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Related Topics

Federal Requirements

Federal requirements are important considerations when starting any sustainable project. Within SFTool, these include the Guiding Principles, Executive Orders, and other guidance or regulatory documents.

Federal requirements are viewable when exploring Sustainable Workspaces and Whole Building Systems.

Green Procurement Compilation

The Green Procurement Compilation consolidates and organizes information from federal environmental purchasing programs in one place, saving you from researching multiple web sites.

Click here to view the Green Procurement Compilation

Sustainable Purchasing

Purchasing managers should create purchasing plans and programs that give preference to items containing recycled content, certified wood, and rapidly renewable materials, as well as items that are energy efficient, non-toxic, durable and locally manufactured, harvested and / or extracted.  Further, purchasing managers should prioritize vendors who promote source reduction through reusable or minimal packaging of products.

EPA | Greener Productsopens in new window

Department of Energy | Federal Laws and Requirements Searchopens in new window

Did You Know?

Plug loads can average approximately 30% of electricity use in office settings, much of which can be attributed to parasitic loads (power draw of a plug-load that is not performing useful work). Source: Plug Load Research Review Summaryopens in new window; GSA Office of Federal High-Performance Green Buildings (2013).. Reduce your plug load costs with SFTool  

Case Study

Spatial Equity

Open Workspaces

Organizations today are less hierarchical and work is more team based, more mobile, and more cross functional. A key to spatial equity is that space layout and workstation standards are based on new ways of working and specific work tasks and business needs rather than organizational hierarchy.

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