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Crosswalk of Sustainable Federal Building Requirements and Certification Standards

This crosswalk identifies specific credits/points within selected commercial building certification systems and standards that federal agencies should focus on in order to meet the Guiding Principles for Sustainable Federal Buildings (GP) and other sustainable federal building requirements.

If you have already chosen a certification system, start with the "By Certification System" tab below and filter the results.

checked Fully supports Federal Requirement      
warn Partially supports Federal Requirement
unchecked Does not support Federal Requirement

Existing Buildings New Construction
BOMA 360opens in new window BREEAMopens in new window Green Globes EBopens in new window LBCopens in new window LEED O+Mopens in new window BOMA Bestopens in new window Green Globes NCopens in new window LEED BD+Copens in new window
Data Download opens in new window opens in new window opens in new window opens in new window opens in new window opens in new window opens in new window opens in new window
i:29 gp:105

Integrated design and management

Integrated Design
GP 1.1. Employ Integrated Design Principles: Integrated Design and Management
BOMA 360 unchecked
BREEAM checked

MAN 01 – Building user guide

MAN 02 – Management engagement and feedback

MAN 03 – Maintenance policies and procedures

MAN 04 – Environmental policies and procedures

Green Globes EB checked

1.1.1 Environmental Management System

LBC checked

Imperative 19 - Beauty + Biophilia

LEED O+M warn

To meet the Guiding Principles, agencies would need to either reference 2018 IgCC Appendix F Integrated Design or have a more tailored Integrated Design and Management Plan

MR Prerequisite: Facility Maintenance and Renovations Policy

BOMA Best unchecked
Green Globes NC checked Employ an Integrated Design Process (IDP)

LEED BD+C checked

Credit: Integrative Process

i:27 gp:56

Access to public amenities/neighborhood assets

GP 1.2. Employ Integrated Design Principles: Sustainable Siting
BOMA 360 unchecked
BREEAM checked

TRA 03 – Proximity to amenities

MAN 01 – Building user guide

Green Globes EB checked

2.2.2 Existing Sites: (three paths): Optional

6.5.4 Health & Wellness Optional (both sub-criteria): Optional

LBC checked

Imperative 4 - human scaled living

Imperative 17 - universal access

LEED O+M unchecked
BOMA Best warn

The rating system includes access credits for Multi-Unit Residential Buildings and the Health Care modules include a walkability index; however, the universal, office, and light industrial modules do not address access to public amenities.

In order to comply with the Guiding Principles, agencies would need to ensure they leverage existing infrastructure and align with local/regional planning goals.

Green Globes NC checked

7.2.1 Transportation

LEED BD+C checked

Credit: Location & Transportation - Surrounding Density and Diverse Uses

i:27 gp:95

Floodplain avoidance

GP 1.2. Employ Integrated Design Principles: Sustainable Siting
BOMA 360 unchecked
BREEAM checked

RSL 01 – Flood risk assessment

Green Globes EB unchecked
LBC checked

Imperative 1 - ecology of place

LEED O+M unchecked
BOMA Best unchecked
Green Globes NC checked

7.1.2 Greenfields, Brownfields, and Floodplains

LEED BD+C checked

Credit: Sustainable Sites - Site Assessment

Credit: Location & Transportation - Sensitive Land Protection

i:27 gp:57

Preservation and protection of surrounding areas and habitats

GP 1.2. Employ Integrated Design Principles: Sustainable Siting
BOMA 360 unchecked
BREEAM checked

LUE 01 – Planted area

LUE 02 – Ecological features of planted area

LUE 03 – Ecology report

LUE 04 – Biodiversity management plan

POL 01 – Minimizing water course pollution

POL 07 – Inspection of watercourse pollution prevention features

RSL 04 – Durable and resilient features

Green Globes EB checked

2.2.1 Site Enhancement Optional Optional Optional

2.2.2 Existing Sites Optional

LBC checked

Imperative 1 - ecology of place

Imperative 3 - habitat exchange

LEED O+M checked

SS Credit: Site Management

SS Credit: Heat Island Reduction

SS Credit: light Pollution Reduction

BOMA Best checked

09.1.03 - Protect and/or restore habitat

Green Globes NC checked

7.1.2 Greenfields, Brownfields, and Floodplains

LEED BD+C checked

Prerequisite: Sustainable Sites - Construction Activity Pollution Prevention

Credit: Location & Transportation - Sensitive Land Protection

Credit: Sustainable Sites - Protect or Restore Habitat

Credit: Sustainable Sites - Open Space

i:27 gp:97

Protection of historic resources

GP 1.2. Employ Integrated Design Principles: Sustainable Siting
BOMA 360 unchecked
BREEAM unchecked
Green Globes EB unchecked
LBC checked

Imperative 16 - net positive waste

LEED O+M unchecked
BOMA Best unchecked
Green Globes NC unchecked
LEED BD+C checked

Credit: Materials & Resources - Building Life-Cycle Impact Reduction

i:24 gp:48

Stormwater management

Water Use Efficiency and Management
GP 1.3. Employ Integrated Design Principles: Stormwater Management
BOMA 360 checked
Exterior Maintenance Management 
Documentation—Upload copy of exterior maintenance management plan that includes, at a minimum, green pest control, fertilizer strategies, and storm water control. (1 point)
BREEAM checked

RSL 02 – Surface water run-off impact mitigation

Green Globes EB checked

2.2.1 Site Enhancement: Optional Optional

LBC checked

Imperative 5 - responsible water use

Imperative 6 - net positive water

LEED O+M checked

SS Credit: Rainwater Management

SS Credit: Site Management

BOMA Best checked
09.05.01 - Does the facility site include features to minimize and manage stormwater runoff?
Green Globes NC warn

There is no mention of LID strategies or ensuring the site is mitigated to pre-development hydrology. The credits will certainly help, but will not get an agency to be 100% compliant with the guiding principle.

In order to comply with the Guiding Principles, agencies would need to ensure the site uses LID strategies or is mitigated to pre-development hydrology.

7.4.1 Stormwater Management

LEED BD+C checked

Prerequisite: Sustainable Sites - Construction Activity Pollution Prevention

Credit: Sustainable Sites - Rainwater Management

i:27 gp:102

Access to public transportation

GP 1.4. Employ Integrated Design Principles: Infrastructure Utilization and Optimization
BOMA 360 checked

Traffic Reduction Initiatives
Documentation—Indicate (check) which of the following strategies are in place: bike rack (1 point), carpooling incentives (1 point), public transportation incentives (1 point), car charging stations (on site or readily accessible to building) (1 point)

BREEAM checked

TRA 02 – Proximity to public transport

MAN 01 – Building user guide

MAN 02 – Management engagement and feedback

Green Globes EB checked

2.2.2 Existing Sites: Optional Optional Optional Optional (three paths): Optional

LBC checked

Imperative 4 - human scaled living

Imperative 17 - universal access

LEED O+M checked

LT Prerequisite: Transportation Performance

BOMA Best checked

10.02.09 - Is a transportation survey conducted in the building?


10.04.02 - Promoting the use of public transportation.

Green Globes NC checked

7.1.1 Urban Infill and Urban Sprawl

7.2 Transportation

LEED BD+C checked

Credit: Location & Transportation - Access to Quality Transit

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Consideration of occupant transportation emissions

GP 1.4. Employ Integrated Design Principles: Infrastructure Utilization and Optimization
BOMA 360 unchecked
BREEAM checked

TRA 01 – Alternative modes of transportation

TRA 02 – Proximity to public transport

TRA 03 – Proximity to amenities

TRA 04 – Pedestrian and cyclist safety

MAN 01 – Building User Guide

Green Globes EB checked

2.2.2 Existing Sites Optional Optional Optional Optional

LBC checked

Imperative 4 - human scaled living

LEED O+M checked

LT Prerequisite: Transportation Performance

BOMA Best checked

10.02.09 - Is a transportation survey conducted in the building?


10.04.02 - Promoting the use of public transportation.


10.04.03 - Encouraging carpooling and/or car sharing programs.


10.04.04 - Providing a charging station for electric/hybrid vehicles.

Green Globes NC checked

7.2.1 Transportation

LEED BD+C checked

Credit: Location + Transportation - Electric Vehicles

Credit: Location + Transportation - Biking Facilities

Credit: Location + Transportation - Reduced Parking Footprint

Credit: Location + Transportation - Surrounding Density and Diverse Uses

i:29 gp:106


Integrated Design
GP 1.5. Employ Integrated Design Principles: Commissioning
BOMA 360 checked

Energy Audit and System Commissioning
Documentation—Upload proof of energy audit conducted within the past 5 years, including summary of audit. (2 points)

Documentation—Upload proof of current commissioning
Recommissioning/retro-commissioning at least every 5 years (2 points)
Ongoing commissioning plan, minimum every 2 years (1 points)

BREEAM unchecked
Green Globes EB checked

3.3.3 Commissioning Optional Optional

LBC unchecked
LEED O+M unchecked
BOMA Best checked

01.03.06 - Are the equipment and energy systems regularly re- or retro-commissioned?

01.03.07 - Are newly installed energy systems and equipment appropriately commissioned?

Green Globes NC checked

6.5 Commissioning or Systems Manual Training

LEED BD+C checked

Prerequisite: Energy & Atmosphere - Fundamental Commissioning and Verification

Credit: Energy & Atmosphere - Enhanced Commissioning

i:23 gp:35

Energy use reduction

Energy Efficiency
GP 2.1. Optimize Energy Performance: Energy Efficiency
BOMA 360 checked

ENERGY STAR® Benchmarking
Documentation—Indicate (check) if building/facility has achieved an ENERGY STAR average score of 75 or higher over last calendar year. (1 point)

BREEAM checked

Use the Asset Energy Calculator to determine if the building is 20% below 2015 energy use baseline or 30% below 2003 energy use baseline

Green Globes EB checked

3.1.1B.1 – must get 24 points or higher to meet GP

LBC checked

Imperative 7 - Energy and Carbon Reduction

LEED O+M warn

To meet the Guiding Principles, agencies would need to ensure they reference ASHRAE 90.1-2013 in their projects and be 30% more efficient than ASHRAE 90.1-2013, demonstrate energy use is 20% below FY2015 baseline, demonstrate energy use is 30% below FY2003 baseline, or achieve an Energy Star rating of 75 or higher.

