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Procurement Professional User Guide

This guide covers how the Sustainable Facilities Tool (SFTool) can assist you in purchasing sustainable products and services. The SFTool can assist with the following responsibilities:
I. Value-Based Purchasing II. Regulation and FAR Compliance
  • Promoting the importance of purchasing decisions on sustained environmental stewardship throughout the building’s life cycle
  • Managing expenses by selecting cost effective alternatives
  • Ensuring purchases are Federal Acquisition Regulation (FAR) compliant
  • Aligning office procurements with EPA, DOE, and USDA guidance


Break down the silos!

As a Procurement Professional, I don’t live or work in a bubble.

To deliver a successful project, I regularly work with a variety of professionals who would benefit from the value of the SFTool.

Integrative Design Process
Vendors Leasing Specialists
Manufacturers Facility Managers
Decision-makers Owners
Specialized Consultants Interior Designers

Learn more about the Integrative Design Process

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