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Advanced Power Strip (APS)

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Design Guidance

Overall Strategies

Advanced power strips (APS) save energy by controlling the power supplied to plug-in devices during unoccupied periods. Plug loads from office equipment plugged into outlets average approximately 30% of electricity use in office settings. A variety of APS technologies exist on the market that vary in complexity, control strategies, data collection abilities, and costs.

Potential barriers for APSs include: occupant acceptance, communications, lack of personnel time for analysis, and complex controls in some instances. These devices may require operations and maintenance to update controls, manage data, and troubleshoot incorrect operations and communication failures on a regular basis. It is important to engage occupants throughout plug load management activities navigate these potential barriers.

Explore SFTool's Plug Load content.

Entrance Mats

Entrance Mats located at the main doors of the building, either on the exterior or interior, trap the contaminants from foot traffic. Dust, dirt and other pollutants are walked off at the building entrance, increasing the indoor air quality within the office building. Entryway systems can be an inset grill or grate, or it can be a roll-up mat. Consider installing at least 10 foot long entryway systems along the path of travel to effectively capture dust, dirt and other pollutants. Entrance Mats can be made with recycled content and low VOC materials.

Best Practices

  • Manage plug loads by utilizing advanced power strips (APSs) and plug load control strategies applicable to the space's specific equipment and use.
  • Explore SFTool's Plug Load content to discover what you can do to limit the unnecessary energy use of plug loads.
  • Educate occupants on the importance of plug load management, and assist them in understanding the technologies and strategies being implemented.

Compare Advanced Power Strip (APS) Options

EB = Existing BuildingsNC = New Construction and Major Renovation

Federal Requirements

Guiding Principles

  • Energy Efficiency ( <span>Guiding Principles criteria 2.1</span>)
    Section: <span>Guiding Principle 2:&nbsp; Optimize Energy Performance</span>

    “Comply with all relevant statutory and regulatory requirements that establish Federal building energy efficiency standards and require the purchase, installation, and use of energy efficient products. Employ strategies that continue to optimize energy performance and minimize energy use throughout the operation and life of the building.”

    DOE FEMP | Energy- and Water-Efficient Productsopens in new window
    ENERGY STAR Portfolio Manageropens in new window
    ANSI/ASHRAE/IES Standard 90.1non government site opens in new window