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139 Results : reuse

  • MaterialDetails - GSA Sustainable Facilities Tool

    ...like Habitat for Humanity that will reuse them. To recycle contact the manufacturer
    https://sftool.gov › material › 2054 › entrance-mats
  • MaterialDetails - GSA Sustainable Facilities Tool

    ...like Habitat for Humanity that will reuse them. To recycle old furniture contact
    https://sftool.gov › material › 2044 › desk
  • MaterialDetails - GSA Sustainable Facilities Tool

    ...like Habitat for Humanity that will reuse them. To recycle old furniture contact
    https://sftool.gov › material › 2045 › casework-millwork
  • MaterialDetails - GSA Sustainable Facilities Tool

    ...certified wood products, materials reuse, recycled content, or other USGBC approved
    https://sftool.gov › material › 1969 › bamboo
  • PowerPoint Presentation

    William J. Worthen Foundation - Water Reuse Practice Guide - https://www.collaborativedesign...collaborativedesign.org/water-reuse-practice-guide/ Onsite non-potable reuse guide covers
    https://sftool.gov › Content › attachments › Iswg › iswg-case-studies › WaterSense Update 5-17-18 final.pdf
  • MaterialDetails - GSA Sustainable Facilities Tool

    ...like Habitat for Humanity that will reuse them. To recycle old furniture contact
    https://sftool.gov › material › 2046 › composite-wood-furniture
  • MaterialDetails - GSA Sustainable Facilities Tool

    ...like Habitat for Humanity that will reuse them. To recycle old doors visit Earth911
    https://sftool.gov › material › 2017 › composite-wood
  • MaterialDetails - GSA Sustainable Facilities Tool

    ...like Habitat for Humanity that will reuse them Some local recycling facilities
    https://sftool.gov › material › 1964 › wood-flooring
  • water_implementing_instructions.pdf

    ........................ 11 6.0 Water Reuse and Alternative Water Sources .......Showing Where Water Derived from Water Reuse or Alternative Water Sources Can be
    https://sftool.gov › Content › attachments › water_implementing_instructions.pdf
  • Saving Water in CI facilities

    Water Use 2% per year Implement Water Reuse to reduce potable water consumption... Purchased reclaimed water Water reuse 4.1 Water uses covered by the EO
    https://sftool.gov › Content › attachments › 12 KatyHatcher VeronicaBlette - EO 13514 water guidance.pdf
  • PowerPoint Presentation

    Federal building is operated to reduce, reuse, recycle, compost, or recover solid...zero waste Federal campus reduces, reuses, recycles/composts, and recovers solid
    https://sftool.gov › Content › attachments › Iswg › iswg-policies-strategies › ISWG_Net Zero Overview_10-05-17.pdf
  • 8 Kristine Kingery - Army Net Zero Initiative.pdf

    ...water more efficiently; recycle and reuse water, shifting from potable water...WATER Reduction Efficiency Recycle Reuse Recharge Holistic Approach Includes:
    https://sftool.gov › Content › attachments › Iswg › iswg-case-studies › 8 Kristine Kingery - Army Net Zero Initiative.pdf
  • 8 Kristine Kingery - Army Net Zero Initiative.pdf

    ...water more efficiently; recycle and reuse water, shifting from potable water...WATER Reduction Efficiency Recycle Reuse Recharge Holistic Approach Includes:
    https://sftool.gov › Content › attachments › Iswg › iswg-policies-strategies › 8 Kristine Kingery - Army Net Zero Initiative.pdf
  • Green Teams - GSA Sustainable Facilities Tool

    ...have a Good On the Other Side pile for reuse Set your computer screen settings to...Case Studies Waste Reduction Reduce, reuse, recycle waste Institute a recycling
    https://sftool.gov › plan › 408 › green-teams
  • Facility Manager > User Guides - GSA Sustainable Facilities Tool

    Solid Waste Management plan to reduce, reuse, and recycle Explore resources for
    https://sftool.gov › green-guidance › for › 1 › facility-manager
  • Green Procurement - Electronic Equipment Leasing - GSA Sustainable Facilities Tool

    ...arrange for packaging taken back for reuse. Require contractors to provide Material...guidelines. Require leased equipment to be reused, donated, sold, or recycled using environmentally
    https://sftool.gov › greenprocurement › green-services › 5 › electronic-equipment-leasing
  • Human Behavior > Water - GSA Sustainable Facilities Tool

    ...harvesting systems will ensure proper water reuse without exposing humans to potentially
    https://sftool.gov › explore › green-building › section › 41 › water › human-impact
  • System Bundling > Planted Roof - GSA Sustainable Facilities Tool

    ... Solar Water Heating System, Water Reuse and Recycling While reflective roofs
    https://sftool.gov › explore › green-building › section › 79 › planted-roof › system-bundling
  • Furniture, Fixtures, and Equipment - GSA Sustainable Facilities Tool

    ...plastic or foam wrapping Consider reused or refurbished furniture whenever possible
    https://sftool.gov › plan › 264 › furniture-fixtures-equipment
  • PowerPoint Presentation

    Decentralized Wastewater Treatment for Water Reuse and Improved Energy Efficiency Reduce...KS via decentralized treatment and reuse of wastewater captured from sewer lines
    https://sftool.gov › Content › attachments › Iswg › iswg-tools › Net Zero Partnerships.pdf

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