EA Prerequisite: Energy Efficiency Best Management Practices

EA Prerequisite: Energy Performance

BOMA Best warn

While ASHRAE 90.1 is referenced in the office, and universal modules, a specific year is not referenced. The standard only encourages that "when it comes time to replace equipment, they will be replaced with an energy efficient model compliant with ASHRAE 90.1 or ENERGY STAR; however, no year is specified with regard to the ASHRAE 90.1 standard. There is no energy reduction performance path and ENERGY STAR benchmarking is encouraged but not required.

To meet the guiding principles, agencies would need to be 30% better than the current ASHRAE 90.1 standard or have an Energy Star rating of 75 or higher.

BP2 - Has an ASHRAE Level 1 Energy Assessment been conducted in the last five (5) years?

BP3 - Is an Energy Management Plan in place at the building

BP4 - Is an energy reduction target in place at the building?

01.02.03 - What is the Energy Star score achieved by this building? (60 points for achieving an ENERGY STAR rating of 75)

01.02.05 - Has an ASHRAE Level 2 Energy Assessment been performed on the building in the last five (5) years? E19+E20

Green Globes NC warn

The rating system references ASHRAE 90.1 2010 as to complete one of the credits, it does reference ASHRAE 90.1-2013 but it is more optional than ASHRAE 90.1 2010. The rating system does contain an energy reduction performance path; however, it does not require buildings to attain an Energy Star rating.

To meet the Guiding Principles, agencies would need to ensure they reference ASHRAE 90.1-2013 in their projects and be 30% more efficient than ASHRAE 90.1-2013, demonstrate energy use is 20% below FY2015 baseline, demonstrate energy use is 30% below FY2003 baseline, or achieve an Energy Star rating of 75 or higher.

8.1 Energy Performance

LEED BD+C warn

To meet the Guiding Principles, agencies would need to ensure that their projects be 30% more efficient than ASHRAE 90.1-2013, demonstrate energy use is 20% below FY2015 baseline, demonstrate energy use is 30% below FY2003 baseline, or achieve an Energy Star rating of 75 or higher.

Energy + Atmosphere prerequisite: Minimum Energy Performance

Energy + Atmosphere credit: Optimize Energy Performance

i:23 gp:36

Procurement of ENERGY STAR® products and/ Federal Energy Management Program or products

Energy Efficiency
GP 2.1. Optimize Energy Performance: Energy Efficiency
BOMA 360 checked

Green Purchasing
Check (from list) or describe (in text box) products and services that conserve energy and water. These may include ENERGY STAR® products, energy efficient products, low-flow water devices, products from local vendors/suppliers, or other. (1 point).

ENERGY STAR Products for Building and Tenants
Documentation—Upload copy of preferred purchase policy for the building for ENERGY STAR and/or environmentally friendly products. (1 point)

ENERGY STAR Products for Building and Tenants
Documentation—Upload copy of policy or other communications to tenants or occupants recommending purchase of ENERGY STAR products, such as kitchen or office equipment. (2 points)


While there are credits agencies can choose from below, these will not achieve total compliance with the Guiding Principles. It does not require the purchase of Energy Star or FEMP-designated products.

In order to meet the Guiding Principles, buildings would need to ensure they purchase Energy Star or FEMP-designated products as appropriate.

RSC 05 – Sustainable Procurement

Green Globes EB warn

While there are credits agencies can choose from below, these will not achieve total compliance with the Guiding Principles.

The rating system addresses environmental purchasing, but does not reference Energy Star or other standards.

In order to comply with the Guiding Principles, agencies must purchase products that meet the government's recommended specifications, standards and ecolabels or those that are FEMP products and ENERGY STAR. – but agency would need to specify energy star or FEMP designated products

LBC warn

It's stated that "Procurement of Energy Star and FEMP products are a key strategy outlined in the technical support and guidance documents offered to project teams." However, procurement of Energy Star and FEMP products are not explicitly stated in LBC standards.

In order to comply with the Guiding Principles, agencies must purchase products that meet the government's recommended specifications, standards and ecolabels or those that are FEMP products and ENERGY STAR.

Imperative 7 - Energy and Carbon Reduction

Imperative 8 - Net Positive Carbon

LEED O+M checked

EA Prerequisite: Energy Performance

MR Credit: Purchasing

BOMA Best warn

While the use of Energy Star products is referenced in the rating system, it does not include prescriptive energy performance measures for building products.

To meet the Guiding Principles, agencies should purchase Energy Star or FEMP-designated products where possible.

01.04.03 - What building areas incorporate at least 50% of ENERGY STAR or DesignLight Consortium (DLC) approved lighting lamps and ballasts?

01.05.05 - Is 75% of the domestic water heating equipment efficient?

06.01.07 - Energy efficient equipment

06.01.08 - Water efficient equipment

09.01.10 - Use of environmentally preferable maintenance equipment

10.01.04 - Are tenants required to comply with specific environmental criteria? [Energy Efficiency]

Green Globes NC checked

8.2.3 Plug Load and Process Energy Management

LEED BD+C checked

Option 3 of Energy and Atmosphere credit Optimize Energy Performance

i:23 gp:39

Energy metering

Energy Efficiency
GP 2.2. Optimize Energy Performance: Energy Metering
BOMA 360 checked

Building Energy Management 
Documentation—Upload copy of real-time energy metering report. (1 point)

BREEAM checked

ENE 15 – Monitoring energy uses

ENE 16 – Monitoring tenanted areas

Green Globes EB checked

3.3.4 Energy Monitoring, Policy, & Management Optional Optional Optional

LBC checked

Imperative 7 - Energy and Carbon Reduction

LEED O+M checked

EA Prerequisite: Energy Performance

BOMA Best checked

01.04.02 - What percentage of the building's energy consumption is sub-metered?

Green Globes NC checked

8.3.1 Metering

LEED BD+C checked

Prerequisite: Energy + Atmosphere - Building-Level Energy Metering

Prerequisite: Energy + Atmosphere - Advanced Energy Metering

i:23 gp:37

Renewable energy

Energy Efficiency
GP 2.3. Optimize Energy Performance: Renewable Energy
BOMA 360 checked

Section 4: Energy

Renewable Energy (Up to 2 points)

Documentation—Upload specifications documentation for purchase of renewable energy for at least 25% of building consumption. - OR -

Documentation—Upload contract documentation for generation of at least 1 percent of renewable energy. (1 point)

Demand Response Program
Documentation—Upload section of contract document that stipulates reducing or shifting electrical usage during peak periods. - OR -

Internal Scheduling Program
Documentation—Upload past six-month energy distribution report illustrating how electricity was shifted during peak periods. (1 point)

BREEAM checked

ENE 10 – Demand side management capabilities for electricity

ENE 15 – Monitoring energy uses

Green Globes EB checked

3.4.1 Renewable and Alternative Energy Optional Optional Optional

LBC checked

Imperative 7 - Energy and Carbon Reduction

Imperative 8 - Net Positive Carbon

LEED O+M unchecked
BOMA Best checked

01.05.11 - Are renewable-energy certificates or low-impact electricity purchased?


01.05.12 - Are renewable natural resources used on-site to generate at least 1% of the building's energy?

Green Globes NC checked

8.4.1 On-site Renewable Energy
8.4.2 Off-site renewable energy credits

LEED BD+C checked

Credit: Energy & Atmosphere - Renewable Energy

i:23 gp:40


Energy Efficiency
GP 2.4. Optimize Energy Performance: Benchmarking
BOMA 360 checked

Building Energy Management
Documentation—Upload copy or summary of building’s/facility’s energy management plan to include: commitment to ongoing improvement of energy performance; frequency of reporting (at least quarterly); performance assessment using ENERGY STAR benchmarking tool; energy performance goals; action plan; evaluation of progress; and review/reassessment process. (3 points)

BREEAM checked

ENE 12 – Local energy performance asset rating

Green Globes EB checked

3.3.4 Energy Monitoring, Policy, & Management: Optional (including sub-criteria): Optional

LBC checked

Imperative 7 - Energy and Carbon Reduction

LEED O+M checked

EA Prerequisite: Energy Performance

BOMA Best checked

BP2 - Has an ASHRAE Level 1 Energy Assessment been conducted in the last five (5) years?


BP4 - Is an energy reduction target in place at the building?


01.01.04 - Have three (3) years of energy consumption data been analyzed in order to establish trends?


01.02.01 - Do you benchmark energy performance using either BOMA BEST or ENERGY STAR Portfolio Manager portal?


01.02.05 - Has an ASHRAE Level 2 Energy Assessment been performed on the building in the last five (5) years?


01.03.02 - Does building management track and monitor building performance and consumption patterns?

Green Globes NC unchecked
LEED BD+C warn

To meet the Guiding Principles, agencies need to benchmark building performance each year, preferably in Energy Star Portfolio Manager.

The rating system encourages metering energy use and monitoring on a monthly basis as well as sharing the info with USGBC; however, the rating system does not require annual benchmarking.

Energy + Atmosphere prerequisite: Building-Level Energy Metering

i:24 gp:41

Indoor water use reduction

Water Use Efficiency and Management
GP 3.1. Protect and Conserve Water: Indoor Water Use
BOMA 360 checked
Water Management
Indicate that a building/facility benchmarks its water usage through EPA’s ENERGY STAR ENERGY STAR® Portfolio Manager. (2 points)
BREEAM checked

WAT 01 – Water monitoring

WAT 02 – Water efficient equipment: toilets

WAT 03 – Water efficient equipment: urinals

WAT 04 – Water efficient equipment: hand washing sink faucets

WAT 05 – Water efficient equipment: showers

WAT 06 – Water efficient equipment: appliances

WAT 10 – Reducing utility-supplied water consumption

WAT 12 – Water recycling

WAT 14 – Water strategy

Green Globes EB warn

While there are credits agencies can choose from below, these will not achieve total compliance with the Guiding Principles.

The rating system addresses monitoring and reporting of total water use; however, it does not differentiate between indoor and outdoor water use for reporting purposes. The water audit covers major water use systems which may be useful in differentiating between indoor and outdoor consumption, but this is not explicit in the rating system.

