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Individual sustainability projects should support strategic long-term goals. But how do you set long-term goals and plan projects to meet them? Here you can explore practical approaches to strategic long-term planning that emphasize resource and risk reduction.


Net Zero Energy Building

Net Zero Energy Building means that a building balances its energy needs with energy produced from renewable, zero-emission sources. Learn how to assess your performance, prioritize improvements, and evaluate renewable options.

NREL Research Facility

NREL Research Support Facility, Golden CO


Climate Risk Management

Responding to climate change is a complex, long term process. Learn how to conduct a Risks Workshop at your facility.

Sea Level Rise

Global Sea Level Change 1992-2024, NOAAopens in new window


Framework for Managing Climate Risks to Federal Agency Supply Chains

Explore a GSA-developed supply chain risk management framework to assess climate or weather-related risks to supply chains and develop plans to minimize those risks.




Climate Change Risk Management Considerations in the Acquisition Life Cycle

The impacts of climate change, like extreme storms and wildfires, can effect the manufacturing, availability, and delivery of critical products and services to the federal government. Learn how to identify and manage climate change risks at each stage of the acquisition life cycle.
