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Guiding Principles for Sustainable Federal Buildings

Total Workplace Scorecard

Looking for GSA's Total Workplace Scorecard for compliance with the Guiding Principles?

View Section 2 (Health, Comfort, and Performance)

Guiding Principles Checklist

Demonstrate that a new construction or modernization project meets the intent of the Guiding Principles


Congress has enacted a range of statutory provisions relating to high-performance sustainable buildings, as well as energy, water and environmental goals and requirements that are advanced by the implementation of sustainable Federal buildings within an agency’s portfolio. These goals are reflected in the Guiding Principles for Sustainable Federal Buildings and Associated Instructionsopens in new window, which can help agencies meet federal mandates related to sustainable building design, construction, and operation.

A 2018 GSA study found that high-performance buildings meeting the Guiding Principles save energy and water, cost less to operate, produce less waste, and have more satisfied occupants compared with typical buildings.

In 2002, a Task Force of the White House Council on Environmental Quality (CEQ), adopted sustainable buildings as one of its six priority areas and published a report, "The Federal Commitment to Green Building: Experiences and Expectations". The Guiding Principles for Sustainable Federal Buildings (Guiding Principles) were established in 2006 in a Memorandum of Understanding signed by Federal agencies at the White House. CEQ subsequently issued the Guiding Principles and associated instructions in 2008. The Guiding Principles as well as the associated instructions were then updated in 2016 and most recently in 2020.

Decorative image of the six Guiding Principles

Getting StartedCopy Link to clipboard

The Guiding Principles for Sustainable Federal Buildings and Associated Instructions issued in December 2020 consist of a base document with six appendices. The following steps are recommended to help you navigate this guidance:

Sustainable Federal Building Requirements and Certification StandardsCopy Link to clipboard

Visit SFTool's Green Building Certification Systems page to learn about the benefits of using certification systems and the requirements for federal agencies that choose to use them. GSA has also developed resources for how certification systems can help agencies meet the Guiding Principles and how credits may align with various statutory and regulatory requirements.

GSA Total Workplace ScorecardCopy Link to clipboard

In Appendix B - Checklist for Existing Buildings, Guiding Principle Criteria 4.9 (Occupant Health and Wellness) provides agencies with the option to demonstrate that they have met the criteria by completing Section 2 of GSA’s Total Workplace Scorecard. The section consists of 74 multiple choice questions, including extra credit, with instructions and resources.

You can complete the scorecard on SFTool - just select the Section 2 template.

Click image below to start a scorecard
Screenshot of the Total Workplace Scorecard

Learn more about Choosing Health-Enhancing Strategies.

Full DocumentsCopy Link to clipboard

Guiding Principles for Sustainable Federal Buildings and Associated Instructionsopens in new window

Appendix A: Assessing a Building Using the Guiding Principles Federal Criteria Checklist for New Construction and Modernization (NC&M)opens in new window

Appendix B: Assessing a Building Using the Guiding Principles Federal Criteria Checklist for Existing Buildings (EB)opens in new window

Appendix C: Assessing a New Construction, Modernization, Major Renovation or Existing Building Using Third-Party Building Certification Systemsopens in new window

Appendix D: Assessing a Building Using the Guiding Principles for Sustainable Federal Buildings Reassessment Criteria Checklistopens in new window

Appendix E: Sustainable Buildings Reporting Instructionsopens in new window

Appendix F: Definitionsopens in new window

ResourcesCopy Link to clipboard

Life Cycle Cost ResourcesCopy Link to clipboard
Checklist ResourcesCopy Link to clipboard

These resources for New Construction and Existing Buildings are referenced and linked throughout the Guiding Principles for Sustainable Federal Buildings and Associated Instructions (December 2020).

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Guiding Principles for Sustainable Federal Buildings

The Guiding Principles for Sustainable Federal Buildings and Associated Instructions are a set of sustainable principles for integrated design, energy performance, water conservation, indoor environmental quality, materials, and resilience aimed at helping Federal agencies and organizations:

  • Reduce the total ownership cost of facilities
  • Improve energy efficiency and water conservation
  • Provide safe, healthy, and productive built environments
  • Promote sustainable environmental stewardship

Guiding Principles for Sustainable Federal Buildings and Associated Instructions