Facilities Operations and Maintenance
Demonstrate familiarity with building systems and knowledge of how they affect energy use.
Building Energy Use Breakdown
SFTool HVAC System Overview Page

Building and Energy Atmosphere Topics
SFTool building energy use topics

Planning an Energy Assessment for Federal Facilities
FEMP E-learning course supporting FBPTA competency areas

Demonstrate ability to monitor and evaluate how well building systems perform.
Small Building Retuning Resources
PNNL Retuning commercial Buildings Site

Commissioning for Existing Federal Buildings
FEMP E-learning course supporting FBPTA competency areas

SFTool HVAC System Adjustments
Frequently cited adjustment opportunities

Re-tuning Training Guide
Trending Requirement for re-tuning from PNNL

Demonstrate ability to manage corrective, preventive and predictive maintenance.
DoE Operations and Maintenance Best Practices Guide
Chapter 5 - Types of Maintenance Programs

Common Definitions for Maintenance and Construction Terms
Glossary of construction terminology

Demonstrate familiarity with and ability to manage, grounds and exteriors, parking structures, site utilities, landscaping and grounds, exterior envelope (roof, brick, masonry, etc.) and custodial operations.
EPA Stormwater Management
Requirements, Guidance, and Strategies

Demonstrate knowledge of the effect that climate and variable environmental conditions can have on the building envelope and systems.
Optimizing Site Potential with Site Selection
WBDG Site Selection Guide and Resources

Demonstrate ability to collect building systems' operating and performance data.
Federal Energy Management Reporting and Data
Facility and Fleet reporting requirements under various regulations

Commissioning for Existing Federal Buildings
FEMP E-learning course supporting FBPTA competency areas

Energy Star Portfolio Manager
Benchmark Your Building With Portfolio Manager

Demonstrate ability to adjust System Parameters as required.
SFTool HVAC System Adjustments
Frequently cited adjustment opportunities

Demonstrate understanding of indoor air quality, and how to test and adjust it.
Indoor Environmental Quality Overview
SFTool interactive IEQ component resource page

Demonstrate ability to analyze HVAC system performance.
System Adjustment Opportunities
SFTool list of frequently cited system adjustments

Demonstrate knowledge and ability to optimize HVAC controls.
SFTool HVAC System Adjustments
Frequently cited adjustment opportunities

Demonstrate knowledge and ability with Lighting Systems.
System Impacts - Lighting
SFTool information on O&M impact of lighting

Advanced Lighting Systems: An Overview
FEMP seminar supporting timely FBPTA competency area topics

Advanced Interior Lighting Systems
FEMP seminar supporting timely FBPTA competency area topics

Demonstrate knowledge and ability to identify water distribution and irrigation leaks.
Water Conservation for Building Managers
WBDG guide to strategies and building water processes

Best Practices for Comprehensive Water Management for Federal Facilities
FEMP E-learning course supporting FBPTA competency areas

Demonstrate knowledge of FEMP's O&M Best Practices.
DoE Operations and Maintenance Best Practices Guide
Chapter 11 - Ten Steps to Operational Efficiency

Demonstrate knowledge of the building retuning process to ensure maximum energy efficiency and comfort for building occupants including, data collection requirements, and continuous retuning practices.
DoE Operations and Maintenance Best Practices Guide
Chapter 7 - Commissioning Existing Buildings

Demonstrate knowledge of and the ability to perform testing and obtain measurements required for predictive maintenance.
DoE Operations and Maintenance Best Practices Guide
Chapter 6 - Predictive Maintenance Technologies

Demonstrate knowledge of metering and sub-metering for energy and water and how they contribute to systems optimization.
Type of Commissioning
DoE info on 5 main types of commissioning

Recommissioning and Retrocommissioning
Federal Laws and Requirements

Commissioning for Existing Federal Buildings
FEMP E-learning course supporting FBPTA competency areas

DoE Metering Guidance
Meter systems, approaches, process, best practices, and more

Building Metered Data Analysis
FEMP E-learning course supporting FBPTA competency areas

Using Metered Data to Improve Energy and Water Efficiency
FEMP E-learning course supporting FBPTA competency areas

Demonstrate knowledge of new technology and tools targeting increased efficiency of O&M.
DoE Operations and Maintenance Best Practices Guide
Chapter 10 - O&M Frontiers - New technology to aid in building management

Demonstrate knowledge of basic connections between lighting, air quality, thermal comfort and acoustical performance and human health outcomes; locate and describe references that address thresholds thought to provide indoor environments that optimize human health and performance.
Buildings and Health
Explore the relationship between buildings and health on SFTool

Enhancing Health with Indoor Air
SFTool information on enhancing human health, comfort, and performance by improving indoor air

Circadian Light
SFTool's overview of circadian light and circadian rhythms

Circadian-Effective Light
Tips for circadian-effective lighting from SFTool's Buildings and Health page

Indoor Environmental Quality
Resources on indoor environmental quality (IEQ) from SFTool's Buildings and Health page