To meet the Guiding Principles, agencies must measure reductions in indoor water use and provide specific parameters on a percent reduction.

4.1.1 Water Consumption (three paths):
  4.1.1A: Optional
  4.1.1B: Optional
  4.1.1C: Optional

4.2.3 Water Quality and Management: Optional Optional

LBC checked

Imperative 5 - responsible water use

Imperative 6 - net positive water

LEED O+M checked

WE Prerequisite: Water Performance

BOMA Best warn

The standard addresses actual water use intensity and water use trends for office buildings only, but does not distinguish between indoor and outdoor water use.

To meet Guiding Principles, agencies would need to ensure they use strategies to minimize indoor water use and waste and distinguish between indoor and outdoor water use.

BP6 - Is a Water Management Plan in place at the building?

02.02.02 - What is the calculated Water Use Intensity for the building?

02.02.03 - What is the Water Use Intensity (WUI) range achieved by this building?

02.05.02 - Have three (3) years of water consumption been analyzed in order to establish trends?

Green Globes NC checked

9.1.1 Plumbing Fixture and Fitting Standards

6.1.1 Performance and Green Design Goals

LEED BD+C checked

Prerequisite: Water Efficiency - Indoor Water Use Reduction

Credit: Water Efficiency - Indoor Water Use Reduction

i:24 gp:43

Procurement Water conserving products

Water Use Efficiency and Management
GP 3.1. Protect and Conserve Water: Indoor Water Use
BOMA 360 checked

Green Purchasing
Check (from list) or describe (in text box) products and services that conserve energy and water. These may include ENERGY STAR® products, energy efficient products, low-flow water devices, products from local vendors/suppliers, or other. (1 point)

Water Management
Indicate building/facility uses water sense fixtures or other water conservation measures. (1 point)

BREEAM checked

WAT 02 – Water efficient equipment: toilets

WAT 03 – Water efficient equipment: urinals

WAT 04 – Water efficient equipment: hand washing sink faucets

WAT 05 – Water efficient equipment: showers

WAT 06 – Water efficient equipment: appliances

Green Globes EB checked

4.2.1 Water conserving fixtures

LBC checked

Imperative 5 - responsible water use

Imperative 6 - net positive water

LEED O+M checked

WE Prerequisite: Water Performance

BOMA Best checked

02.04.01 - Which type of water efficient controls are used for irrigation?


02.04.04 - Toilet: 4.8 L/flush or less (1.28 G/flush)


02.04.05 - Urinals: 1.9 L/flush or less (0.5 G/flush)


02.04.06 - Lavatory and kitchen faucets: 5.7 L/min or less (1.5 G/min)


02.04.07 - Shower heads: 7.6 L/min or less (2 G/min)

Green Globes NC checked

9.1.1 Plumbing Fixture and Fitting Standards

LEED BD+C checked

Prerequisite: Water Efficiency - Indoor Water Use Reduction

Prerequisite: Water Efficiency - Outdoor Water Use Reduction

i:24 gp:45

Water use in cooling equipment

Water Use Efficiency and Management
GP 3.1. Protect and Conserve Water: Indoor Water Use
BOMA 360 unchecked
BREEAM unchecked
Green Globes EB checked

3.2.4 cooling systems

LBC checked

Imperative 6 - net positive water

LEED O+M unchecked
BOMA Best checked

03.01.01 - Is a training program on IAQ in place for Property Managers and Building Maintenance staff?


02.04.02 - What percentage of building's water consumption is submetered?

Green Globes NC warn

The rating system does not include requirements to eliminate potable water use for cooling equipment; although there are credits for maximizing efficiency of cooling equipment to minimize water makeup.

In order to meet the Guiding Principles, agencies should use strategies to eliminate potable water use for cooling equipment.

9.2.1 Cooling Towers

9.4.1 Commercial Food Service Equipment

LEED BD+C checked

Credit: Water Efficiency - Optimize process water use

i:24 gp:44

Water metering

Water Use Efficiency and Management
GP 3.2. Protect and Conserve Water: Water Metering
BOMA 360 unchecked
BREEAM checked

WAT 01 – Water metering

Green Globes EB checked

4.2.3 Water Quality and Management: Optional Optional

LBC checked

Imperative 5 - responsible water use

Imperative 6 - net positive water

LEED O+M checked

WE Prerequisite: Water Performance

BOMA Best warn

While the rating system covers the use of water meters and submetering water use, it does not explicitly address metering irrigation water usage.

To meet the guiding principles, agencies would need to meter irrigation water use.

02.04.02 - What percentage of the building's water consumption is sub-metered?

Green Globes NC checked Metering

LEED BD+C checked

Prerequisite: Water Efficiency - Building-Level Water Metering

Credit: Water Efficiency - Water Metering

i:24 gp:42

Outdoor water use reduction

Water Use Efficiency and Management
GP 3.3. Protect and Conserve Water: Outdoor Water Use
BOMA 360 checked
Water Management 
Indicate that a building/facility benchmarks its water usage through EPA’s ENERGY STAR ENERGY STAR® Portfolio Manager. (2 points)

Outside of using local plants, the rating system does not contain any credits that specifically target reducing outdoor water use.

In order to meet the Guiding Principles, agencies would need to employ water efficient irrigation strategies to reduce outdoor water use by 50% or more and use xeriscaping techniques or other strategies designed to minimize outdoor water use.

LUE 02 – Ecological features of planted area

Green Globes EB checked

4.2.2 Outdoor water consumption

LBC checked

Imperative 5 - responsible water use

Imperative 6 - net positive water

LEED O+M checked

SS Credit: Site Management

BOMA Best warn

The standard addresses actual water use intensity and water use trends for office buildings only, but does not distinguish between indoor and outdoor water use.

To meet Guiding Principles, agencies would need to ensure they use strategies to minimize outdoor water use and waste and distinguish between indoor and outdoor water use.

BP6 - Is a Water Management Plan in place at the building?

02.02.02 - What is the calculated Water Use Intensity for the building?

02.02.03 - What is the Water Use Intensity (WUI) range achieved by this building?

02.04.01 - Which type of water efficient controls are used for irrigation?

02.05.02 - Have three (3) years of water consumption been analyzed in order to establish trends?

Green Globes NC checked Water features and pools

9.8.1 Leak Detection

9.9.1 Irrigation

LEED BD+C checked

Prerequisite: Water Efficiency - Outdoor Water Use Reduction

Credit: Water Efficiency - Outdoor Water use Reduction

i:24 gp:46

Water efficient landscapes

Water Use Efficiency and Management
GP 3.3. Protect and Conserve Water: Outdoor Water Use
BOMA 360 unchecked

While there are credits agencies can choose from below, these will not achieve total compliance with the Guiding Principles. While the rating system contains a credit on using water efficient landscapes, it does not mention strategies or other requirements to reduce landscape water use to be 50% or less than conventional practices.

In order to meet the Guiding Principles, agencies would need to use strategies to reduce landscape irrigation to be 50% below conventional practices.

LUE 02 – Ecological features of planted area

Green Globes EB warn

While there are credits agencies can choose from below, these will not achieve total compliance with the Guiding Principles.

The rating system addresses the use of water efficient landscapes and provides strategies for setting reduction targets. However, actual reductions in irrigation consumption are not tied to the strategies or addressed in the rating system.

To meet the Guiding Principles, agencies must water efficient landscapes and limit irrigation to at least 50% below conventional practices.

4.2.2 Outdoor Water Consumption
  4.2.2A.1: Optional
  4.2.2B.1 (four sub-criteria):
    4.2.2B.1.1: Optional
    4.2.2B.1.2: Optional
    4.2.2B.1.3: Optional
    4.2.2B.1.4: Optional
    4.2.2B.1.5: Optional

LBC checked

Imperative 1 - ecology of place

Imperative 5 - responsible water use

Imperative 6 - net positive water

LEED O+M warn

To meet the Guiding Principles, the rating system needs to address the use of water-efficient landscapes and reducing outdoor irrigation; however, there are only enough points allotted up to a 40% reduction.

WE Prerequisite: Water Performance

SS Credit: Site Management

BOMA Best warn

While the rating system covers the use of water efficient landscapes, it does not contain strategies to limit the potable use of water for irrigation to 50% or more below conventional practices.

To meet the Guiding Principle, agencies would also need to limit potable water use for irrigation to 50% or more below ASHRAE 189.1 or other ASHRAE standards.

02.04.01 - Which type of water efficient controls are used for irrigation?

09.01.02 - Use of native species

09.01.03 - Protect and/or restore habitat

Green Globes NC warn

The rating system addresses the use of water efficient landscapes and provides strategies for setting reduction targets. However, actual reductions in irrigation consumption are not tied to the strategies or addressed in the rating system.

To meet the Guiding Principles, agencies must water efficient landscapes and limit irrigation to at least 50% below conventional practices.

9.9.1 Irrigation

LEED BD+C checked

Prerequisite: Water Efficiency - Outdoor Water Use Reduction

Credit: Water Efficiency - Outdoor Water use Reduction

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Alternative sources of water

Water Use Efficiency and Management
GP 3.4. Protect and Conserve Water: Alternative Water
BOMA 360 unchecked
BREEAM checked

WAT 10 – Reducing utility-supplied water consumption

WAT 12 – Water recycling

Green Globes EB checked

4.2.2 Outdoor Water Consumption

LBC checked

Imperative 5 - responsible water use

Imperative 6 - net positive water

LEED O+M unchecked
BOMA Best checked
02.05.03 - Are non-potable water sources used at the building?
Green Globes NC checked

9.6.1 Alternate Water Sources

9.6.2 Alternate Water Sources for Non-Domestic for Non-Potable Use

LEED BD+C checked

Credit: Water Efficiency - Indoor Water Use Reduction

Credit: Water Efficiency - Outdoor Water Use Reduction

i:20 gp:25

Ventilation and thermal comfort

Healthy, Effective Environments
GP 4.1. Enhance the Indoor Environment: Ventilation and Thermal Comfort
BOMA 360 warn

While there are credits agencies can choose from below, these will not achieve total compliance with the Guiding Principles. The rating system addresses performance goals and strategies for routine space temperature, it does not cite either ASHRAE Standards 55 or 62.1. To meet the Guiding Principles, agencies must ensure they follow ASHRAE 55 and 62.1.

