Principles for Sustainable Federal Buildings

  • HVAC systems must be commissioned (and recommissioned), and integrative design principles should be employed.
  • Energy efficiency necessitates HVAC best practices and use of energy efficient lighting products.
  • Provide occupants with safe and healthy ventilation and thermal comfort, in alignment with applicable ASHRAE standards and statutory requirements.
  • Moisture control strategies must also be established to prevent building damage and mold contamination and reduce health risks.
  • Refrigerants must not be ozone-depleting.

Guiding Principles for Sustainable Federal Buildings

Relation to HVAC: employ integrative design, commissioning (HVAC and controls), energy efficiency, thermal comfort, energy efficiency, thermal comfort, integrative operations and management

Energy Independence and Security Act (2007)

EISA 2007 established energy management goals and requirements, of which a sustainable lighting strategy is necessary, for federal buildings. It established a 30% energy consumption goal per gross square foot of federal space. Efficiency standards for packaged HVAC equipment and electric motors are prescribed.

GovInfo.gov | Energy Independence and Security Act  of 2007opens in new window

Relation to HVAC: energy efficiency, packaged equipment

Energy Policy Act of 2005

The Energy Policy Act of 2005 (EPAct 2005) amends EPAct 1992 and establishes a number of energy management goals for federal facilities involving components of a sustainable lighting system. Each agency is required to incorporate energy efficiency criteria in “all procurements involving energy consuming products and systems.” EPAct 2005 also directs new federal buildings to be designed 30% below the American Society of Heating, Refrigerating, and Air Conditioning Engineers (ASHRAE) or International Energy Code standards. Efficiency must come without sacrifice in performance, and selection of high performance equipment is recommended, with the Act providing guidance on minimum energy efficiency ratios (EERs).

DOE | Energy Policy Act of 2005opens in new window

Relation to HVAC: energy management, energy-efficient lighting procurement, energy efficiency

National Energy Consumption Policy Act (1978)

The National Energy Consumption Policy Act (NECPA) serves as the underlying authority for federal energy management goals and has been regularly updated and amended by subsequent policies such as EPAct 1992, EPAct 2005, and EISA 2007. Energy reduction goals are set and amended as new best practices arise.

Energy.gov | National Energy Consumption Policy, Federal Energy Initiative, Federal Energy Managementopens in new window

Relation to HVAC: energy efficiency, sustainable procurement, energy management