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Climate Terms and Tools

Facilities face many challenges related to climate change, including reducing emissions, adapting to new conditions, and increasing resilience. This page serves as a primer for building personnel who are new to the topic or looking for additional resources.


Understanding climate change's unique vocabulary is the first step. The definitions below have been compiled by federal experts in the field.





For further information, see the following federal government resources:

For information on federal government GHG emissions, see the Department of Energy's Federal Facility Reporting Requirements and Performance Dataopens in new window and these datasets from the Comprehensive Annual Energy Data and Sustainability Performance report:

1. Carbon Leadership Forum | The Embodied Carbon Challengeopens in new window2. US EPA | Scope 1 and Scope 2 Inventory Guidanceopens in new window3. US EPA | Scope 3 Inventory Guidanceopens in new window4. US EPA | Net Zero Resourcesopens in new window5. Department of Energy | Federal New Buildings Handbook for Net Zero Energy, Water, and Wasteopens in new window6. UNFCCC | A Beginner’s Guide to Climate Neutralityopens in new window7. US EPA | What is a Circular Economy?opens in new window
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