Indoor Air Quality
Documentation—Upload summary (no more than 2 pages) of building’s or facility’s IAQ plan to include performance goals and strategies for routine space temperature, humidity, particulate filtration systems, reduction of allergens and irritants, and CO2 monitoring. (2 points)

BREEAM checked

HEA 14 – Thermal comfort

HEA 16 – Indoor air quality management

Green Globes EB checked

6.1.1 Ventilation System Optional Optional Optional Optional Optional Optional
  6.5.1 Thermal Comfort
  6.5.1A.1: Optional

LBC checked

Imperative 9 - healthy interior environment

Imperative 10 - healthy interior performance

LEED O+M checked

EQ Prerequisite: Minimum Indoor Air Quality

BOMA Best warn

The rating system does not reference ASHRAE 55.

To meet the Guiding Principles, agencies would need to ensure they meet the current version of ASHRAE 55.

03.04.04 - Do measured outdoor air ventilation rates meet the minimum requirements of Table of the current ASHRAE 62.1 standard?

03.05.04 - Are the measured outdoor air ventilation rates greater than those required by table of the current version of ASHRAE 62.1?

Green Globes NC checked Ventilation Air Quality
  11.4.2 Thermal Comfort

LEED BD+C checked

Prerequisite: Environmental Quality - Minimum Indoor Air Quality Performance

Credit: Environmental Quality - Thermal Comfort

i:20 gp:26

Daylighting and lighting controls

Healthy, Effective Environments
GP 4.2. Enhance the Indoor Environment: Daylighting and Lighting Controls
BOMA 360 unchecked
BREEAM checked

HEA 01 – Daylighting

HEA 02 – Control of glare from sunlight

HEA 03 – Internal and external lighting levels

HEA 04 – Lighting control

Green Globes EB checked

6.4.1 Daylighting and Electrical Lighting Features: Optional Optional Optional Optional Optional Optional Optional Optional Optional

LBC checked

Imperative 9 - healthy interior environment

Imperative 10 - healthy interior performance

LEED O+M checked

EA Prerequisite: Energy Efficiency Best Management Practices

BOMA Best warn

The standard includes modules for various building types. While some modules address lighting controls and others address designing for maximum daylighting, there do not appear to be any modules that include provisions for designing for maximum daylighting.

To meet the guiding principles, agencies would need to ensure their building incorporates daylighting in the space.

01.04.05 - What percentage of lighting fixtures are controlled by sensors?

01.04.07 - What percentage of the building's lighting is connected to an addressable lighting control system? (9 points - Office, ESC, Universal)

Green Globes NC checked

11.3.1 Daylighting and Views
11.3.2 Lighting Design Quantity
11.3.3 Lighting Design Quality
11.3.4 Lighting Sustainability

LEED BD+C checked

Credit: Environmental Quality - Daylight

Credit: Environmental Quality - Interior Lighting

i:20 gp:28

Low-emitting materials and products

Healthy, Effective Environments
GP 4.3. Enhance the Indoor Environment: Low-Emitting Materials and Products
BOMA 360 checked

Green Purchasing 
Documentation—Check (from list) or describe (in text box) use of alternative products rather than hazardous or toxic chemicals, radioactive materials and bio-hazardousagents. These may include green custodial products and services, elimination of hazardous material, environmentally benign adhesives, or other. (1 point)

Green Cleaning 
Documentation—Upload table of contents of green cleaning program and/or summary of program to include procedures for the purchase, use and disposal of products (including cleaning products, custodial paper products, trash bags, etc.); safe handling and storage of chemicals; procedures for managing spills or accidents; and training of personnel. Products should be Green Seal rated (or equivalent).

BREEAM checked

HEA 16 – Indoor air quality management

Green Globes EB checked

6.2.1 IAQ Management

LBC checked

Imperative 9 - healthy interior environment

Imperative 10 - healthy interior performance

Imperative 12 - responsible materials

Imperative 13 - red list

Imperative 14 - responsible sourcing

LEED O+M checked

EQ Prerequisite: Green Cleaning Policy

EQ Credit: Green Cleaning - Option 4

BOMA Best checked

BP7 - Is an Indoor Air Quality Monitoring Plan in place at the building?


03.01.03 - Is a plan in place to control construction-generated contaminants prior to base-building or tenant renovation?

03.02.01 - Does the air quality meet the goals set out in the IAQ Monitoring Plan?


06.01.06 - Building materials used for renovations.


10.01.04 - Are tenants required to comply with specific environmental criteria? (Criterion: Environmental Fit-up plan)

Green Globes NC checked

11.2.1 Volatile Organic Compounds

LEED BD+C checked

Credit: Environmental Quality - Low-Emitting Materials

i:20 gp:29

Radon mitigation

Healthy, Effective Environments
GP 4.4. Enhance the Indoor Environment: Radon Mitigation
BOMA 360 unchecked
BREEAM checked

HEA 16 – Indoor air quality

POL 09 – Land contamination mitigation

Green Globes EB warn

While there is a credit that agencies can choose from below, this will not achieve total compliance with the Guiding Principles. The rating system does not require a plan or policy be developed to routinely measure for radon levels in the building or to perform mitigation activities, where necessary. In order to meet the Guiding Principles, such a plan or policy would need to be enacted.

6.3.2 Radon requires a recent radon test if a bldg is located in a high risk area; however, there is no requirement to have a plan in place to test (and how often).

LBC checked

Imperative 10 - healthy interior performance

LEED O+M unchecked
BOMA Best checked

05.02.01 - Has a radon risk assessment been completed for the building?


05.03.01 - Are mitigation strategies in place to bring radon concentrations to within acceptable limits?

Green Globes NC checked Other indoor pollutants (tobacco, radon)

LEED BD+C unchecked
i:20 gp:30

Moisture and mold control

Healthy, Effective Environments
GP 4.5. Enhance the Indoor Environment: Moisture and Mold Control
BOMA 360 checked

Indoor Air Quality
Documentation—Upload summary (no more than 2 pages) of building’s or facility’s IAQ plan to include performance goals and strategies for routine space temperature, humidity, particulate filtration systems, reduction of allergens and irritants, and CO2 monitoring. (2 points)

BREEAM checked

HEA 16 – Indoor air quality management

Green Globes EB checked

1.1.1 Environmental Management System (EMS) Documentation:

6.1.3 Control of Pollutants at Source

6.2.1 IAQ Management

LBC warn

Both temperature and humidity are monitored, thereby moisture and mold control is utilized. However, nothing about mold control mitigation is explicitly stated.

In order to meet the guiding principles, agencies need to verify a moisture control and mitigation strategy is in place.

Imperative 9 - healthy interior environment

Imperative 10 - healthy interior performance

LEED O+M checked

EQ Credit: Green Cleaning

BOMA Best checked

BP7 - Is an Indoor Air Quality Monitoring Plan in place at the building?


02.01.01 - Is a Water Damage Monitoring and Management Program in place in the building?


02.01.02 - Is a maintenance program in place for interior features requiring water?

Green Globes NC checked Moisture Control Design Analysis

LEED BD+C warn

To meet the Guiding Principles, agencies would need to ensure they develop and implement a moisture control plan or policy.

The rating system has three credits that address moisture control; however, it does not require design teams to explicitly develop a plan for potential moisture control issues nor does it require implementation of any such plan.

Credit: Energy and Atmosphere - Enhanced Commissioning

i:20 gp:31

Protecting IAQ during construction and operations

Healthy, Effective Environments
GP 4.6. Enhance the Indoor Environment: Indoor Air Quality during Construction and Operations
BOMA 360 unchecked
BREEAM checked

HEA 16 – Indoor air quality management

Green Globes EB checked

6.2.1 IAQ Management

LBC checked

Imperative 9 - healthy interior environment

Imperative 10 - healthy interior performance

LEED O+M checked

MR Prerequisite: Facility Maintenance and Renovation Policy

BOMA Best warn

Rating system references having an indoor air quality control plan in place prior to base-building or tenant renovations, but does not require that it be implemented.

To meet the Guiding Principles, agencies must still ensure they implement an indoor air quality plan to protect IAQ during construction.

03.01.03 - Is a plan in place to control construction-generated contaminants prior to base-building or tenant renovations?

Green Globes NC warn

While the rating system requires a plan or policy be developed to protect IAQ during construction, there is not a requirement to implement the plan or policy.

To meet the Guiding Principles, agencies would need to ensure they develop and implement a plan or policy for protecting IAQ during construction.

1.2.1 Environmental Management System (EMS) (four sub-criteria): Optional

LEED BD+C checked

Credit: Environmental Quality - Construction Indoor Air Quality Management Plan

i:20 gp:32

Environmental smoking control

Healthy, Effective Environments
GP 4.7. Enhance the Indoor Environment: Environmental Smoking Control
BOMA 360 unchecked
BREEAM checked

HEA 15 – Smoking policy

Green Globes EB checked

6.1.3 Control of Pollutants at Source: (four sub-criteria): Optional

LBC checked

Imperative 9 - healthy interior environment

LEED O+M checked

EQ Prerequisite: Environmental Tobacco Smoke Control

BOMA Best unchecked
Green Globes NC checked

6.2.1 Environmental Management System (EMS)

LEED BD+C checked

Prerequisite: Environmental Quality - Environmental Tobacco Smoke Control

i:20 gp:33

Integrated pest management

Healthy, Effective Environments
GP 4.8. Enhance the Indoor Environment: Integrated Pest Management
BOMA 360 checked

Exterior Maintenance Management
Documentation—Upload copy of exterior maintenance management plan that includes, at a minimum, green pest control, fertilizer strategies, and storm water control. (1 point)

BREEAM checked

LUE 04 – Biodiversity management plan

Green Globes EB checked

6.2.2 Integrated Pest Management: Optional Optional Optional Optional

LBC checked

Imperative 1 - ecology of place

Imperative 9 - healthy interior environment

Imperative 10 - healthy interior performance

LEED O+M checked

EQ Credit: Integrated Pest Management

SS Credit: Site Management

BOMA Best warn

Integrated pest management is addressed, however, there is not a requirement to implement pest mitigation strategies (only encouragement).

