Last Updated: 06/29/24 Click to see brand name products that meet these requirementsReprocessed paint is postconsumer latex paint that has been sorted by a variety of characteristics including type (i.e., interior or exterior), light and dark colors, and finish (e.g., high-gloss or flat). Reprocessed paint is available in various colors and is suitable for both interior and exterior applications.
Product Details
To the maximum extent practicable, federal agencies are required to buy sustainable products, which are products that meet the purchasing program(s) listed below.
If there is more than one program listed below, agencies are directed to prioritize multi-attribute products, which meet statutory purchasing program requirements () and one or more required Environmental Protection Agency purchasing programs.
Review our frequently asked questions for more information.
Product Type
Procurement Info
Where to Buy
Consolidated Latex Paint |
Reprocessed Latex Paint -- Dark Colors |
Reprocessed Latex Paint -- White, Off-White, and Pastel Colors |
Interior Paints and Coatings -- Latex |
Interior Paints and Coatings -- Water-borne Alkyd |
Interior Paints and Coatings -- Oil-Based |
Interior Paints and Coatings -- Solvent-borne Alkyd |
Exterior Paint and Coatings |
Legal Requirements Lists federal requirements related to the purchase of this item, including applicable Federal Acquisition Regulation (FAR) requirements
Life Cycle Cost Savings
Life Cycle Costing (LCC) aims to quantify the financial impact of a product over its entire life cycle to assist consumers in making decisions that will save them money over the long term.
An efficient product is cost effective when the energy costs saved over the life of the product exceed the additional upfront cost (if any) of the more efficient model. Energy Star considers both upfront costs and lifetime energy cost savings when setting required efficiency levels. Federal purchasers can assume that Energy Star-qualified products are life-cycle cost effective.
To calculate life cycle cost savings, explore these tools:
- NIST’s BEES Online v2.0 offers detailed environmental lifecycle analyses. Life cycle costing is available as an option. It is recommended that users have some experience with life cycle analysis in order to answer the tool’s questions.
Guiding Principles
Contributes to meeting The Guiding Principles for Sustainable Federal Buildings
Additional Guidance
For paint, particularly if the building is located in an air non-attainment area or if there are concerns about indoor air quality, look for paints with no or low levels of volatile organic compounds (VOCs).
Federal Programs
Some types of paints are also covered by EPA's Significant New Alternatives Policy (SNAP) program, which identifies acceptable substitutes for ozone-depleting substances in products.
According to BioPreferred, interior paints and coatings are pigmented liquids, formulated for use indoors, that dry to form a film and provide protection and added color to the objects or surfaces to which they are applied. BioPreferred maintains an electronic product catalog listing products that either (1) are eligible for preferred federal procurement, or (2) have earned the USDA Certified Biobased Product Label.
Guiding Principles for Sustainable Federal Buildings
For products such as paints, the applicable Guiding Principle for High Performance and Sustainable Buildings depends on what characteristics are included in the product. If it has recycled or biobased content it would be GP 5, if it is low-emitting it would be GP 4, if it's both, it would be included in both. "Low emitting" would be any product that has a low emissions or low VOC standard.
Indoor Air Quality/VOC Emissions
For products such as paints, review the California Department of Public Health (CDPH) Standard Method for the Testing and Evaluation of Volatile Organic Chemical Emissions from Indoor Sources Using Environmental Chambers, Version 1.1-2010. (This is the VOC emission testing method for California Specification 01350.