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in the Green Procurement Compilation309 Results : efficiency
MaterialDetails - GSA Sustainable Facilities Tool
Description Fluorescent lights are more efficient and last longer than incandescent...are replaced in the market by more efficient LED alternatives that last longer › material › 2175 › fluorescent-including-cfl -
MaterialDetails - GSA Sustainable Facilities Tool
...foods. Units with doors are more efficient than those that are open to the patron...units should be LED for maximum efficiency, and should be able to be turned › material › 2129 › reach-refrigeration -
Indoor Environmental Quality (IEQ) - GSA Sustainable Facilities Tool
...spaces prior to occupancy. Use energy efficient or variable drive fans for enhanced...quality, thermal comfort, and energy efficiency. Binder Binders are used › learn › about › 1 › indoor-environmental-quality-ieq -
Green Procurement - Federal Requirements - Commercial Gas Water Heaters - GSA Sustainable Facilities Tool
...them money over the long term. An efficient product is cost effective when the...upfront cost (if any) of the more efficient model. Energy Star considers both › greenprocurement › green-products › 24 › hvacmechanical › 108 › commercial-gas-water-heaters › 0 -
Green Building Certification Systems - GSA Sustainable Facilities Tool
...environmentally responsible and resource-efficient throughout a building's life-cycle...buildings. It will recognize energy-efficient, low-carbon buildings, and will encourage › learn › about › 668 › green-building-certification-systems -
Green Procurement - Meeting & Conference Services - GSA Sustainable Facilities Tool
Select accommodations that allow for efficient transportation routes (walking paths...hybrid, alternative fuel, or highly efficient gas vehicles. Use SmartWay Transport › greenprocurement › green-services › 10 › meeting-conference-services -
MaterialDetails - GSA Sustainable Facilities Tool
...lights have become the most energy efficient and most life cycle cost effective...purchases that will maximize lamp efficiency while maintaining low mercury content › material › 2176 › led -
Water Consumption - GSA Sustainable Facilities Tool
...products meet EPA criteria for water-efficiency and performance by following testing...certified to be at least 20% more efficient without sacrificing performance. › learn › about › 182 › water-consumption -
Green Procurement - Federal Requirements - Commercial Refrigerators - GSA Sustainable Facilities Tool
...them money over the long term. An efficient product is cost effective when the...upfront cost (if any) of the more efficient model. Energy Star considers both › greenprocurement › green-products › 21 › appliances › 51 › commercial-refrigerators › 0 -
Financial > Submetering - GSA Sustainable Facilities Tool
...optimized performance and energy efficiency. Purposeful and carefully planned...overall resource consumption through efficiencies gained by submeters can provide › explore › green-building › section › 94 › submetering › financial-impact -
Green Procurement - Federal Requirements - Commercial Laboratory Grade Refrigerator and Freezer - GSA Sustainable Facilities Tool
...them money over the long term. An efficient product is cost effective when the...upfront cost (if any) of the more efficient model. Energy Star considers both › greenprocurement › green-products › 21 › appliances › 1753 › laboratory-grade-refrigerator-freezer › 0 -
Human Behavior > Water - GSA Sustainable Facilities Tool
...running or not correctly using water-efficient plumbing and kitchen equipment. A...reductions are realized from water efficiency retrofits. For example, occupants › explore › green-building › section › 41 › water › human-impact -
Green Procurement - Transportation Services - GSA Sustainable Facilities Tool
SmartWay rankings to look for the most efficient providers. SmartWay ranks transportation...transportation efficiency through practices like hybrid and efficient vehicles, idling › greenprocurement › green-services › 11 › transportation-services -
Materials & Resources - GSA Sustainable Facilities Tool
Department of Energy's Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy. Click the link...purchasing plan that will maximize lamp efficiency while maintaining low mercury content › learn › about › 43 › materials-resources -
Green Procurement - Federal Requirements - Commercial Dishwashers - GSA Sustainable Facilities Tool
...them money over the long term. An efficient product is cost effective when the...upfront cost (if any) of the more efficient model. Energy Star considers both › greenprocurement › green-products › 21 › appliances › 40 › commercial-dishwashers › 0 -
System Bundling > Solid Waste - GSA Sustainable Facilities Tool
...high value activities to achieve efficiencies and cost savings. Bundling activities...and your building can operate more efficiently and potentially cost less up front › explore › green-building › section › 63 › solid-waste › system-bundling -
Green Procurement - Federal Requirements - Commercial Clothes Washers - GSA Sustainable Facilities Tool
...them money over the long term. An efficient product is cost effective when the...upfront cost (if any) of the more efficient model. Energy Star considers both › greenprocurement › green-products › 21 › appliances › 1598 › commercial-clothes-washers › 0 -
Green Procurement - Federal Requirements - Wallboard/Gypsum Board/Drywall - GSA Sustainable Facilities Tool
...them money over the long term. An efficient product is cost effective when the...upfront cost (if any) of the more efficient model. Energy Star considers both › greenprocurement › green-products › 3 › building-finishes › 1735 › wallboardgypsum-boarddrywall › 0 -
Green Procurement - Federal Requirements - Commercial Hot Food Holding Cabinets - GSA Sustainable Facilities Tool
...them money over the long term. An efficient product is cost effective when the...upfront cost (if any) of the more efficient model. Energy Star considers both › greenprocurement › green-products › 21 › appliances › 46 › commercial-hot-food-holding-cabinets › 0 -
Sustainable Sites - GSA Sustainable Facilities Tool
...contributes to light pollution. Fuel Efficient Vehicle Vehicles that use less fuel...fuel efficient vehicles is the American Council for an Energy Efficient Economy › learn › about › 46 › sustainable-sites
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