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Department of Defense Sustainable Product Purchasing

Department of Defense


The Department’s vision of sustainability is to maintain the ability to operate into the future without decline either in the mission or in the natural and man-made systems that support it. The Department of Defense (DoD) embraces sustainability as a means of improving mission accomplishment.

The DoD established a sustainable product purchasing program to enhance and sustain mission readiness through cost effective acquisition that achieves compliance and reduces resource consumption and solid and hazardous waste generation. Sustainable product purchasing efforts span from transportation and energy to recycled and biobased content.

The Department serves as a leader in sustainable product purchasing through goals for compliance with Federal and DoD programs.

DoD Sustainable Product Purchasing Sites and Information

DoD Sustainable Product Purchasing Plans, Guidance, and Policies

DoD Instruction

DoD Memoranda



Executive Orders

Construction Materials

Did You Know?

Buildings represent about 76% of electricity use and 40% of U.S. primary energy use, making it essential to reduce energy consumption to reduce costs to building owners and tenants. Source: U.S. Department of Energy (2015). Quadrennial Technology Review 2015, Chapter 5opens in new window.

Case Study

The Workplace Environment as a Catalyst for Social Change

The Pit - Lounge

We know workplace design can influence functional behaviors, but can it be a catalyst for social change? Can organizations use the environment to improve the sense of community, increase morale, reduce stress, and develop cross group relationships?

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