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Retail Food Refrigeration

Last Updated: 02/26/24
Retail Food Refrigeration

A refrigeration cabinet designed for storing food products at temperatures above 32 degrees Fahrenheit (F) but no greater than 40 degrees F and intended for commercial use.

Product Details
  • asterisk Federal agencies are required by statute to purchase products as designated or specified under this program.
    asterisk asterisk Federal agencies are required to purchase sustainable products and services meeting EPA’s Recommendations to the maximum extent practicable.
Procurement Info

Where to Buy

Guiding Principles
Contributes to meeting The Guiding Principles for Sustainable Federal Buildings
Additional Guidance

Substitutes for ozone-depleting chemicals, as identified under the SNAP program, may be purchased with the product itself or separately.  In either case, federal agencies must procure and substitute safe alternatives for ozone-depleting substances to the maximum extent practicable.

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