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IEQ and Asthma

Indoor contaminants such as dust mites, molds, cockroaches, pet dander, secondhand smoke and some chemicals can trigger asthma attacks. About one in 16 children and one in 12 adults suffer from asthma.

Source: CDC | Asthmaopens in new window

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Air Contaminants

Air contaminants are any substances in the air, particulate or gaseous, which pollute the air and make it hazardous to human health. Good indoor air quality management techniques seek to reduce the amount of contaminants in the air and protect the health of vulnerable building occupants.

Did You Know?

Recycling a single plastic bottle can conserve enough energy to light a 60-watt bulb for up to 6 hours.

Source: Bureau of International Recycling

Case Study

Occupant Comfort

Operable Windows

Comfortable workers are more likely to be productive and engaged with their work than those who struggle to work in spaces that create barriers and stresses. With an ever increasing number of environmental issues to be mindful of when designing spaces, GSA is developing practices that support both sustainability and worker comfort.

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