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Light Emitting Diode (LED) lights have become the most energy efficient and most life cycle cost effective lighting option on the market today. The combination of falling prices and longer useful life have made them cost competitive with fluorescents and other conventional sources (metal halide, halogen, etc.) in every application when comparing life cycle costs. Be sure to select products from the Design Lights Consortium (DLC) Qualified Products List to ensure the product delivers the expected performance.


O+M Tips

  • Develop a lamp purchasing plan for future lamp purchases that will maximize lamp efficiency while maintaining low mercury content.

For alignment with LEED Standards

  • Lighting Lifetime: For at least 75% of the lighting load, use light sources that have a rated life (or L70 for LED sources) of at least 24,000 hours (at 3-hour per start, if applicable).
    • BD+C, ID+C, and O+M EQ: Interior Lighting
  • Mercury: Implement a lighting plan for the building and site that specifies an overall building average of 70 picograms of mercury per lumen-hour or less for lamps purchased.
    • O+M MR: Purchasing - Lamps