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Sense of Place

What makes a workplace special? What fosters a sense of attachment, engagement and identity? These are the kinds of questions that underlie the sense of place. The workplace is increasingly seen as a “brand” that conveys not only a place, but also the mission and values of the organization. The GSA workplace program combines branding and sense of place with sustainable approaches to create special places imbued with meaning and purpose.

Achieving Both Sense of Place and Sustainability: Key Practices

  1. Make the front door special – the entrance to the workplace, including the doorway and reception area, should set the stage for the impressions created by the workplace.
  2. Use the organization’s mission and values to guide design - the workplace design should make the organization’s culture, values and business visible to all.
  3. Showcase local natural materials and artifacts – use local materials, artisans, and design expertise to create a workplace grounded in the regional ecology.
  4. Value the local environmental context -- creating a sense of place means recognizing where you are. The desert Southwest is a very different place from the rainy Northwest. The workplace should reflect this through its use of daylight, views, design motifs, and natural resources.
  5. Color matters -- People seek out and enjoy colorful artifacts and spaces. Yet many of our work environments are seas of gray and beige with little color relief. Adding color with accent walls, artifacts, and furnishings can turn a dull space into an inspired one.


  • Improved employee morale
  • Improved connection to the organization’s mission
  • Improved overall satisfaction with the workplace
  • Contributions to the local economy
  • Reduced costs of transporting materials from afar
  • Attention to regional and local resource concerns

Case Study Results: San Antonio, Public Buildings Service


The PBS office in San Antonio used a workplace renovation to create a space that would inspire confidence in its customers while also reflecting its South Texas location and a strong concern for the environment.


The design criteria included:

  • A space that addressed the changing nature of work
  • Openness and light in all areas
  • Festive colors reflecting the spirit of San Antonio
  • Water themes and patterns symbolizing the River Walk
  • Use of sustainable materials throughout

Project Checklist

  • The workplace entrance presents a welcoming image
  • The mission and work of the organization are conveyed through the design
  • Occupant survey shows that the office conveys a professional image appropriate to the organization
  • Procedures are in place to assure that design excellence is maintained throughout the life of the workplace design
  • The design uses local materials and services
  • Sustainable materials are used throughout the space
  • Public transportation is readily accessible from the workplace location
  • Navigation of the workplace is easy due to adequate views and reference points
  • A registered architect or interior designer was a primary consultant on the project
  • Color is used to provide visual interest and cultural connections to the building locale
  • Window views provide a connection to the outdoor environment and landscape.
  • Window views are available to all.

Source(s): U.S. General Services Administration,"The GSA Hallmarks of the Productive Workplace", Rev. 01/06, 1999.


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Sense of Place

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Did You Know?

Recycling a single plastic bottle can conserve enough energy to light a 60-watt bulb for up to 6 hours.

Source: Bureau of International Recycling

Case Study

Occupant Comfort

Operable Windows

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View Case Study