To meet the guiding principles, agencies must use an integrated pest management program at their building.

07.03.02 - Are pest reduction strategies in place at the building?

Green Globes NC checked

11.2.5 Pest and Contamination Control

LEED BD+C unchecked
i:20 gp:34

Occupant health and wellness

Healthy, Effective Environments
GP 4.9. Enhance the Indoor Environment: Occupant Health and Wellness
BOMA 360 checked

Community Impact
Documentation—Upload description (no more than 1 page) of wellness/fitness center and/or programming, either in building OR off-site but that tenants have access to and/or is facilitated by building. (1 point)

BREEAM checked

HEA 14 – Thermal comfort

HEA 16 – Indoor air quality management

HEA 17 – Acoustic conditions

HEA 18 – Legionella risk management

HEA 19 – Drinking water management

Green Globes EB checked

2.2.2 Existing Sites: Optional (three paths): Optional

6.5.3 Access to Potable Water: Optional Optional Optional Optional

6.5.4 Health and Wellness: Optional (three sub-criteria): Optional (four sub-criteria): Optional Optional (five sub-criteria)

LBC checked

Imperative 9 - healthy interior

Imperative 10 - healthy interior performance

Imperative 11 - access to nature

LEED O+M warn

To meet the Guiding Principles, agencies must adopt practices/policies that promote physical movement of its building occupants.

Prerequisite: Minimum Indoor Air Quality

Prerequisite: Environmental Tobacco Smoke

Prerequisite: Green Cleaning Policy

Prerequisite: Indoor Environmental Quality Performance

Credit: Green Cleaning

Credit: Integrated Pest Management

BOMA Best warn

The rating system mentions the installation of natural environments around common areas, but does not reference other opportunities for occupant health and wellness.

To meet the guiding principles, agencies must promote other opportunities for increased physical movement and incorporate other health and wellness practices.

05.05.01 - Are features that attempt to simulate the natural environment installed in commonly occupied base-building areas?

05.05.02 - Is the building currently Fitwel certified?

Green Globes NC checked Landscaping Transportation Facilities for bicycle commuting and long-term parking Building Walkscore

LEED BD+C checked

Credit: Location and Transportation - Surrounding Density and Diverse Use

Credit: Location and Transportation - Bicycle Facilities

Credit: Sustainable Sites - Open Space

Credit: Indoor Environmental Quality - Daylight

Credit: Indoor Environmental Quality - Views

i:26 gp:52

Materials with recycled content

Sustainable Procurement
GP 5.1. Reduce the Environmental Impact of Materials: Materials - Recycled Content
BOMA 360 warn

Rating system includes points for green purchasing and recycling programs, but by earning these points, the building may not be fully complying with the intent of this guiding principle.

Ensure products that are purchased and used for building operations meet the requirements with RCRA 6002 as well as EPA recommendations for recycled content.

Green Purchasing
Documentation - Check (from list) or describe (in text box) products used that are made from recycled materials and that can be re-used or recycled. These may include construction products, landscaping, recycled content products, non-paper office products, office paper and paper products, or other. (1 point)

Waste Management and Recycling Programs
Waste management and Recycling Program: overall program that ensures on-site source separation of cardboard, mixed paper, glass, metal, and plastic from other waste. (1 point)


While there are credits agencies can choose from below, these will not achieve total compliance with the Guiding Principles. While the rating system addresses responsible material procurement, it does not explicitly reference a requirement or metric related to recycled content of materials.

In order to meet the Guiding Principles, agencies would need to ensure they use RCRA section 6002 compliant products or those that meet or exceed EPA's recycled content recommendations.

RSC 05 – Sustainable procurement

Green Globes EB warn

While there are credits agencies can choose from below, these will not achieve total compliance with the Guiding Principles.

The rating system addresses environmental purchasing, but does not explicitly reference procurement of recycled content products.

To meet the Guiding Principles, agencies must purchase products that meet or exceed EPA's recycled content recommendations.

5.1.1 Cycle Renovations:

LBC warn

It is stated that "In order to meet high diversion rates, project teams are expected to go beyond business as usual in order to stimulate and support recycling innovators if necessary. Project teams are encouraged to examine alternative construction methods that might reduce the amount of product waste, particularly where no recycling infrastructure exists locally, and to consider the challenges of recycling when determining whether to use specific products in the project." However, no more specifics are listed on how projects should utilize RCRA compliant products.

To meet the Guiding Principles, agencies must purchase products that meet or exceed EPA's recycled content recommendations.

Imperative 12 - responsible materials

Imperative 13 - red list

Imperative 14 - responsible sourcing

LEED O+M warn

To meet the Guiding Principles, agencies must purchase products that meet or exceed EPA's recycled content recommendations.

MR Credit: Purchasing - option 1 - meet recycled materials and products criteria

BOMA Best checked
06.01.03 - Office supplies
Green Globes NC warn

While the rating system covers procurement of recycled content, it is included in combination with other factors defining a "sustainable" product (Pre-consumer recycled content % + Post-consumer recycled content % + Biobased content % + Third Party Sustainable Forestry Certification content %) and therefore can't be assured to meet the Guiding Principles requirement.

To meet the Guiding Principles, agencies must purchase products that meet or exceed EPA's recycled content recommendations.

5.1.1 Whole Building Life Cycle Assessment Optional

5.4.1 Product Sustainable Materials Attributes Optional

5.5.1 Structural Systems and Non-Structural/Interior Elements: Optional Optional

5.5.2 Material Reuse from Off-Site Optional Optional

LEED BD+C warn

To meet the Guiding Principles, agencies must purchase products that meet or exceed EPA's recycled content recommendations.

The rating system combines several environmentally preferable attributes into a single credit for sourcing of raw material, including recycled content, but it cannot be assured that it will meet the Guiding Principles requirement.

Materials and Resources credit: Sourcing of Raw Materials

i:26 gp:53

Materials Biobased content

Sustainable Procurement
GP 5.2. Reduce the Environmental Impact of Materials: Materials - Biobased Content
BOMA 360 warn

Rating system includes points for green purchasing, but by earning these points, the building may not be fully complying with the intent of this guiding principle.

Ensure products that are purchased and used for building operations meet the requirements with FSRIA as well as USDA recommendations for biobased content

Green Purchasing
Documentation —Check (from list) or describe (in text box) products and services that minimize generation of waste and release of pollutants. These may include bio-based products, non-ozone depleting substances, water management, reduced packaging waste or other. (1 point).


While there are credits agencies can choose from below, these will not achieve total compliance with the Guiding Principles. The rating system addresses responsible material procurement, but it does not explicitly reference a requirement or metric related to biobased content of materials.

In order to meet the Guiding Principles, agencies would need to ensure they use USDA-designated products, where applicable.

RSC 05 – Sustainable procurement

Green Globes EB warn

While there are credits agencies can choose from below, these will not achieve total compliance with the Guiding Principles.

The rating system addresses environmental purchasing, and reference procurement of biobased content products but it is not mandatory and there is no procedure/policy for it.

In order to meet the Guiding Principles, agencies must purchase products that meet or exceed USDA's biobased content recommendations.

5.1.1 Cycle Renovations:

LBC warn

While there are credits agencies can choose from to minimize harmful materials, there is no mention of the USDA BioPreferred program or products.

In order to meet the guiding principles, agencies would need to ensure these products are used.

Imperative 12 - responsible materials

Imperative 14 - responsible sourcing

LEED O+M warn

To meet the Guiding Principles, agencies must purchase products that meet or exceed USDA's biobased recycled content recommendations.

MR Credit: Purchasing - option 1 - meet biobased products category

BOMA Best unchecked
Green Globes NC warn

While the rating system covers procurement of biobased content, it is included in combination with other factors defining a "sustainable" product (Pre-consumer recycled content % + Post-consumer recycled content % + Biobased content % + Third Party Sustainable Forestry Certification content %) and therefore can't be assured to meet the Guiding Principles requirement.

In order to meet the Guiding Principles, agencies must purchase products that meet or exceed USDA's biobased content recommendations.

5.4.1 Product Sustainable Materials Attributes Optional

LEED BD+C warn

To meet the Guiding Principles, agencies must purchase products that meet or exceed the USDA's BioPreferred program. The rating system combines several environmentally preferable attributes into a single credit for sourcing of raw material, including biobased material, but it cannot be assured that it will meet the Guiding Principles requirement.

Materials and Resources credit: Sourcing of Raw Materials

i:26 gp:54

Environmentally preferable products

Sustainable Procurement
GP 5.3. Reduce the Environmental Impact of Materials: Products
BOMA 360 checked
Green Purchasing
Documentation—Check (from list) or describe (in text box) use of alternative products rather than hazardous or toxic chemicals, radioactive materials and bio-hazardous agents. These may include green custodial products and services, elimination of hazardous material, environmentally benign adhesives, or other. (1 point)

ENERGY STAR Products for Building and Tenants 
Documentation—Upload copy of preferred purchase policy for the building for ENERGY STAR and/or environmentally friendly products. (1 point)
BREEAM checked

RSC 05 – Sustainable procurement

Green Globes EB checked

5.1.1 Cycle Renovations:

LBC checked

Imperative 12 - responsible materials

Imperative 14 - responsible sourcing

Imperative 15 - living economy sourcing

LEED O+M checked

MR Prerequisite: Purchasing Policy

MR Prerequisite: Facility Maintenance Renovation Policy

MR Credit: Purchasing

BOMA Best checked

BP11 - Is a Green Cleaning Program in place at the building?


06.01.02 - Cleaning devices, products and supplies.


06.01.03 - Office supplies


06.01.04 - Products used for building operations and maintenance.


06.01.05 - Cleaning Equipment.


09.01.09 - Use of environmentally preferable cleaning chemicals.


09.01.10 - Use of environmentally preferable maintenance equipment.

