When adding a planted roof, consider the management of construction materials as well as the ongoing maintenance and management of planted roof materials. During construction, ensure there is adequate drainage to prevent erosion of the growing media from stormwater. In areas of the roof that are not adequately covered with vegetation and may be vulnerable to wind erosion, consider installing an erosion blanket or mat. If the planted roof is accessible to occupants, provide recycling containers and waste receptacles and educate occupants about proper disposal to keep trash off the planted parts of the roof. Operations and maintenance personnel should be trained on the cleaning and maintenance procedure for planted roofs so as to minimize waste.
System Bundling
System Bundling is a list of ideas for creating projects that combine high value activities to achieve efficiencies and cost savings. Bundling activities typically involve action at the intersection of two or more whole building systems such as Solid Waste and Lighting. System Bundling considers multiple related programs simultaneously, like managing Cafeteria composting and recycling contracts.
Building systems and technologies work best when they work together, and your building can operate more efficiently and potentially cost less up front when considering the impact of systems on each other. The success of a solid waste management plan depends on the education and training of occupants and custodial staff; the procurement of products and materials that may later be discarded; and the planning, design, and ventilation of material collection areas. When specifying or replacing a component of the solid waste system, consider bundling that component with others to deliver the largest beneficial impacts and greatest return on investment. For example, the collection and storage of materials for recycling may require additional ventilation to maintain the desired IEQ. Leverage this section to understand whole building synergies and explore which technologies and components might best be bundled together.