Department of Defense Sustainable Product Purchasing

The Department’s vision of sustainability is to maintain the ability to operate into the future without decline either in the mission or in the natural and man-made systems that support it. The Department of Defense (DoD) embraces sustainability as a means of improving mission accomplishment.
The DoD established a sustainable product purchasing program to enhance and sustain mission readiness through cost effective acquisition that achieves compliance and reduces resource consumption and solid and hazardous waste generation. Sustainable product purchasing efforts span from transportation and energy to recycled and biobased content.
The Department serves as a leader in sustainable product purchasing through goals for compliance with Federal and DoD programs.
DoD Sustainable Product Purchasing Sites and Information
- Office of the Assistant Secretary of Defense for Energy, Installations, and Environment
- Defense Pricing and Contracting
- DoD Sustainable Procurement Program
- DoD Sustainable Products Center
- DoD Sustainable Product Demonstrations
- Environment, Safety, and Occupational Health in Acquisition
DoD Sustainable Product Purchasing Plans, Guidance, and Policies
- DoD Sustainability Plan (FY10-FY20)
- Defense Acquisition Guidebooks
- Climate Adaptation Plan
- Greenhouse Gas Mitigation Plan
- Lithium Battery Strategy
- Securing Defense-Critical Supply Chains
- DLA Electronic Stewardship (Computer Disposal Regulations (DoDM 4160.21, Volume 4, Page 103)
DoD Instruction
- DoDI 4105.67 Nonappropriated Fund (NAF) Procurement Policy and Procedure
, February 26, 2014 (Change 2 December 1, 2017)
- DoDI 4105.72 Procurement of Sustainable Goods and Services
, September 7, 2016 (Change 1 August 31, 2018)
DoD Memoranda
- DoD-GSA Memorandum of Understanding to Bring More Environmental Innovators to Federal Marketplace
- Class Deviation-Prohibition on Procurement of Certain Items Containing Perfluorooctane Sulfonate or Perfluorooctanic Acid
- Better Buying Power 3.0: Achieving Dominant Capabilities through Technical Excellence and Innovation
, April 9, 2015
- Continuous Learning Course 046 – DoD Sustainable Procurement Program
- Government Purchase Card Training
Executive Orders
- Executive Order 14081, Advancing Biotechnology and Biomanufacturing Innovation for a Sustainable, Safe, and Secure American Bioeconomy-Request for Information; National Biotechnology and Biomanufacturing Initiative-Measuring the Bioeconomy
(SEP 12 2022)
- Includes direction pertaining to procurement of biobased products.
- Executive Order 14057, Catalyzing Clean Energy Industries and Jobs Through Federal Sustainability
(DEC 08 2021) and Implementing Instructions
- Incorporates sustainable purchasing and zero-emissions procurement
requirements as well as other sustainability requirements with applicability to procurement (e.g., carbon pollution-free electricity, zero-emissions vehicles and equipment, zero-emissions buildings, and alternatives to PFAS materials and single-use plastics).
- Incorporates sustainable purchasing and zero-emissions procurement
- Executive Order 14030, Climate-Related Financial Risk
(MAY 20, 2021)
- Sets policy on climate-related financial risk.
- Executive Order 14008, Tackling the Climate Crisis at Home and Abroad
(JAN 27 2021)
- Establishes a governmentwide approach to address climate change.
- Executive Order 13990, Protecting Public Health and the Environment and Restoring Science to Tackle the Climate Crisis
(JAN 20 2021)
- Directs the federal government to take action to confront the climate crisis.
Construction Materials