Water Conservation
Over 400 billion gallons of water are used every day in the United States. Demand is increasing even though usable supply is decreasing. Civilian agencies in the federal government use 47 billion gallons of water per year, the equivalent of more than 70,000 Olympic-size swimming pools. These agencies could save 7.8–12.3 billion gallons (17–26%) annually just by using simple “off the shelf” water conservation measures, including replacing existing toilets, faucets, and showerheads with more efficient versions.
GSA | Indoor Water Conservation
DOE | Developing a Water Management Plan
DOE | Guidance for the Implementation and Follow-up of Identified Energy and Water Efficiency
Procure Products
in the Green Procurement Compilation132 Results : water conservation
Indoor Water Conservation
Indoor Water Conservation...Indoor Water Conservation U.S. General Services Administration INDOOR WATER CONSERVATION...CONSERVATION WaTer conservaTion poTenTial cosT-eFFecTive WaTer conservaTion opTionshttps://sftool.gov › Content › attachments › Iswg › iswg-case-studies › Indoor Water Conservation.pdf -
Resources > Water - GSA Sustainable Facilities Tool
A sustainable water system reduces not only overall water consumption but also...efficiency, implement water conservation measures, and integrate water reuse/recycling...Water Lighting HVAC IEQ Solid Waste Planted Roof Submetering System Overview...Impact A sustainable water system reduces not only overall water consumption buthttps://sftool.gov › explore › green-building › section › 40 › water › resources-impact -
Building Water Use - GSA Sustainable Facilities Tool
Building Water Use Buildings are significant users of the Earth's freshwater...should be to encourage a smarter use of water, both inside and outside the facilityhttps://sftool.gov › learn › about › 45 › building-water -
Human Behavior > Water - GSA Sustainable Facilities Tool
...occupants in the water conservation program is vital in achieving water use reduction...Water Lighting HVAC IEQ Solid Waste Planted Roof Submetering System Overview...Impact on Humans Human Behavior on Water Within the sustainable building environmenthttps://sftool.gov › explore › green-building › section › 41 › water › human-impact -
Resources > HVAC - GSA Sustainable Facilities Tool
...and other purchased energy as well as water consumption, materials, and refrigerants...system's efficiency, implement water conservation measures, and reduce environmental...HVAC Lighting Water IEQ Solid Waste Planted Roof Submetering System Overview...and other purchased energy as well as water consumption, materials, and refrigerantshttps://sftool.gov › explore › green-building › section › 44 › hvac › resources-impact -
Operational Carbon - GSA Sustainable Facilities Tool
...through greater efficiency and conservation. Use energy audits to identify facility-specific...Systems Energy Storage/Batteries Domestic Water Heating Systems Key Strategies forhttps://sftool.gov › learn › about › 659 › operational-carbon -
Resources / Case Studies > Water - GSA Sustainable Facilities Tool
...Water Lighting HVAC IEQ Solid Waste Planted Roof Submetering System Overview...Case Studies Share Resources EPA | Water-Efficient Landscaping: Preventing Pollutionhttps://sftool.gov › explore › green-building › section › 23 › water › resources-and-case-studies -
Buildings' Water Use - GSA Sustainable Facilities Tool
Buildings' Water Use Water use in commercial and institutional facilities, such...publicly-supplied water use in the U.S. Source: EPA WaterSense Reduce water use withhttps://sftool.gov › learn › about › 183 › buildings-water -
Upgrades - GSA Sustainable Facilities Tool
...help identify upgrades and energy conservation measures that can enhance your building's...Cost-Effective Upgrades Learn what energy conservation measures could be most cost-effective...help identify upgrades and energy conservation measures that can enhance your building'shttps://sftool.gov › plan › upgrades -
Saving Water in CI facilities
CI, Water Savings...Saving Water in CI facilities Overview of WaterSense Resources ISWG Workgroup...13693 Section 3(f) requirements for water Requirements extend targets from EOhttps://sftool.gov › Content › attachments › Iswg › iswg-case-studies › Overview of WaterSense Resources.pdf -
Saving Water in CI facilities
CI, Water Savings...Saving Water in CI facilities Overview of WaterSense Resources ISWG Workgroup...13693 Section 3(f) requirements for water Requirements extend targets from EOhttps://sftool.gov › Content › attachments › Iswg › iswg-tools › Overview of WaterSense Resources.pdf -
Space Reconfiguration, Renovation, and Construction - GSA Sustainable Facilities Tool
...identify potential upgrades and energy conservation measures. Cost-Effective Upgrades...identify areas of concern such as air and water infiltration Optimize energy performancehttps://sftool.gov › plan › 265 › space-reconfiguration-renovation-construction -
Building Certification Standards Crosswalk - GSA Sustainable Facilities Tool
Design Materials Materials Resilience Water GP 1.1. Employ Integrated Design Principles:...and Conserve Water: Indoor Water Use GP 3.2. Protect and Conserve Water: Waterhttps://sftool.gov › learn › GRScrosswalk -
FBI Energy and Water Steering Committee Meeting FY21 Q2
Energy and Water Steering Committee Meeting FY21 Q2 FBI Energy and Water Conservation...established a small set-aside for energy and water efficiency projects within its ownhttps://sftool.gov › Content › attachments › Iswg › iswg-case-studies › FEWCIP Huxley and Koprowski ISWG 4.15.21.pdf -
Sample Green Contract Language for Landscaping Services
...increase recycling; Reduce energy and water use; Increase use of alternative...historic and cultural resources; Conserve natural resources by reducing whathttps://sftool.gov › attachment › downloadattachmentpdf › 21634?description=Navy Example 01-2017.pdf -
Financial > HVAC - GSA Sustainable Facilities Tool
HVAC Lighting Water IEQ Solid Waste Planted Roof Submetering System Overview...Moderate conservation measures could save the government over 40% on water and sewagehttps://sftool.gov › explore › green-building › section › 46 › hvac › financial-impact -
Submetering - GSA Sustainable Facilities Tool
System Electrical - End Use Device Gas Water Select a Meter Type What do you want...effective for improving energy conservation and may lead to more persistenthttps://sftool.gov › plan › submetering › electrical-circuit -
Submetering - GSA Sustainable Facilities Tool
System Electrical - End Use Device Gas Water Select a Meter Type What do you want...effective for improving energy conservation and may lead to more persistenthttps://sftool.gov › plan › submetering › electrical---end-device -
Submetering - GSA Sustainable Facilities Tool
System Electrical - End Use Device Gas Water Select a Meter Type What do you want...effective for improving energy conservation and may lead to more persistenthttps://sftool.gov › plan › submetering › electrical-system -
Submetering - GSA Sustainable Facilities Tool
System Electrical - End Use Device Gas Water Select a Meter Type What do you want...effective for improving energy conservation and may lead to more persistenthttps://sftool.gov › plan › submetering › water
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