Industry Links/Knowledge Portals/White Papers

Below is a representative sample of the outstanding organizations that provided consultation and invaluable input into the development of the FBPTA implementation Program. We formally express our gratitude to these and the many other organizations for their time and expertise.
Comprehensive list of Facilities Operations, Management and Construction Organizations
*This list of Industry Resources will grow as our Program to implement the FBPTA evolves.
White Papers
- RetroFit Depot Identifying Guide (PDF 726KB)
- No-Cost/Low-Cost Energy Savings Guide (PDF 1.7MB)
- | Water Energy Nexus
Industry Knowledge Portals
Industry Organizations
- American Institute of Architects (AIA)
- American Society of Mechanical Engineers
- American Society of Civil Engineers
- APPA: Leadership in Educational Facilities
- Association of Energy Engineers
- Association for Facilities Engineering
- Building Owners and Managers Association (BOMA)
- BOMI International
- Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers
- International Facility Management Association
- International Association of Plumbing and Mechanical Officials
- National Environmental Balancing Bureau
- National Electrical Manufacturers Association
- Society of American Military Engineers
- U.S. Green Building Council
- U.S. Green Building Certification Institute