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Water Conservation

Over 400 billion gallons of water are used every day in the United States. Demand is increasing even though usable supply is decreasing. Civilian agencies in the federal government use 47 billion gallons of water per year, the equivalent of more than 70,000 Olympic-size swimming pools. These agencies could save 7.8–12.3 billion gallons (17–26%) annually just by using simple “off the shelf” water conservation measures, including replacing existing toilets, faucets, and showerheads with more efficient versions.

GSA | Indoor Water Conservationopens in new window

DOE | Developing a Water Management Planopens in new window

DOE | Guidance for the Implementation and Follow-up of Identified Energy and Water Efficiencyopens in new window

DOE | Measures in Covered Facilitiesopens in new window

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132 Results : water conservation

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