Occupant Comfort
Workspaces should be designed and operated to support the functional and environmental needs of occupants. Design for thermal comfort should be based on ASHRAE Standard 55. Design for air quality should be based on ASHRAE 62. Occupant comfort should be assessed frequently once a building is occupied, using ASHRAE’s Performance Measurement Protocols for Commercial Buildings.
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in the Green Procurement Compilation113 Results : Occupant Comfort
Occupant Comfort - GSA Sustainable Facilities Tool
...Occupant Comfort Comfortable workers are more likely to be productive and engaged...sustainability and worker comfort. Achieving both Comfort and Sustainability: Keyhttps://sftool.gov › learn › about › 242 › occupant-comfort -
Integrative Design Process > IEQ - GSA Sustainable Facilities Tool
...designer, facility manager, owner, occupant, maintenance staff and mechanical...engineers with a goal to maximize occupant comfort and health....include appearance, visual and thermal comfort, acoustics, health, and energy efficiency...humidity and occupant control all contribute to occupant comfort and submeteringhttps://sftool.gov › explore › green-building › section › 31 › ieq › integrative-design-process -
System Overview > HVAC - GSA Sustainable Facilities Tool
...providing thermal comfort and fresh air to building occupants. HVAC systems are...providing thermal comfort and fresh air to building occupants. This is no small...improvements make striking a balance between comfort and efficiency easy, and help ensure:https://sftool.gov › explore › green-building › section › 9 › hvac › system-overview -
Space Reconfiguration, Renovation, and Construction - GSA Sustainable Facilities Tool
Structure/Envelope Material and Finishes Selection Occupant Health and Wellness Follow these sustainable...integrative design process Engage occupants and other stakeholders during thehttps://sftool.gov › plan › 265 › space-reconfiguration-renovation-construction -
Systems Thinking - GSA Sustainable Facilities Tool
...energy from lighting and improve occupant comfort, consideration should be given...how the space will be used by the occupants, the amount of daylight availablehttps://sftool.gov › plan › 250 › systems-thinking -
Transformation to Net Zero Energy Buildings - GSA Sustainable Facilities Tool
...needs for building operations? For occupant activities? The more detail you can...a range of building features and occupant activities; identify key team representativeshttps://sftool.gov › plan › 421 › transformation-net-energy-buildings -
Building Energy Use - GSA Sustainable Facilities Tool
...and controls; deliver a thermally comfortable space; and maintain a high level...indoor environmental quality for occupants. Building operations consume approximatelyhttps://sftool.gov › learn › about › 44 › building-energy -
...gov/tws Health&Comfort Total Workplace Scorecard (Health, Comfort and Performance...Date: Scorecard Evaluator: II. HEALTH, COMFORT and PERFORMANCE 2.1 Air Quality Theme:https://sftool.gov › Content › attachments › TWS_HealthComfortPerformance_2(2024).xlsx -
Human Behavior > IEQ - GSA Sustainable Facilities Tool
...be achieved and sustained if the occupants and planted roof system are working...on Humans Occupant Behavior on Indoor Environmental Quality Occupant buy-in and...hand-in-hand with the occupants. Occupant Survey IEQ occupant surveys are a costhttps://sftool.gov › explore › green-building › section › 49 › ieq › human-impact -
Health and Wellness Crosswalk - GSA Sustainable Facilities Tool
Wellness Potential Exposure and Risk to Occupants Smoking Reduction / Cessation Views... Enhance the Indoor Environment: Occupant Health and Wellness GP IV. Enhancehttps://sftool.gov › learn › crosswalk -
Biophilia and Design - GSA Sustainable Facilities Tool
...an interior “big sky†atrium, and comfortable retreats. Geographer Jay Appleton...other crafts). Results showed that occupants of windowless rooms used twice ashttps://sftool.gov › learn › about › 580 › biophilia-design -
System Overview > IEQ - GSA Sustainable Facilities Tool
...ventilation conditions along with occupants' ability to control these conditions...time indoors1 and as a result their comfort, health, and work performance rely...contribute to improved overall IEQ and occupant satisfaction. The personal abilityhttps://sftool.gov › explore › green-building › section › 30 › ieq › system-overview -
Support Area - Details View - GSA Sustainable Facilities Tool
... Use signage to educate building occupants regarding sustainably. Provide accessible... Use signage to educate building occupants regarding sustainably. Provide accessible...consistently, with pictures, to help occupants sort materials in the appropriatehttps://sftool.gov › explore › green-workspace › 87 › support-area -
Integrative Design Process > HVAC - GSA Sustainable Facilities Tool
...facilities manager, maintenance department occupant and owner as representative of the...environmental quality goals such as thermal comfort and sufficient ventilation. HVAC performance...relative humidity all contribute to occupant comfort and submetering can inform waterhttps://sftool.gov › explore › green-building › section › 10 › hvac › integrative-design-process -
Health Enhancing Strategies - GSA Sustainable Facilities Tool
...air quality affects human health, comfort and performance. Finally, add health-enhancing...Workplace Employee Survey to measure occupant satisfaction with the indoor environmenthttps://sftool.gov › learn › about › 643 › health-enhancing-strategies -
Indoor Environmental Quality (IEQ) - GSA Sustainable Facilities Tool
...conditions, and occupant control over lighting and thermal comfort. It may also...whether there is sufficient space for occupants. Building managers and operatorshttps://sftool.gov › learn › about › 1 › indoor-environmental-quality-ieq -
System Bundling > IEQ - GSA Sustainable Facilities Tool
...return on investment. For example, occupant controllability of lighting, ventilation...be bundled together. Optimize Occupant Comfort Technologies: Lighting Controlhttps://sftool.gov › explore › green-building › section › 33 › ieq › system-bundling -
System Bundling > Lighting - GSA Sustainable Facilities Tool
...like optimizing daylighting and occupant comfort. Building systems and technologies...overhead light levels while providing occupants with additional lighting optionshttps://sftool.gov › explore › green-building › section › 4 › lighting › system-bundling -
Operational Carbon - GSA Sustainable Facilities Tool
...avoid negative impacts on occupant health, comfort or job performance. Operations...(APS) with desk mounted individual occupancy sensors. Renewable energy is providedhttps://sftool.gov › learn › about › 659 › operational-carbon -
Enclosed Conference - Details View - GSA Sustainable Facilities Tool
...related GHG emissions. Incorporate occupant sensor & individual temperature &...to save energy and keep the space comfortable for groups of different sizes. Includehttps://sftool.gov › explore › green-workspace › 83 › enclosed-conference
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