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  • Cafeteria & Food Services

    Includes the preparation and offering of food and beverage items, waste management, and the ongoing management of the cafeteria space.

  • Electronic Equipment Leasing

    Includes the supply, operations and maintenance, and disposal of electronic products, such as computers or imaging equipment.


  • Commercial Audio Visual Equipment

    A mains-connected product that offers Audio Amplification and/or Optical Disc Player functions.

    • Energy Star
  • Computers

    A device which performs logical operations and processes data. Computers are composed of, at a minimum: (1) a central processing unit (CPU) to perform operations; (2) user input devices such as a keyb...

    • Energy Star
    • EPEAT Ecolabel (Highest Rating Available)
    • FEMP Standby Power
  • Digital Signage

    An electronic device typically with a diagonal screen size greater than 12 inches and a pixel density less than or equal to 5,000 pixels per square inch.

    • Energy Star
  • Digital Picture Frames

    An electronic device, typically with a diagonal screen size less than 12 inches, whose primary function is to display digital images. It may also feature a programmable timer, occupancy sensor, audio,...

  • Servers

    An e<span>nterprise server</span> computer that provides services and manages networked resources for client devices (e.g., desktop computers, notebook computers, thin clients, wireless devices, PDAs,...

    • Statutory Purchasing Program Requirements:
    • Energy Star
    • Required EPA Purchasing Programs:
    • EPEAT Ecolabel (Highest Rating Available)
  • Uninterruptible Power Supplies

    Combination of convertors, switches, and energy storage devices (such as batteries) constituting a power system for maintaining continuity of load power in case of input power failure.

    • Energy Star
  • Adhesive and Mastic Removers

    Solvent products formulated for use in removing asbestos, carpet, and tile mastics as well as adhesive materials, including glue, tape, and gum, from various surface types.

    Cleaning Products
    • USDA BioPreferred® Program
    • (58% biobased content)
  • Bathroom and Spa Cleaners

    Products that are designed to clean and/or prevent deposits on surfaces found in bathrooms and spas including, but not necessarily limited to, bath tubs and spas, shower stalls, toilet bowls, shower d...

    Cleaning Products
    • Statutory Purchasing Program Requirements:
    • USDA BioPreferred® Program
    • (74% biobased content)
    • Required EPA Purchasing Programs:asteriskasterisk
    • Safer Choice
    • Ecologo/UL 2759
    • Green Seal GS-37

    • For additional information, please go to EPA Recommendationsopens in new window website.
  • Flooring: Carpet

    Floor coverings composed of woven, tufted, or knitted fiber and a backing system.

    • CPG
    • USDA BioPreferred® Program