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LED Price Drop

LED prices have dropped rapidly in recent years.  They are now more lifecycle cost effective than fluorescents in every lighting application.

Source: U.S. Department of Energy, Sept 2017, SSL 2017 Suggested Research Topics Supplement, Technology and Market Contextopens in new window

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In the context of buildings, electricity is the flowing of electron-powered energy used to power machines and other devices. Traditional electricity is created in coal-fired plants. More sustainable, renewable electricity can be generated through solar panels, wind farms, and other means.


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Heating, ventilation, and air conditioning (HVAC) accounts for approximately 44% of commercial building energy use.Source: U.S. Energy Information Administration, 2012 Commercial Building Energy Surveyopens in new window. Reduce your HVAC costs with SFTool  

Case Study

Flexible Workplace Design

AWL Workstations

Today’s workplaces are often in flux. Organizations change direction or develop new services. People move to new spaces and take on new responsibilities. Teams form and re-form. The spaces themselves are transformed to meet these new needs. These changes are much easier to accommodate, when the workplace design supports flexibility.

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