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Stormwater Management

When it rains, stormwater either infiltrates into the ground or flows directly into the storm system.  Pervious paving and landscaping allow water to be absorbed into the ground, percolating through natural filters and into aquifers.  Impervious surfaces, such as sidewalks and roofs, force storm water to flow directly into the storm drain.  This can lead to combined sewer overflow during times of significant rainfall.  Additionally, excess storm water may collect contaminants prior to entering the storm drain, and depending on the location, may drain into natural waterways without being treated.

The Energy Independence and Security Act of 2007 (§438) requires federal agencies to maintain the pre-development hydrology of the property with regard to the temperature, rate, volume, and duration of flow, to the maximum extent technically feasible. See EPA's 2009 technical guidanceopens in new window for more information.

https://www.epa.gov/greeningepa/epa-facility-stormwater-managementopens in new window

The Energy Independence and Security Act of 2007 (§438) requires federal agencies to maintain the pre-development hydrology of the property with regard to the temperature, rate, volume, and duration of flow, to the maximum extent technically feasible.  The requirements are contained in the 2009 EPA document titled “Technical Guidance on Implementing the Stormwater Runoff Requirements for Federal Projects under Section 438 of the Energy Independence and Security Act

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44 Results : stormwater

  • System Bundling > Planted Roof - GSA Sustainable Facilities Tool

    ...that result in energy saving and stormwater management; they are an attractive...savings and better management of stormwater; they provide insulation that may...loads and they filter and slow down stormwater runoff from the site. They are an
    https://sftool.gov › explore › green-building › section › 79 › planted-roof › system-bundling
  • Climate Adaptation and Resilience Planning Examples - GSA Sustainable Facilities Tool

    ...replacement for better infiltration of stormwater during rain events, Planting native...flooding/storm surge, and inadequate stormwater management at USNA. This will include
    https://sftool.gov › plan › 432 › climate-adaptation-resilience-planning-examples
  • Building Water Use - GSA Sustainable Facilities Tool

    ...greywater, reclaimed wastewater, stormwater, rainwater, air handling unit condensate...greywater, reclaimed wastewater, stormwater, rainwater, air handling unit condensate
    https://sftool.gov › learn › about › 45 › building-water
  • Systems Thinking - GSA Sustainable Facilities Tool

    ...reduce building energy use, manage stormwater, increase biodiversity and help mitigate
    https://sftool.gov › plan › 250 › systems-thinking
  • Mandates / Standards > Planted Roof - GSA Sustainable Facilities Tool

    Buildings “Employ strategies that reduce stormwater runoff and discharges of polluted...duration of flow (EISA Section 438). Stormwater management provided by a planted
    https://sftool.gov › explore › green-building › section › 80 › planted-roof › relevant-mandates-and-rating-systems
  • Integrative Design Process > Planted Roof - GSA Sustainable Facilities Tool

    ...considerations include energy efficiency, stormwater management, biodiversity, and urban...conventional roofs and reducing energy and stormwater management costs. Architect The architect
    https://sftool.gov › explore › green-building › section › 77 › planted-roof › integrative-design-process
  • Sustainable Sites - GSA Sustainable Facilities Tool

    ...transportation choices; and controls stormwater runoff. Additionally, appropriate...gravel. This can create surges of stormwater and can also introduce pollutants
    https://sftool.gov › learn › about › 46 › sustainable-sites
  • Financial > Planted Roof - GSA Sustainable Facilities Tool

    ...significant. Over a 50-year period, the stormwater, energy, carbon dioxide equivalent...labor and materials, energy, and stormwater Diminishing returns (based on expected
    https://sftool.gov › explore › green-building › section › 84 › planted-roof › financial-impact
  • Human Behavior > Water - GSA Sustainable Facilities Tool

    Regular maintenance of greywater and stormwater harvesting systems will ensure proper...alternatives. Keep all greywater and stormwater piping separate from potable source
    https://sftool.gov › explore › green-building › section › 41 › water › human-impact
  • System Bundling > Water - GSA Sustainable Facilities Tool

    ...additional benefits, such as managing stormwater and providing gree... While reflective...additional benefits, such as managing stormwater and providing greenspace and habitat
    https://sftool.gov › explore › green-building › section › 21 › water › system-bundling
  • Resources > Water - GSA Sustainable Facilities Tool

    ...alternative water include: Rainwater Stormwater Greywater Air-conditioning condensate...might not be necessary before reuse. Stormwater harvesting involves collection of
    https://sftool.gov › explore › green-building › section › 40 › water › resources-impact
  • recommendations_on_sustainable_landscaping_practices.pdf

    ...resources through efficiency, reuse, and stormwater management; eliminate waste, recycle...Technical Guidance on Implementing the Stormwater Runoff Requirements for Federal Projects
    https://sftool.gov › Content › attachments › recommendations_on_sustainable_landscaping_practices.pdf
  • Saving Water in CI facilities

    ...potable water consumption Follow EPA Stormwater Guidance Potable Water Use Intensity...Section 6. 4.7 Implement and Achieve Stormwater Management Objectives Directs reader
    https://sftool.gov › Content › attachments › 12 KatyHatcher VeronicaBlette - EO 13514 water guidance.pdf
  • Resources > Planted Roof - GSA Sustainable Facilities Tool

    ...erosion of the growing media from stormwater. Determine which planted roof type
    https://sftool.gov › explore › green-building › section › 82 › planted-roof › resources-impact
  • water_implementing_instructions.pdf

    Technical Guidance on Implementing the Stormwater Runoff Requirements for Federal Projects...the objectives identified in the stormwater management guidance issued by the
    https://sftool.gov › Content › attachments › water_implementing_instructions.pdf
  • Guiding Principles for High Performance and Sustainable Federal Buildings and Associated Instructions

    ...and clean energy requirements. A stormwater management project that serves more...local laws and regulations.18 d. Stormwater Management Employ design and construction
    https://sftool.gov › Content › attachments › guiding_principles_for_sustainable_federal_buildings_and_associated_instructions_february_2016.pdf
  • Integrative Design Process > Water - GSA Sustainable Facilities Tool

    ...hydrology, or how rainwater and stormwater will flow on site, can be leveraged
    https://sftool.gov › explore › green-building › section › 19 › water › integrative-design-process
  • Indoor Environmental Quality (IEQ) - GSA Sustainable Facilities Tool

    ...conveys both sanitary sewage and stormwater in one piping system. During normal...occurs, excess flow, a mixture of stormwater and sanitary wastewater, is discharged
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  • United States Land Port of Entry Columbus New Mexico

    Reck On-site stormwater management 2.5 million gallons of stormwater directed to
    https://sftool.gov › Content › attachments › Iswg › iswg-case-studies › Columbus LPOE_Interagency Sustainability Group Presentation_12.03.2020.pdf
  • O&M > Planted Roof - GSA Sustainable Facilities Tool

    ...reduce the roof's ability to retain stormwater and may reduce the viability of the
    https://sftool.gov › explore › green-building › section › 85 › planted-roof › o-m-impact

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