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Commercial Gas Water Heaters
A product that utilizes gas or electricity to heat potable water for use outside the heater upon demand, at a thermostatically controlled temperature.
HVAC and Mechanical- Energy Star
Plastic Lumber Landscaping Timber and Posts
Landscaping timbers and posts are used as raised beds, retaining walls, and terracing. Plastic lumber landscaping timbers and posts are used in urban plazas, zoos, and outside office buildings-in fact...
Landscaping Supplies- CPG
- (95-100% other mixed recovered resins including 50-100% postconsumer content)
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(75-100% recovered high density polyethylene including 25-100% postconsumer content)
- (95% recovered high density polyethylene/fiberglass including 75% postconsumer content)
Signs made from recovered materials are used for public roads and highways, as well as inside and outside of office buildings, museums, parks and other public places. EPA's designation pertains to pla...
Building Finishes and Materials- CPG