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Sustainability Program Development

Sustainability Programs incorporate all building stakeholders into the design process, promoting awareness, goal development, implementation, acceptance, and effectiveness of facility sustainability efforts.

Implementation of sustainability programs can be challenging, especially when starting from scratch. Institutional changeopens in new window may be necessary to begin a program, or to help define an existing program’s scope and effectiveness. The U.S. Department of Energy details the change process hereopens in new window. Steps include goal determination, tools to achieve the goals, action plan development, plan implementation, and evaluation of results. Several case studiesopens in new window shed light on action plans and energy savings that can be accomplished through energy management systems. See the Green Teams page to learn how to establish a team.

Any sustainability program should begin with consideration of its most critical component: the people in the building. From there, building operators, contractors, and other staff can be involved to introduce best-management practices consistent with industry standards. Take a look at the integrative design process for guidance on developing sustainability-related programs. Development of sustainability programs in a facility is crucial to acceptance of energy management techniquesopens in new window implemented through an Energy Management System. For example, programs could include the following:

These programs benefit all parties involved, from reduced operating costs to improved tenant satisfaction, while furthering environmental sustainability.

Related Topics

Building Performance

Building performance can be measured against various environmental and economic attributes. A key to evaluating building performance is establishing a common set of measurements to be used. Sustainable building standards often consider environmental performance in categories including, energy, water, indoor environmental quality, materials use, waste management, as well as economic performance, such as life-cycle costs.

Guiding Principles for Sustainable Federal Buildingsopens in new window

TechStreet.com | ASHRAE’s Performance Measurement Protocolsnon government site opens in new window

Energy Management Systems (EnMS)

Energy Management Systems are a set of business processes that enable facility managers to act on energy usage data and optimize efficiency while identifying areas for improvement. No matter how large or small your organization, implementing a structured energy management system can be a key step to:

  • Cutting operational costs
  • Achieving continual operational improvement
  • Improving risk management
  • Staying competitive in the marketplace 

For more, see Energy Management Systems and DOE's 50001 Ready Programopens in new window.

Energy Performance

Assessing a building’s energy performance involves comparing its energy use to that of peers or a standard. The ENERGY STAR program provides recognized benchmarks for assessing a building’s energy performance.


Sustainability and sustainable mean to create and maintain conditions, under which humans and nature can exist inproductive harmony, that permit fulfilling the social, economic,and other requirements of present and future generations.

Sustainability Program Development

Sustainability Programs incorporate all building stakeholders into the green design process, promoting awareness, goal development, implementation, acceptance, and effectiveness of facility sustainability efforts.

Did You Know?

Recycling a single plastic bottle can conserve enough energy to light a 60-watt bulb for up to 6 hours.

Source: Bureau of International Recycling

Case Study

Occupant Comfort

Operable Windows

Comfortable workers are more likely to be productive and engaged with their work than those who struggle to work in spaces that create barriers and stresses. With an ever increasing number of environmental issues to be mindful of when designing spaces, GSA is developing practices that support both sustainability and worker comfort.

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