Daylight Controls
Daylight controls measure the amount of daylight/ambient light in a room and adjust the electric light levels accordingly. Daylight controls should be designed with multiple zones to reflect the differing levels of ambient light entering a space. In areas closest to the window where there is a great deal of daylight in the space, the controls dim the electric light levels; and in areas farther away from the window with lower levels of daylight, the controls increase the amount of electric light in the space.
O+M Tips
- Controls needs be calibrated / commissioned on an ongoing basis to ensure proper function.
End of Life Tips
- Usually reused by future occupants.
For alignment with LEED Standards
Lighting Controls - Daylighting: Install daylight responsive controls in all regularly occupied daylight spaces within 15 feet of windows and under skylights for at least 25% of the connected lighting load.
- ID+C EA: Optimize Energy Performance