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Plastic Lumber Landscaping Timber and Posts

Last Updated: 06/06/24
Plastic Lumber Landscaping Timber and Posts

Landscaping timbers and posts are used as raised beds, retaining walls, and terracing. Plastic lumber landscaping timbers and posts are used in urban plazas, zoos, and outside office buildings-in fact, the National Park Service alone has more than a dozen projects planned with these recycled-content products. Timbers and posts manufactured with plastic or composite (plastic mixed with wood or fiberglass) lumber give new life to recovered wood and plastic materials such as milk jugs and plastic bags.

Product Details

To the maximum extent practicable, federal agencies are required to buy sustainable products, which are products that meet the purchasing program(s) listed below.

If there is more than one program listed below, agencies are directed to prioritize multi-attribute products, which meet statutory purchasing program requirements (asterisk) and one or more required Environmental Protection Agency purchasing programs.

Review our frequently asked questions for more information.

Procurement Info

Where to Buy

  • CPG CPG opens in new window asterisk
  • (95-100% other mixed recovered resins including 50-100% postconsumer content)
  • (100% recovered mixed plastics/sawdust including 50% postconsumer content)
  • (75-100% recovered high density polyethylene including 25-100% postconsumer content)

  • (95% recovered high density polyethylene/fiberglass including 75% postconsumer content)
Guiding Principles
Contributes to meeting The Guiding Principles for Sustainable Federal Buildings