Green Globes NC checked

1.1.1 Performance & Green Design Goals Optional

5.1.1 Whole Building Life Cycle Assessment Optional

5.2.1 Product Life Cycle Optional Optional

5.3.1 Occupant Exposure Screening Report (OESR) Optional

5.4.1 Product Sustainable Materials Attributes Optional

6.2.1 Volatile Organic Compounds: (two sub-criteria): Optional (two sub-criteria): Optional (four sub-criteria): Optional Optional

LEED BD+C checked

Credit: Materials and Resources - Environmental Product Declarations

i:26 gp:55

Ozone depleting substances

Sustainable Procurement
GP 5.4. Reduce the Environmental Impact of Materials: Ozone Depleting Substances
BOMA 360 checked
Green Purchasing
Documentation—Check (from list) or describe (in text box) products and services that minimize generation of waste and release of pollutants. These may include bio-based products, non-ozone depleting substances, water management, reduced packaging waste or other. (1 point)

While there are credits agencies can choose from below, these will not achieve total compliance with the Guiding Principles. While the rating system addresses ozone depleting compounds, it does not explicitly reference a requirement or metric related to ozone depleting substances.

In order to meet the Guiding Principles, agencies would need to ensure they avoid using ozone depleting compounds and high global warming potential chemicals.

POL 04 – Global warming potential of refrigerants

Green Globes EB checked

3.2.4 Cooling Systems Optional

LBC checked

Imperative 13 - red list

LEED O+M checked

EA Credit: Enhanced Refrigerant Management

MR Credit: Purchasing

EA Prerequisite: Fundamental Refrigerant Management

BOMA Best unchecked
Green Globes NC warn

The rating system requires the project team to do a life cycle assessment and choose the design that is the most environmentally friendly design - but there are 5 factors to take into consideration and the use of ODPs is only one of the 5; therefore it cannot be assumed a project would meet the GP solely based on this credit.

In order to meet the Guiding Principles, agencies must ensure they do not use ozone depleting substances.

5.1.1 Whole Building Life Cycle Assessment Optional

LEED BD+C checked

Prerequisite: Environment and Atmosphere - Fundamental Refrigerant Management

Credit: Environment and Atmosphere - Enhanced Refrigerant Management

i:25 gp:50

Hazardous waste

Solid Waste Diversion
GP 5.5. Reduce the Environmental Impact of Materials: Hazardous Waste
BOMA 360 checked

Waste Management and Recycling Programs
(2) Universal and Hazardous Waste: including procedures for proper storage and disposal of mercury-containing fluorescent bulbs and other mercury-containing devices; batteries; toner cartridges; and electronics. (1 point)

(5) Onsite Trash Compaction: program that enhances efficient disposal or recycling operations and lowers waste removal transportation costs by decreasing the frequency of removal. Should include paper, cardboard, bottles, glass and/or aluminum cans. Compaction of construction/demolition waste, hazardous waste and bulk waste are NOT in the onsite trash compaction program. The program may be comprehensive or limited in scope. (up to 2 points)

BREEAM checked

RSC 06 – Optimizing resource use, reuse and recycling

Green Globes EB checked

5.1.2 Environmental Purchasing Optional

6.3.4 Health, Safety, and Management of Chemicals and Hazardous Materials (two paths):

6.3.4A (five sub-criteria):
  6.3.4A.1: Optional
  6.3.4A.2: Optional
  6.3.4A.3: Optional
  6.3.4A.4: Optional
  6.3.4A.5: Optional

6.3.4B (six sub-criteria):
  6.3.4B.1: Optional
  6.3.4B.2: Optional
  6.3.4B.3: Optional
  6.3.4B.4: Optional
  6.3.4B.5: Optional
  6.3.4B.6: Optional

LBC checked

Imperative 12 - responsible materials

Imperative 13 - red list

LEED O+M checked

EQ Prerequisite: Green Cleaning Policy

EQ Credit: Green Cleaning

BOMA Best checked

BP9 - Is a Hazardous Building Materials Management Program in place at the building?

BP10(a) - Is a Hazardous Chemical Products Management Program in place at the building?

09.02.02 - Has an environmental site assessment been completed for the property?

09.03.02 - Are controls in place to address migration of known soil/groundwater contaminants into the building?

Green Globes NC warn

While there are credits agencies can choose from below, these will not achieve total compliance with the Guiding Principles. The rating system has requirements to follow RCRA subtitle C and subtitle I and the Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Act (CERCLA) but it does not require proof of compliance.

To comply with the Guiding Principles, agencies must demonstrate that they follow these requirements. Other indoor Pollutants

LEED BD+C unchecked
i:25 gp:51

Solid waste management

Solid Waste Diversion
GP 5.6. Reduce the Environmental Impact of Materials: Solid Waste Management
BOMA 360 warn

While there are credits agencies can choose from below, these will not achieve total compliance with the Guiding Principles. The rating system addresses diverting construction and demolition waste, it does not specify that at least 50% of construction and demolition material be diverted from landfills. To meet the Guiding Principles, agencies must ensure at least 50% of construction and demolition materials are diverted from landfills.

Waste Management and Recycling Programs
(4) Bulk Waste: including guidelines for diversion of as much material as possible from landfill by salvage for donation or reuse, or for recycling. Includes large or bulky items not typically generated on a day-to-day basis and that are generally removed separately from the regular waste stream, such as furniture and appliances. (1 point)

BREEAM checked

RSC 02 – Reuse and recycling facilities

RSC 06 – Optimizing resource use, reuse and recycling

Green Globes EB checked

5.2.1 Facilities for Storing and Handling Recyclable Materials: (six sub-criteria): Optional (five sub-criteria): Optional (two sub-criteria): Optional (four sub-criteria): Optional Optional

5.2.2 Consumables/Disposables: Waste Reduction and Recycling: Optional Optional Optional Optional Optional

LBC checked

Imperative 16 - net positive waste

LEED O+M checked

MR Prerequisite: Waste Performance

BOMA Best warn

The rating system encourages diversion of waste materials and provides credit for higher rates of diversion, but there is not a requirement to achieve greater than 50% diversion [it is an optional credit]

To meet the Guiding Principles, agencies must divert at least 50% of materials from landfills.

BP14 - Is a Waste Reduction Work Plan in place at the building?

08.01.01 - Is a Waste Reduction and Diversion Policy in place at the building?

08.02.01 - What is the building's Reduce, Reuse, Recycle (3Rs) diversion rate?

08.02.02 - What is the building's capture rate?

08.03.01 - Are any of the following waste diversion initiatives in place at the building?

08.05.02 - Are other measures in place in the building to improve waste diversion?

10.01.04 - Are tenants required to comply with specific environmental criteria?

Green Globes NC warn

While there are credits agencies can choose from below, these will not achieve total compliance with the Guiding Principles. The rating system has requirements to track the amount diverted, but it does not set a minimum diversion rate of 50% as required by the Guiding Principles.

In order to meet the Guiding Principles, agencies must demonstrate a 50% diversion rate. Construction Waste

10.6.2 Post occupancy solid waste recycling

LEED BD+C checked

Prerequisite: Materials and Resources - Storage and Collection of Recyclables

Credit: Materials and Resources - Construction and Demolition Waste Management

i:28 gp:103

Risk Assessment

GP 6.1. Assess and Consider Building Resilience: Risk Assessment
BOMA 360 unchecked
BREEAM checked

RSL 01 – Flood risk assessment

RSL 03 – Natural hazard risk assessment

RSL 07 – Climate-related transition risks and opportunities

RSL 08 – Social risks and opportunities

RSL 09 – Fire risk assessment

RSL 10 – Security risk assessment

Green Globes EB checked

1.2.1 Risk Assessment & Facility Adaptation: (three sub-criteria): Optional Optional Optional

LBC checked

Imperative 6 - net positive water

Imperative 8 - net positive carbon

LEED O+M unchecked
BOMA Best checked

09.01.14 - A long term climate change risk assessment

09.01.16 - A short-term hazard assessment

09.01.18 - Has the resilience plan been reviewed, signed, and dated by senior management within the last three years?

Green Globes NC checked Site and building resilience

LEED BD+C checked

Credit: Location and Transportation - Sensitive Land Protection

Credit: Sustainable Sites - Site Assessment

i:28 gp:104

Building Resilience

GP 6.2. Assess and Consider Building Resilience: Building Resilience and Adaptation
BOMA 360 unchecked

While there are credits agencies can choose from below, these will not achieve total compliance with the Guiding Principles. BREEAM provides credits that address various risk assessments for fire, climate, security, and social, there is no language that requires proof of anything being implemented.

In order to meet the Guiding Principles, agencies must demonstrate that these findings are being implemented.

RSL 06 – Emergency plans and climate-related physical risks

RSL 07 – Climate-related transition risks and opportunities

RSL 08 – Social risks and opportunities

Green Globes EB checked

1.2.1 Risk Assessment & Facility Adaptation: Optional

1.2.2 Emergency Procedures, Response, & Facility Upgrades: (four sub-criteria): Optional Optional Optional Optional Optional (three sub-criteria): Optional Optional Optional

LBC checked

Imperative 6 - net positive water

Imperative 8 - net positive carbon

LEED O+M checked

EA Credit: Grid Harmonization

BOMA Best checked

09.01.13 - Has a resilience or business continuity plan been prepared for the building that includes the following components?

09.01.15 - An adaptation plan based on assessed long-term climate risks

Green Globes NC checked

6.1.3 Site and building resilience

LEED BD+C checked

Credit: Energy and Atmosphere - Grid Harmonization

Credit: Water Efficiency - Alternative Water

Pilot Credit: Assessment and Planning for Resilience

Pilot Credit: Design for Enhanced Resilience

Integrated Design

Integrated design and management
GP 1.1. Employ Integrated Design Principles: Integrated Design and Management
BREEAM checked

MAN 01 – Building user guide

MAN 02 – Management engagement and feedback

MAN 03 – Maintenance policies and procedures

MAN 04 – Environmental policies and procedures


MAN 01 – Building user guide

MAN 02 – Management engagement and feedback

MAN 03 – Maintenance policies and procedures

MAN 04 – Environmental policies and procedures

Green Globes EB checked

1.1.1 Environmental Management System

Green Globes EB

1.1.1 Environmental Management System

Green Globes NC checked Employ an Integrated Design Process (IDP)

Green Globes NC Employ an Integrated Design Process (IDP)

LBC checked

Imperative 19 - Beauty + Biophilia


Imperative 19 - Beauty + Biophilia

LEED BD+C checked

Credit: Integrative Process


Credit: Integrative Process

LEED O+M warn

To meet the Guiding Principles, agencies would need to either reference 2018 IgCC Appendix F Integrated Design or have a more tailored Integrated Design and Management Plan

MR Prerequisite: Facility Maintenance and Renovations Policy


To meet the Guiding Principles, agencies would need to either reference 2018 IgCC Appendix F Integrated Design or have a more tailored Integrated Design and Management Plan

MR Prerequisite: Facility Maintenance and Renovations Policy


Access to public amenities/neighborhood assets
GP 1.2. Employ Integrated Design Principles: Sustainable Siting
BOMA Best warn

The rating system includes access credits for Multi-Unit Residential Buildings and the Health Care modules include a walkability index; however, the universal, office, and light industrial modules do not address access to public amenities.

