Renewable Energy
Renewable energy comes from sources that are either inexhaustible or can be replaced very rapidly through natural processes. Examples include the sun, wind, geothermal energy, small (river-turbine) hydropower, and other hydrokinetic energy (waves and tides). Using renewable energy reduces a building's carbon footprint. There are various options for providing renewable energy to buildings, the most common being solar photovoltaic (PV) panels. Buildings can also purchase renewable energy from offsite sources.
Procure Products
in the Green Procurement Compilation150 Results : renewable energy
Building Energy Storage - GSA Sustainable Facilities Tool
Building Energy Storage Introduction As the electric grid evolves from a one-way...numerous distributed energy generation sources including renewable and other carbon › learn › about › 649 › building-energy-storage -
Net Zero Energy Building Examples - GSA Sustainable Facilities Tool
Overview Net Zero Energy Building Transformation to Net Zero Energy Buildings Net...Net Zero Energy Building Examples Additional Resources Net Zero Energy Building › plan › 422 › net-energy-building-examples -
Transformation to Net Zero Energy Buildings - GSA Sustainable Facilities Tool
Overview Net Zero Energy Building Transformation to Net Zero Energy Buildings Net...Net Zero Energy Building Examples Additional Resources Transformation to Net Zero › plan › 421 › transformation-net-energy-buildings -
Building Energy Use - GSA Sustainable Facilities Tool
Building Energy Use Buildings and facilities rely on mechanical systems and...operations consume approximately 40% of the energy and 74% of the electricity produced › learn › about › 44 › building-energy -
Net Zero Energy Building - GSA Sustainable Facilities Tool
Overview Net Zero Energy Building Transformation to Net Zero Energy Buildings Net...Net Zero Energy Building Examples Additional Resources Net Zero Energy Building › plan › 420 › net-energy-building -
Operational Carbon - GSA Sustainable Facilities Tool
Strategies Operational Carbon Components Energy Efficiency Carbon Pollution-Free Electricity...Resources Acknowledgements Because energy generation, delivery, management and › learn › about › 659 › operational-carbon -
Department of Energy Performance Contracts
Department of Energy Performance Contracts 1U.S. DEPARTMENT OF ENERGY Cutting Edge...DEPARTMENT OF ENERGY NREL Net Zero Goals National Renewable Energy Laboratory NREL › Content › attachments › Iswg › iswg-case-studies › NREl Cutting Edge Case Studies_Michael Mungal.pdf -
Building Decarbonization - GSA Sustainable Facilities Tool
...strategies that include energy efficiency, the use of renewable energy and other operational...Forum As the movement to minimize energy use and GHG emissions has gained support › learn › about › 657 › building-decarbonization -
Furniture, Fixtures, and Equipment - GSA Sustainable Facilities Tool
Furniture Follow federal environmental and energy guidelines for product and service...Fixtures Follow federal environmental and energy guidelines for product and service › plan › 264 › furniture-fixtures-equipment -
Space Reconfiguration, Renovation, and Construction - GSA Sustainable Facilities Tool identify potential upgrades and energy conservation measures. Cost-Effective...Construction Follow federal environmental and energy guidelines for product and service › plan › 265 › space-reconfiguration-renovation-construction -
Embodied Carbon - GSA Sustainable Facilities Tool
...such as energy efficiency upgrades and the use of renewable energy sources,...of strategies that go well beyond energy and procurement. Adaptive reuse of › learn › about › 658 › embodied-carbon -
Green Building Certification Systems - GSA Sustainable Facilities Tool
...aspect of a building such as water or energy, while others are multi-attribute addressing...performance in addition to water and energy. While the philosophy, approach, and › learn › about › 668 › green-building-certification-systems -
Plug Load Nuggets - GSA Sustainable Facilities Tool
Loads: The Overlooked Energy Hog Plug loads refer to energy used by equipment that...share of overall building energy use is higher in energy efficient buildings. In › learn › about › 683 › plug-load-nuggets -
Electric Vehicles and Electric Vehicle Supply Equipment - GSA Sustainable Facilities Tool
...(GHG) emissions -- equivalent to the energy use in 424,503 homes for one year or...making, and help fleet, building, and energy managers select an appropriate course › learn › about › 666 › electric-vehicles-electric-vehicle-supply-equipment -
Net Zero Labs Pilot
DOE  Jun 2021: Asst Secretary of Energy issues charge letter to the pilot labs...among the largest and most complex energy users in the Govt We are up for the › Content › attachments › Iswg › iswg-case-studies › 2 - NZL_ISWG_Briefing_01242023.pdf -
Executive Summary_GSa Net Zero Energy Study_02162024.pdf
GSA Net Zero Energy Study | VIII Executive Summary BACKGROUND & METHODOLOGY...METHODOLOGY This report summarizes an energy modeling and life cycle cost analysis (LCCA) › Content › attachments › Executive Summary_GSa Net Zero Energy Study_02162024.pdf -
SFTool Guiding Principles Checklist Updated 12-19-24.xlsx
Identify team members and roles. Ensure energy, water, materials, indoor defined per Section 432 of the Energy Independence and Security Act of 2007 › Content › attachments › SFTool Guiding Principles Checklist Updated 12-19-24.xlsx -
PowerPoint Presentation
Presentation Advancing Place-based Clean Energy Transitions Chris Castro Chief of Staff...Department of Energy ISWG Meeting May 18th, 2023 U.S. DEPARTMENT OF ENERGY OFFICE OF › Content › attachments › Iswg › iswg-tools › SCEp Overview_ISWG_May2023.pdf -
System Bundling > Submetering - GSA Sustainable Facilities Tool
...centralized building automation and energy management systems....related programs simultaneously, like energy efficiency and occupant comfort. Building...centralized building automation and energy management systems. These systems include › explore › green-building › section › 89 › submetering › system-bundling -
PowerPoint Presentation
Building Meet or exceed federal energy and water conservation goals and incorporate...SITES Silver Net Zero Energy USGBC Net Zero Energy Certification All-Electric › Content › attachments › Iswg › iswg-case-studies › Sielcken Denver Fed Ctr - ISWg 3-16-23 .pdf
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