Gallons per Cycle (gpc)
Gallons per cycle (gpc) references the amount of water used in a controlled period of flow (the “cycle”) of a fixture such as faucets and washing machines. The cycle can be controlled by either an electronic or mechanical device. The cycle is calculated using the flow rate in gallons per minute (gpm) and the duration setting (in seconds). For example, in a metered (timed) faucet, a flow of 0.5 gallons per minute for 30 seconds would be 0.25 gpc.
Procure Products
in the Green Procurement Compilation36 Results : gpc
Green Globes Basic Presentation
Includes Federal GPC...Compliance Guiding Principles Compliance (GPC) for New Construction & Existing Buildings...Overview  Guiding Principles Compliance (GPC)  Background  Assessment & Certification › Content › attachments › Iswg › iswg-tools › 14 Erin Shaffer - Principles for New and Renovation Construction.pdf -
Green Procurement Compilation - About - GSA Sustainable Facilities Tool
Learn what GPC is, how to navigate our products and services, and review our...under each purchasing program. Download GPC Data ExcelCSVText 2. How does the Green › greenprocurement › about -
Green Procurement - GSA PBS Requirements - GSA Sustainable Facilities Tool
The Green Procurement Compilation (GPC) is a comprehensive green purchasing...Sustainability and Climate Risk Management The GPC is a comprehensive green purchasing › greenprocurement › pbs -
Green Procurement - DOE Requirements - GSA Sustainable Facilities Tool
The Green Procurement Compilation (GPC) is a comprehensive green purchasing...Sustainability and Climate Risk Management The GPC is a comprehensive green purchasing › greenprocurement › doe -
Green Procurement - DOD Requirements - GSA Sustainable Facilities Tool
The Green Procurement Compilation (GPC) is a comprehensive green purchasing...Sustainability and Climate Risk Management The GPC is a comprehensive green purchasing › greenprocurement › dod -
Green Procurement Compilation - GSA Sustainable Facilities Tool
The Green Procurement Compilation (GPC) is a comprehensive green purchasing...Sustainability and Climate Risk Management The GPC is a comprehensive green purchasing › greenprocurement › federal -
Green Procurement Compilation - GSA Sustainable Facilities Tool
The Green Procurement Compilation (GPC) is a comprehensive green purchasing...Sustainability and Climate Risk Management The GPC is a comprehensive green purchasing › greenprocurement › -
Building Water Use - GSA Sustainable Facilities Tool
...washers. Gallons per Cycle (gpc) Gallons per cycle (gpc) references the amount of...minute for 30 seconds would be 0.25 gpc. Gallons per flush (gpf) Gallons per › learn › about › 45 › building-water -
Guide What is the GPC? The Green Procurement Compilation (GPC) helps federal buyers...environmental or energy attributes. The GPC consolidates and organizes information › GpcDownload › GpcProductsByServiceXlsx › 3 -
Contact Information - GSA Sustainable Facilities Tool
Procurement Compilation (GPC) maintains a separate mailing list for GPC updates. To with the subject GPC Subscribe. › home › contact -
DOE FY 2011 Sustainable Acquisition Priority Products and Attributes
...has a Green Procurement Compilation (GPC) tool[footnoteRef:3] to facilitate recycled content), see the GPC ( › Content › attachments › DOE-GreenBuyAwdGuide-FY2023.docx -
U.S. Department of Energy GreenBuy Award Program - Fiscal Year 2024
...has a Green Procurement Compilation (GPC) tool 2to facilitate the recycled content), see the GPC ( › Content › attachments › SA-DOE-GreenBuyAwdGuide-FY2024.pdf -
Green Procurement - Workspaces - GSA Sustainable Facilities Tool
The Green Procurement Compilation (GPC) is a comprehensive green purchasing › greenprocurement › workspaces -
MaterialDetails - GSA Sustainable Facilities Tool
...nonmetered and 0.125 gallons per cycle (gpc) for metered. Most manufactures make › material › 2158 › high-efficiency-faucet -
Green Procurement - Laundry Services - GSA Sustainable Facilities Tool
...purchasing programs: View Related GPC Products GPC product information related to › greenprocurement › green-services › 8 › laundry-services -
Building Operations and Maintenance Services - GSA Sustainable Facilities Tool
Use the Green Procurement Compilation (GPC) to identify applicable federal sustainable...use the Green Procurement Compilation (GPC) for guidance on procuring IPM services › plan › 268 › building-operations-maintenance-services -
Green Procurement - Fleet Maintenance - GSA Sustainable Facilities Tool
...purchasing programs: View Related GPC Products GPC product information related to › greenprocurement › green-services › 6 › fleet-maintenance -
MaterialDetails - GSA Sustainable Facilities Tool
...pre-defined volume of water (0.25 to 0.125 gpc - gallons per cycle). Electronic faucets › material › 2030 › metering-sensor-operated -
Water Consumption - GSA Sustainable Facilities Tool
WaterSense View WaterSense products on the GPC Share Did You Know? Check out our helpful › learn › about › 182 › water-consumption -
PowerPoint Presentation
PRINCIPLES COMPLIANCE/ISWG| 5 GREEN GLOBES & GPC TIMELINE 2004: Green Globes brought...Principles Compliance (GPC program) 2016: GBI launches revised GPC program; DoD/UFC-specific › Content › attachments › Iswg › iswg-tools › 3 - GBI ISWG 2019- FINAL JMH.pdf
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