In order to comply with the Guiding Principles, agencies would need to ensure they leverage existing infrastructure and align with local/regional planning goals.


The rating system includes access credits for Multi-Unit Residential Buildings and the Health Care modules include a walkability index; however, the universal, office, and light industrial modules do not address access to public amenities.

In order to comply with the Guiding Principles, agencies would need to ensure they leverage existing infrastructure and align with local/regional planning goals.

BREEAM checked

TRA 03 – Proximity to amenities

MAN 01 – Building user guide


TRA 03 – Proximity to amenities

MAN 01 – Building user guide

Green Globes EB checked

2.2.2 Existing Sites: (three paths): Optional

6.5.4 Health & Wellness Optional (both sub-criteria): Optional

Green Globes EB

2.2.2 Existing Sites: (three paths): Optional

6.5.4 Health & Wellness Optional (both sub-criteria): Optional

Green Globes NC checked

7.2.1 Transportation

Green Globes NC

7.2.1 Transportation

LBC checked

Imperative 4 - human scaled living

Imperative 17 - universal access


Imperative 4 - human scaled living

Imperative 17 - universal access

LEED BD+C checked

Credit: Location & Transportation - Surrounding Density and Diverse Uses


Credit: Location & Transportation - Surrounding Density and Diverse Uses


Floodplain avoidance
GP 1.2. Employ Integrated Design Principles: Sustainable Siting
BREEAM checked

RSL 01 – Flood risk assessment


RSL 01 – Flood risk assessment

Green Globes NC checked

7.1.2 Greenfields, Brownfields, and Floodplains

Green Globes NC

7.1.2 Greenfields, Brownfields, and Floodplains

LBC checked

Imperative 1 - ecology of place


Imperative 1 - ecology of place

LEED BD+C checked

Credit: Sustainable Sites - Site Assessment

Credit: Location & Transportation - Sensitive Land Protection


Credit: Sustainable Sites - Site Assessment

Credit: Location & Transportation - Sensitive Land Protection


Preservation and protection of surrounding areas and habitats
GP 1.2. Employ Integrated Design Principles: Sustainable Siting
BOMA Best checked

09.1.03 - Protect and/or restore habitat


09.1.03 - Protect and/or restore habitat

BREEAM checked

LUE 01 – Planted area

LUE 02 – Ecological features of planted area

LUE 03 – Ecology report

LUE 04 – Biodiversity management plan

POL 01 – Minimizing water course pollution

POL 07 – Inspection of watercourse pollution prevention features

RSL 04 – Durable and resilient features


LUE 01 – Planted area

LUE 02 – Ecological features of planted area

LUE 03 – Ecology report

LUE 04 – Biodiversity management plan

POL 01 – Minimizing water course pollution

POL 07 – Inspection of watercourse pollution prevention features

RSL 04 – Durable and resilient features

Green Globes EB checked

2.2.1 Site Enhancement Optional Optional Optional

2.2.2 Existing Sites Optional

Green Globes EB

2.2.1 Site Enhancement Optional Optional Optional

2.2.2 Existing Sites Optional

Green Globes NC checked

7.1.2 Greenfields, Brownfields, and Floodplains

Green Globes NC

7.1.2 Greenfields, Brownfields, and Floodplains

LBC checked

Imperative 1 - ecology of place

Imperative 3 - habitat exchange


Imperative 1 - ecology of place

Imperative 3 - habitat exchange

LEED BD+C checked

Prerequisite: Sustainable Sites - Construction Activity Pollution Prevention

Credit: Location & Transportation - Sensitive Land Protection

Credit: Sustainable Sites - Protect or Restore Habitat

Credit: Sustainable Sites - Open Space


Prerequisite: Sustainable Sites - Construction Activity Pollution Prevention

Credit: Location & Transportation - Sensitive Land Protection

Credit: Sustainable Sites - Protect or Restore Habitat

Credit: Sustainable Sites - Open Space

LEED O+M checked

SS Credit: Site Management

SS Credit: Heat Island Reduction

SS Credit: light Pollution Reduction


SS Credit: Site Management

SS Credit: Heat Island Reduction

SS Credit: light Pollution Reduction


Protection of historic resources
GP 1.2. Employ Integrated Design Principles: Sustainable Siting
LBC checked

Imperative 16 - net positive waste


Imperative 16 - net positive waste

LEED BD+C checked

Credit: Materials & Resources - Building Life-Cycle Impact Reduction


Credit: Materials & Resources - Building Life-Cycle Impact Reduction

Water Use Efficiency and Management

Stormwater management
GP 1.3. Employ Integrated Design Principles: Stormwater Management
BOMA 360 checked
Exterior Maintenance Management 
Documentation—Upload copy of exterior maintenance management plan that includes, at a minimum, green pest control, fertilizer strategies, and storm water control. (1 point)
BOMA 360
Exterior Maintenance Management 
Documentation—Upload copy of exterior maintenance management plan that includes, at a minimum, green pest control, fertilizer strategies, and storm water control. (1 point)
BOMA Best checked
09.05.01 - Does the facility site include features to minimize and manage stormwater runoff?
09.05.01 - Does the facility site include features to minimize and manage stormwater runoff?
BREEAM checked

RSL 02 – Surface water run-off impact mitigation


RSL 02 – Surface water run-off impact mitigation

Green Globes EB checked

2.2.1 Site Enhancement: Optional Optional

Green Globes EB

2.2.1 Site Enhancement: Optional Optional

Green Globes NC warn

There is no mention of LID strategies or ensuring the site is mitigated to pre-development hydrology. The credits will certainly help, but will not get an agency to be 100% compliant with the guiding principle.

In order to comply with the Guiding Principles, agencies would need to ensure the site uses LID strategies or is mitigated to pre-development hydrology.

7.4.1 Stormwater Management

Green Globes NC

There is no mention of LID strategies or ensuring the site is mitigated to pre-development hydrology. The credits will certainly help, but will not get an agency to be 100% compliant with the guiding principle.

In order to comply with the Guiding Principles, agencies would need to ensure the site uses LID strategies or is mitigated to pre-development hydrology.

7.4.1 Stormwater Management

LBC checked

Imperative 5 - responsible water use

Imperative 6 - net positive water


Imperative 5 - responsible water use

Imperative 6 - net positive water

LEED BD+C checked

Prerequisite: Sustainable Sites - Construction Activity Pollution Prevention

Credit: Sustainable Sites - Rainwater Management


Prerequisite: Sustainable Sites - Construction Activity Pollution Prevention

Credit: Sustainable Sites - Rainwater Management

LEED O+M checked

SS Credit: Rainwater Management

SS Credit: Site Management


SS Credit: Rainwater Management

SS Credit: Site Management


Access to public transportation
GP 1.4. Employ Integrated Design Principles: Infrastructure Utilization and Optimization
BOMA 360 checked

Traffic Reduction Initiatives
Documentation—Indicate (check) which of the following strategies are in place: bike rack (1 point), carpooling incentives (1 point), public transportation incentives (1 point), car charging stations (on site or readily accessible to building) (1 point)

BOMA 360

Traffic Reduction Initiatives
Documentation—Indicate (check) which of the following strategies are in place: bike rack (1 point), carpooling incentives (1 point), public transportation incentives (1 point), car charging stations (on site or readily accessible to building) (1 point)

BOMA Best checked

10.02.09 - Is a transportation survey conducted in the building?


10.04.02 - Promoting the use of public transportation.


10.02.09 - Is a transportation survey conducted in the building?


10.04.02 - Promoting the use of public transportation.

BREEAM checked

TRA 02 – Proximity to public transport

MAN 01 – Building user guide

MAN 02 – Management engagement and feedback


TRA 02 – Proximity to public transport

MAN 01 – Building user guide

MAN 02 – Management engagement and feedback

Green Globes EB checked

2.2.2 Existing Sites: Optional Optional Optional Optional (three paths): Optional

Green Globes EB

2.2.2 Existing Sites: Optional Optional Optional Optional (three paths): Optional

Green Globes NC checked

7.1.1 Urban Infill and Urban Sprawl

7.2 Transportation

Green Globes NC

7.1.1 Urban Infill and Urban Sprawl

7.2 Transportation

LBC checked

Imperative 4 - human scaled living

Imperative 17 - universal access


Imperative 4 - human scaled living

Imperative 17 - universal access

LEED BD+C checked

Credit: Location & Transportation - Access to Quality Transit


Credit: Location & Transportation - Access to Quality Transit

LEED O+M checked

LT Prerequisite: Transportation Performance


LT Prerequisite: Transportation Performance


Consideration of occupant transportation emissions
GP 1.4. Employ Integrated Design Principles: Infrastructure Utilization and Optimization
BOMA Best checked

10.02.09 - Is a transportation survey conducted in the building?


10.04.02 - Promoting the use of public transportation.


10.04.03 - Encouraging carpooling and/or car sharing programs.


10.04.04 - Providing a charging station for electric/hybrid vehicles.


10.02.09 - Is a transportation survey conducted in the building?


10.04.02 - Promoting the use of public transportation.


10.04.03 - Encouraging carpooling and/or car sharing programs.


10.04.04 - Providing a charging station for electric/hybrid vehicles.

