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Views (to the Outside)

Building occupants with access to outside views have an increased sense of well-being. Keeping employees happy and healthy is good for business, as happy employees show higher productivity and increased job satisfaction, resulting in less employee turnover. In order to provide equitable access to views, it is recommended that private offices are located toward the core of the space and that low workstation panels are installed to allow for maximum daylight penetration. Use glass walls and partitions to enable views out from interior spaces.

Procure Products

in the Green Procurement Compilation

309 Results : Views to the Outside

  • Submetering - GSA Sustainable Facilities Tool

    ...The Submetering Wizard provides information about the comprehensive uses and...Type What do you want to accomplish with Submetering? The Submetering Wizard provides...about the comprehensive uses and benefits of submetering systems. Use the wizard
    https://sftool.gov › plan › submetering › water
  • Federal Requirements - GSA Sustainable Facilities Tool

    Security Act (EISA) The stated purpose of the act is to move the United States toward...security, to increase the production of clean renewable fuels, to protect consumers
    https://sftool.gov › learn › 2 › federal-requirements
  • 21540?description=Landscaping_FINAL_Applicable_Clauses_and_Provisions_1_5_16.pdf

    Provisions for Landscaping Services The following sustainability-related FAR...applicable to federal contracts for landscaping services. Be sure to refer the FAR
    https://sftool.gov › attachment › downloadattachmentpdf › 21540?description=Landscaping_FINAL_Applicable_Clauses_and_Provisions_1_5_16.pdf
  • Submetering - GSA Sustainable Facilities Tool

    ...The Submetering Wizard provides information about the comprehensive uses and...Type What do you want to accomplish with Submetering? The Submetering Wizard provides...about the comprehensive uses and benefits of submetering systems. Use the wizard
    https://sftool.gov › plan › submetering › electrical---end-device
  • Archived FMI Program Updates - GSA Sustainable Facilities Tool

    Archived FMI Program Updates Return to FMI Home FBPTA Core Competencies & Recommended...Posted: 05/16/2022 - 17:04 The following an update to the Core Competencies and Recommended
    https://sftool.gov › train › about › 651?slug=archived-fmi-program-updates
  • MaterialDetails - GSA Sustainable Facilities Tool

    ...replace part of the standard wall construction to allow natural light to penetrate...penetrate into the interior spaces. Translucent glazing such as frosted or fritted glass
    https://sftool.gov › material › 2103 › interior-glazing
  • Green Procurement - DOE Requirements - GSA Sustainable Facilities Tool

    ...The Green Procurement Compilation (GPC) is a comprehensive green purchasing...Video Explore Products Select an Icon to Filter by Environmental Program: News...Innovators in the Federal Marketplace Read the full story Ready for the Next Step
    https://sftool.gov › greenprocurement › doe
  • TWS - GSA Sustainable Facilities Tool

    GSA's Center for Workplace Strategy views the workplace as an integrated system...work, wherever it occurs. To support this mission, the Total Workplace Scorecard
    https://sftool.gov › tws
  • Green Teams - GSA Sustainable Facilities Tool

    Stories Certification Programs Referred to as Green Teams, Green Project Teams,...occupants and empower their organization to adopt sustainable practices. Identifying
    https://sftool.gov › plan › 408 › green-teams
  • Climate Risk Management - GSA Sustainable Facilities Tool

    Zero Energy Building Transformation to Net Zero Energy Buildings Net Zero Energy...Framework for Managing Climate Risks to Federal Agency Supply Chains Background
    https://sftool.gov › plan › 430 › climate-risk-management
  • Green Procurement - Workspaces - GSA Sustainable Facilities Tool

    ...The Green Procurement Compilation (GPC) is a comprehensive green purchasing...Break rooms provide space for occupants to network and obtain nourishment. Provide...labeled dishwashers and refrigerators to save on utility costs. Provide re-usable
    https://sftool.gov › greenprocurement › workspaces
  • Sense of Place - GSA Sustainable Facilities Tool

    These are the kinds of questions that underlie the sense of place. The workplace...place, but also the mission and values of the organization. The GSA workplace
    https://sftool.gov › learn › about › 241 › sense-place
  • System Overview > Submetering - GSA Sustainable Facilities Tool

    ...interactions that ultimately can lead to significant cost reductions....itself does not reduce utility costs, but the data can guide management strategies...Business Case: How to calculate cost-effective solutions in the building context
    https://sftool.gov › explore › green-building › section › 86 › submetering › system-overview
  • Building Decarbonization - GSA Sustainable Facilities Tool

    Embodied Carbon Operational Carbon As the threat of climate change becomes more...evolving to equip the government and other entities to mitigate the intensity
    https://sftool.gov › learn › about › 657 › building-decarbonization
  • Tour Sustainable Workspaces and Building Systems - GSA Sustainable Facilities Tool

    ...example sustainable workspaces. Compare the sustainability of materials and systems...not only a successful coordination of the technologies that encompass it but also...also cognizant integration with the building as a whole. EXPLORE Explore Lighting
    https://sftool.gov › Explore
  • Water Consumption - GSA Sustainable Facilities Tool

    Water Consumption Between 1950 and 2000, the U.S. population nearly doubled. However...100 gallons of water each day—enough to fill 1,600 drinking glasses. Source:
    https://sftool.gov › learn › about › 182 › water-consumption
  • System Overview > Lighting - GSA Sustainable Facilities Tool

    ...not only a successful coordination of the technologies that encompass it but also...also cognizant integration with the building as a whole....17% of the total electricity consumption of commercial buildings in the United...systems involve the integration of lighting technologies with the building as a
    https://sftool.gov › explore › green-building › section › 1 › lighting › system-overview
  • GSA Framework for Managing Climate Change Risks to Federal Agency Supply Chains

    Framework for Managing Climate Change Risks to Federal Agency Supply Chains 1 GSA Framework...Framework for Managing Climate Change Risks to Federal Agency Supply Chains 1. Contents
    https://sftool.gov › Content › attachments › GSA Supply Chain Climate Risk Mgmt Framework_Final_508c.pdf
  • Green Procurement - Federal Requirements - Paper Tray Liners - GSA Sustainable Facilities Tool

    ...lists to track products that are of interest to you and download the list as...and want to provide a list of products requirements to go with the contract
    https://sftool.gov › greenprocurement › green-products › 4 › cafeteria-products › 185 › paper-tray-liners › 0
  • Green Procurement - Federal Requirements - Paper Towels - GSA Sustainable Facilities Tool

    ...lists to track products that are of interest to you and download the list as...and want to provide a list of products requirements to go with the contract
    https://sftool.gov › greenprocurement › green-products › 4 › cafeteria-products › 1362 › paper-towels › 0

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