Temperature Range Limits
Building occupants tend to adjust the thermostat to suit their preferences. In order to ensure that energy is not being wasted by temperatures that are too cool or too warm, building management can set the thermostat so that adjustments can only be made within a certain accepted range. By programming an allowable temperature range, users will be able to adjust the thermostat to a level which is comfortable to them, but which is still within the range of what is efficient for the facility.
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in the Green Procurement Compilation81 Results : temperature range limits
FMi Submission Review Scoring -FEMPFTS24 (For Public Comment)_0.xlsx
J.: o Read required: pressures, temperatures, control panels and other operating...boilers, ventilation, pressure, temperature, amperage, voltage, air flow, waterhttps://sftool.gov › Content › attachments › FMi Submission Review Scoring -FEMPFTS24 (For Public Comment)_0.xlsx
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