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Agency Specific Procurement

Recycling Checklist

Consider recycling during both initial procurement and final disposal. Continue reading: Recycling Checklist

DOE GreenSpace Award

The U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) GreenSpace Award focuses on greening an entire space by addressing the purchase of more sustainable equipment, materials, and products in that space. Sustainable equipment, materials, and products are identified in the DOE Priority Products List. Continue reading: DOE GreenSpace Award

Did You Know?

Plug loads can average approximately 30% of electricity use in office settings, much of which can be attributed to parasitic loads (power draw of a plug-load that is not performing useful work). Source: Plug Load Research Review Summaryopens in new window; GSA Office of Federal High-Performance Green Buildings (2013).. Reduce your plug load costs with SFTool  

Case Study

Spatial Equity

Open Workspaces

Organizations today are less hierarchical and work is more team based, more mobile, and more cross functional. A key to spatial equity is that space layout and workstation standards are based on new ways of working and specific work tasks and business needs rather than organizational hierarchy.

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