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in the Green Procurement Compilation

141 Results : occupant control

  • Submetering - GSA Sustainable Facilities Tool

    ...circuits. Circuit submeters enable occupant energy-use behavioral awareness, improved...building occupants in graphical form Data visualization allows occupants to interact
    https://sftool.gov › plan › submetering › electrical-system
  • Submetering - GSA Sustainable Facilities Tool

    ...circuits. Circuit submeters enable occupant energy-use behavioral awareness, improved...building occupants in graphical form Data visualization allows occupants to interact
    https://sftool.gov › plan › submetering › electrical---end-device
  • Submetering - GSA Sustainable Facilities Tool

    ...circuits. Circuit submeters enable occupant energy-use behavioral awareness, improved...building occupants in graphical form Data visualization allows occupants to interact
    https://sftool.gov › plan › submetering › water
  • Submetering - GSA Sustainable Facilities Tool

    ...circuits. Circuit submeters enable occupant energy-use behavioral awareness, improved...building occupants in graphical form Data visualization allows occupants to interact
    https://sftool.gov › plan › submetering › gas
  • Building Selection - GSA Sustainable Facilities Tool

    ...and how glare and heat gain are controlled. If there are building standards... and other desired amenities for occupant well-being. Finally, understand the
    https://sftool.gov › learn › about › 633 › building-selection
  • Building Water Use - GSA Sustainable Facilities Tool

    Evapotranspiration Controllers/Weather-Based Controllers Evapotranspiration Controllers, also...also known as weather-based controllers, use weather data to calculate evapotranspiration
    https://sftool.gov › learn › about › 45 › building-water
  • Human Behavior > IEQ - GSA Sustainable Facilities Tool

    ...be achieved and sustained if the occupants and planted roof system are working...on Humans Occupant Behavior on Indoor Environmental Quality Occupant buy-in and...hand-in-hand with the occupants. Occupant Survey IEQ occupant surveys are a cost
    https://sftool.gov › explore › green-building › section › 49 › ieq › human-impact
  • Green Teams - GSA Sustainable Facilities Tool

    Eco-Teams, these groups consist of occupants/tenants and building staff who voluntarily...voluntarily educate fellow occupants and empower their organization to adopt
    https://sftool.gov › plan › 408 › green-teams
  • Tenant Corridor - Details View - GSA Sustainable Facilities Tool

    ...careful HVAC zoning and lighting controls to save energy. To conserve materials...Lighting Lighting Use daylight sensor controls that turn off electric lighting in
    https://sftool.gov › explore › green-workspace › 81 › tenant-corridor
  • Green Procurement - Federal Requirements - Low-emissivity (low-e) Window Film - GSA Sustainable Facilities Tool

    Epoxy Systems Erosion Control Materials Erosion Control Materials Flowable Fill...Liquid Applied Solar-control Films Liquid Applied Solar-control Films Photovoltaic
    https://sftool.gov › greenprocurement › green-products › 1 › construction-materials › 1756 › low-emissivity-low-e-window-film › 0
  • System Bundling > Solid Waste - GSA Sustainable Facilities Tool

    ...on the education and training of occupants and custodial staff; the procurement...the planted roof is accessible to occupants, provide recycling containers and
    https://sftool.gov › explore › green-building › section › 63 › solid-waste › system-bundling
  • U.S. Waste and Recycling - GSA Sustainable Facilities Tool

    ...compost can also be used for erosion control. EPA | Composting at Home Guiding...support stations and the education of occupants and janitorial staff are the backbone
    https://sftool.gov › learn › about › 184 › us-waste-recycling
  • Green Procurement - Federal Requirements - Low-emissivity (low-e) Window Film - GSA Sustainable Facilities Tool

    Water Heaters Control Optimization System for Chiller Plants Control Optimization...and winter energy use and improve occupant comfort. Product Details Procurement
    https://sftool.gov › greenprocurement › green-products › 24 › hvacmechanical › 1756 › low-emissivity-low-e-window-film › 0
  • Building Heating, Ventilation, and Air Conditioning (HVAC) - GSA Sustainable Facilities Tool

    ...designed to work together to maintain occupant comfort. From residential to commercial...changing or replacing air in any space to control temperature; remove moisture, odors
    https://sftool.gov › learn › about › 571 › building-heating-ventilation-air-conditioning-hvac
  • Utah Grounds Maintenance & Snow Removal Synopsis/Solicitation (Excerpt)

    ...specifically designed to protect building occupant s' and workers' health, while at the...Contract Requirements… 5. Environmental Controls: The Contractor shall comply with
    https://sftool.gov › attachment › downloadattachmentpdf › 21680?description=Utah Ground Maintenance Snow Removal.pdf
  • Site Map - GSA Sustainable Facilities Tool

    Flexible Workplace Design Health Occupant Comfort Sense of Place Spatial Equity...Special Construction Products Traffic Control Vehicles and Vehicle Products DOE
    https://sftool.gov › home › sitemap
  • System Overview > HVAC - GSA Sustainable Facilities Tool

    ...comfort and fresh air to building occupants. HVAC systems are often the source...comfort and fresh air to building occupants. This is no small task, and as a...help ensure: Worker productivity Occupant satisfaction Personal health Lower
    https://sftool.gov › explore › green-building › section › 9 › hvac › system-overview
  • ISWG

    Lessons Learned about the Building/Occupant Interface Judith Heerwagen GSA Office...functionality Vegetative roof Daylight Occupant experience Two national labs, four
    https://sftool.gov › Content › attachments › Iswg › iswg-case-studies › 13 Judith Heerwagen - EPA Denver Demonstration Project.pdf
  • Guiding Principles for High Performance and Sustainable Federal Buildings and Associated Instructions

    ...considerations around protecting occupant health, wellness, and productivity;...investments in facilities, 4) Enhance occupant health, wellness, and productivity
    https://sftool.gov › Content › attachments › guiding_principles_for_sustainable_federal_buildings_and_associated_instructions_february_2016.pdf
  • GSA Impact Study_ISWGpost.pdf

    ...lower maintenance costs 27% higher occupant sa;sfac;on 33% fewer CO2 emissions...lower opera;onal costs 27% higher occupant sa;sfac;on 36% fewer CO2 emissions
    https://sftool.gov › Content › attachments › Iswg › iswg-case-studies › GSA Impact Study_ISWGpost.pdf

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