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Views (to the Outside)

Building occupants with access to outside views have an increased sense of well-being. Keeping employees happy and healthy is good for business, as happy employees show higher productivity and increased job satisfaction, resulting in less employee turnover. In order to provide equitable access to views, it is recommended that private offices are located toward the core of the space and that low workstation panels are installed to allow for maximum daylight penetration. Use glass walls and partitions to enable views out from interior spaces.

Procure Products

in the Green Procurement Compilation

309 Results : Views to the Outside

  • Sustainable Response to COVID-19 - GSA Sustainable Facilities Tool

    Sustainable Response to COVID-19 Decision Guide This Decision Guide is the product of...(GBAC) Sustainable Response to COVID-19 Task Group. The decision guide builds on
    https://sftool.gov › learn › about › 625 › sustainable-response-covid-19
  • Welcome - FEDSAT

    ...The Federal Facilities Skills Assessment Tool (FEDSAT) is a no-cost, online...affected by the Federal Buildings Personnel Training Act (FBPTA) to demonstrate...FEDSAT Helping your agency comply with the Federal Buildings Personnel Training...user account to keep track of your progress. Start FEDSAT The General Services
    https://sftool.gov › fedsat
  • Project Executive - GSA Sustainable Facilities Tool

    Terms Green Teams Project Executive The Project Executive is responsible for...typically the senior member of the project team and is responsible for the success
    https://sftool.gov › plan › 584 › project-executive
  • Interim Report on Evaluation of GSA Total Estimated Cost Impact (TECI) Metrics Center for Building Performance and Diagnostics Carnegie Mellon University May 31, 2019

    University May 31, 2019 Executive Report on the Evaluation of GSA Total Estimated Cost...Managers and the Central Office a Dashboard with Integrated Access to: 1. Advanced
    https://sftool.gov › Content › attachments › Iswg › iswg-case-studies › GSA CMU TECI ISWG October 2020.pdf
  • Green Procurement Compilation - About - GSA Sustainable Facilities Tool

    Learn what GPC is, how to navigate our products and services, and review our...About the Green Procurement Compilation 1. What is the Green Procurement Compilation...resources for the federal acquisition community in one place. No matter the value of
    https://sftool.gov › greenprocurement › about
  • System Overview > HVAC - GSA Sustainable Facilities Tool

    ...fresh air to building occupants. HVAC systems are often the source of the largest...providing thermal comfort and fresh air to building occupants. This is no small...some of the biggest sources of energy waste, but also provide some of the largest
    https://sftool.gov › explore › green-building › section › 9 › hvac › system-overview
  • Vendor Resources - GSA Sustainable Facilities Tool

    ...management, how to develop a GHG inventory for your company, and how to begin reducing...vendors with a single point-of-entry to learn more about sustainability and climate
    https://sftool.gov › learn › about › 652 › vendor-resources
  • About - GSA Sustainable Facilities Tool

    ...The Sustainable Facilities Tool prepares facility managers, purchasing agents...agents, designers, tenants, and the simply curious, to take actions that support efficient...SFTool What do you need to do? Welcome to the Sustainable Facilities Tool...prepares you to take action. Stay up to date by subscribing to the SFTool Newsletter
    https://sftool.gov › home › about
  • Share - GSA Sustainable Facilities Tool

    ...from the knowledge you've gained by improving your facility! Contribute to the...from across the government and private sector. Choose a topic to learn more Agency...discovered many effective practices to make their buildings sustainable. Many
    https://sftool.gov › apply
  • Healthy Cleaning - GSA Sustainable Facilities Tool

    Healthy Cleaning Note: The information, content, and data found in this module...should not be viewed as, nor considered an endorsement of, the types of custodial
    https://sftool.gov › learn › about › 645 › healthy-cleaning
  • Microsoft Word - Supporting the Health of Honey Bees and Other Pollinators

    Supporting the Health of Honey Bees and Other Pollinators Supporting the Health...October 2014 2 FOREWORD To address a requirement in the Presidential Memorandum
    https://sftool.gov › Content › attachments › supporting_the_health_of_honey_bees_and_other_pollinators.pdf
  • Human Behavior > IEQ - GSA Sustainable Facilities Tool

    Human behavior and interaction with the building space plays a critical component...can only be achieved and sustained if the occupants and planted roof system are...essential to maintaining indoor environmental quality (IEQ) and the health, financial...achieved if executed hand-in-hand with the occupants. Occupant Survey IEQ occupant
    https://sftool.gov › explore › green-building › section › 49 › ieq › human-impact
  • Better Buying Power 2.0.pdf.pdf.pdf.pdf

    ACQUISITION, TECHNOLOGY AND LOGISTICS THE UNDER SECRETARY OF DEFENSE 3010 DEFENSE...Better Buying Power 2.0: Continuing the Pursuit for Greater Efficiency and Productivity
    https://sftool.gov › Content › attachments › Better Buying Power 2.0.pdf.pdf.pdf.pdf
  • Project Manager > User Guides - GSA Sustainable Facilities Tool

    This guide covers how the SFTool can assist you with incorporating sustainability...Manager User Guide This guide covers how the Sustainable Facilities Tool (SFTool)...into all your projects. The SFTool can assist with the following responsibilities:
    https://sftool.gov › green-guidance › for › 4 › project-manager
  • Electric Vehicles and Electric Vehicle Supply Equipment - GSA Sustainable Facilities Tool

    Resources and Trainings The transportation sector generates the largest share of emissions...emissions in the U.S. accounting for 28 percent of all emissions or roughly
    https://sftool.gov › learn › about › 666 › electric-vehicles-electric-vehicle-supply-equipment
  • Framework Step 3: Plan - GSA Sustainable Facilities Tool

    Zero Energy Building Transformation to Net Zero Energy Buildings Net Zero Energy...Framework for Managing Climate Risks to Federal Agency Supply Chains Background
    https://sftool.gov › plan › 559 › framework-step-3-plan
  • Green Building Certification Systems - GSA Sustainable Facilities Tool

    ...(GBCS) broaden the focus beyond products, materials, and ecolabels to consider a...require an integrated design approach to create projects that are environmentally
    https://sftool.gov › learn › about › 668 › green-building-certification-systems
  • Submetering - GSA Sustainable Facilities Tool

    ...The Submetering Wizard provides information about the comprehensive uses and...Type What do you want to accomplish with Submetering? The Submetering Wizard provides...about the comprehensive uses and benefits of submetering systems. Use the wizard
    https://sftool.gov › plan › submetering › water
  • Submetering - GSA Sustainable Facilities Tool

    ...The Submetering Wizard provides information about the comprehensive uses and...Type What do you want to accomplish with Submetering? The Submetering Wizard provides...about the comprehensive uses and benefits of submetering systems. Use the wizard
    https://sftool.gov › plan › submetering › electrical-system
  • Federal Requirements - GSA Sustainable Facilities Tool

    Security Act (EISA) The stated purpose of the act is to move the United States toward...security, to increase the production of clean renewable fuels, to protect consumers
    https://sftool.gov › learn › 2 › federal-requirements

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