BREEAM checked

TRA 01 – Alternative modes of transportation

TRA 02 – Proximity to public transport

TRA 03 – Proximity to amenities

TRA 04 – Pedestrian and cyclist safety

MAN 01 – Building User Guide


TRA 01 – Alternative modes of transportation

TRA 02 – Proximity to public transport

TRA 03 – Proximity to amenities

TRA 04 – Pedestrian and cyclist safety

MAN 01 – Building User Guide

Green Globes EB checked

2.2.2 Existing Sites Optional Optional Optional Optional

Green Globes EB

2.2.2 Existing Sites Optional Optional Optional Optional

Green Globes NC checked

7.2.1 Transportation

Green Globes NC

7.2.1 Transportation

LBC checked

Imperative 4 - human scaled living


Imperative 4 - human scaled living

LEED BD+C checked

Credit: Location + Transportation - Electric Vehicles

Credit: Location + Transportation - Biking Facilities

Credit: Location + Transportation - Reduced Parking Footprint

Credit: Location + Transportation - Surrounding Density and Diverse Uses


Credit: Location + Transportation - Electric Vehicles

Credit: Location + Transportation - Biking Facilities

Credit: Location + Transportation - Reduced Parking Footprint

Credit: Location + Transportation - Surrounding Density and Diverse Uses

LEED O+M checked

LT Prerequisite: Transportation Performance


LT Prerequisite: Transportation Performance

Integrated Design

GP 1.5. Employ Integrated Design Principles: Commissioning
BOMA 360 checked

Energy Audit and System Commissioning
Documentation—Upload proof of energy audit conducted within the past 5 years, including summary of audit. (2 points)

Documentation—Upload proof of current commissioning
Recommissioning/retro-commissioning at least every 5 years (2 points)
Ongoing commissioning plan, minimum every 2 years (1 points)

BOMA 360

Energy Audit and System Commissioning
Documentation—Upload proof of energy audit conducted within the past 5 years, including summary of audit. (2 points)

Documentation—Upload proof of current commissioning
Recommissioning/retro-commissioning at least every 5 years (2 points)
Ongoing commissioning plan, minimum every 2 years (1 points)

BOMA Best checked

01.03.06 - Are the equipment and energy systems regularly re- or retro-commissioned?

01.03.07 - Are newly installed energy systems and equipment appropriately commissioned?


01.03.06 - Are the equipment and energy systems regularly re- or retro-commissioned?

01.03.07 - Are newly installed energy systems and equipment appropriately commissioned?

Green Globes EB checked

3.3.3 Commissioning Optional Optional

Green Globes EB

3.3.3 Commissioning Optional Optional

Green Globes NC checked

6.5 Commissioning or Systems Manual Training

Green Globes NC

6.5 Commissioning or Systems Manual Training

LEED BD+C checked

Prerequisite: Energy & Atmosphere - Fundamental Commissioning and Verification

Credit: Energy & Atmosphere - Enhanced Commissioning


Prerequisite: Energy & Atmosphere - Fundamental Commissioning and Verification

Credit: Energy & Atmosphere - Enhanced Commissioning

Energy Efficiency

Energy use reduction
GP 2.1. Optimize Energy Performance: Energy Efficiency
BOMA 360 checked

ENERGY STAR® Benchmarking
Documentation—Indicate (check) if building/facility has achieved an ENERGY STAR average score of 75 or higher over last calendar year. (1 point)

BOMA 360

ENERGY STAR® Benchmarking
Documentation—Indicate (check) if building/facility has achieved an ENERGY STAR average score of 75 or higher over last calendar year. (1 point)

BOMA Best warn

While ASHRAE 90.1 is referenced in the office, and universal modules, a specific year is not referenced. The standard only encourages that "when it comes time to replace equipment, they will be replaced with an energy efficient model compliant with ASHRAE 90.1 or ENERGY STAR; however, no year is specified with regard to the ASHRAE 90.1 standard. There is no energy reduction performance path and ENERGY STAR benchmarking is encouraged but not required.

To meet the guiding principles, agencies would need to be 30% better than the current ASHRAE 90.1 standard or have an Energy Star rating of 75 or higher.

BP2 - Has an ASHRAE Level 1 Energy Assessment been conducted in the last five (5) years?

BP3 - Is an Energy Management Plan in place at the building

BP4 - Is an energy reduction target in place at the building?

01.02.03 - What is the Energy Star score achieved by this building? (60 points for achieving an ENERGY STAR rating of 75)

01.02.05 - Has an ASHRAE Level 2 Energy Assessment been performed on the building in the last five (5) years? E19+E20


While ASHRAE 90.1 is referenced in the office, and universal modules, a specific year is not referenced. The standard only encourages that "when it comes time to replace equipment, they will be replaced with an energy efficient model compliant with ASHRAE 90.1 or ENERGY STAR; however, no year is specified with regard to the ASHRAE 90.1 standard. There is no energy reduction performance path and ENERGY STAR benchmarking is encouraged but not required.

To meet the guiding principles, agencies would need to be 30% better than the current ASHRAE 90.1 standard or have an Energy Star rating of 75 or higher.

BP2 - Has an ASHRAE Level 1 Energy Assessment been conducted in the last five (5) years?

BP3 - Is an Energy Management Plan in place at the building

BP4 - Is an energy reduction target in place at the building?

01.02.03 - What is the Energy Star score achieved by this building? (60 points for achieving an ENERGY STAR rating of 75)

01.02.05 - Has an ASHRAE Level 2 Energy Assessment been performed on the building in the last five (5) years? E19+E20

BREEAM checked

Use the Asset Energy Calculator to determine if the building is 20% below 2015 energy use baseline or 30% below 2003 energy use baseline


Use the Asset Energy Calculator to determine if the building is 20% below 2015 energy use baseline or 30% below 2003 energy use baseline

Green Globes EB checked

3.1.1B.1 – must get 24 points or higher to meet GP

Green Globes EB

3.1.1B.1 – must get 24 points or higher to meet GP

Green Globes NC warn

The rating system references ASHRAE 90.1 2010 as to complete one of the credits, it does reference ASHRAE 90.1-2013 but it is more optional than ASHRAE 90.1 2010. The rating system does contain an energy reduction performance path; however, it does not require buildings to attain an Energy Star rating.

To meet the Guiding Principles, agencies would need to ensure they reference ASHRAE 90.1-2013 in their projects and be 30% more efficient than ASHRAE 90.1-2013, demonstrate energy use is 20% below FY2015 baseline, demonstrate energy use is 30% below FY2003 baseline, or achieve an Energy Star rating of 75 or higher.

8.1 Energy Performance

Green Globes NC

The rating system references ASHRAE 90.1 2010 as to complete one of the credits, it does reference ASHRAE 90.1-2013 but it is more optional than ASHRAE 90.1 2010. The rating system does contain an energy reduction performance path; however, it does not require buildings to attain an Energy Star rating.

To meet the Guiding Principles, agencies would need to ensure they reference ASHRAE 90.1-2013 in their projects and be 30% more efficient than ASHRAE 90.1-2013, demonstrate energy use is 20% below FY2015 baseline, demonstrate energy use is 30% below FY2003 baseline, or achieve an Energy Star rating of 75 or higher.

8.1 Energy Performance

LBC checked

Imperative 7 - Energy and Carbon Reduction


Imperative 7 - Energy and Carbon Reduction

LEED BD+C warn

To meet the Guiding Principles, agencies would need to ensure that their projects be 30% more efficient than ASHRAE 90.1-2013, demonstrate energy use is 20% below FY2015 baseline, demonstrate energy use is 30% below FY2003 baseline, or achieve an Energy Star rating of 75 or higher.

Energy + Atmosphere prerequisite: Minimum Energy Performance

Energy + Atmosphere credit: Optimize Energy Performance


To meet the Guiding Principles, agencies would need to ensure that their projects be 30% more efficient than ASHRAE 90.1-2013, demonstrate energy use is 20% below FY2015 baseline, demonstrate energy use is 30% below FY2003 baseline, or achieve an Energy Star rating of 75 or higher.

Energy + Atmosphere prerequisite: Minimum Energy Performance

Energy + Atmosphere credit: Optimize Energy Performance

LEED O+M warn

To meet the Guiding Principles, agencies would need to ensure they reference ASHRAE 90.1-2013 in their projects and be 30% more efficient than ASHRAE 90.1-2013, demonstrate energy use is 20% below FY2015 baseline, demonstrate energy use is 30% below FY2003 baseline, or achieve an Energy Star rating of 75 or higher.

EA Prerequisite: Energy Efficiency Best Management Practices

EA Prerequisite: Energy Performance


To meet the Guiding Principles, agencies would need to ensure they reference ASHRAE 90.1-2013 in their projects and be 30% more efficient than ASHRAE 90.1-2013, demonstrate energy use is 20% below FY2015 baseline, demonstrate energy use is 30% below FY2003 baseline, or achieve an Energy Star rating of 75 or higher.

EA Prerequisite: Energy Efficiency Best Management Practices

EA Prerequisite: Energy Performance

Energy Efficiency

Procurement of ENERGY STAR® products and/ Federal Energy Management Program or products
GP 2.1. Optimize Energy Performance: Energy Efficiency
BOMA 360 checked

Green Purchasing
Check (from list) or describe (in text box) products and services that conserve energy and water. These may include ENERGY STAR® products, energy efficient products, low-flow water devices, products from local vendors/suppliers, or other. (1 point).

ENERGY STAR Products for Building and Tenants
Documentation—Upload copy of preferred purchase policy for the building for ENERGY STAR and/or environmentally friendly products. (1 point)

ENERGY STAR Products for Building and Tenants
Documentation—Upload copy of policy or other communications to tenants or occupants recommending purchase of ENERGY STAR products, such as kitchen or office equipment. (2 points)

BOMA 360

Green Purchasing
Check (from list) or describe (in text box) products and services that conserve energy and water. These may include ENERGY STAR® products, energy efficient products, low-flow water devices, products from local vendors/suppliers, or other. (1 point).

ENERGY STAR Products for Building and Tenants
Documentation—Upload copy of preferred purchase policy for the building for ENERGY STAR and/or environmentally friendly products. (1 point)

ENERGY STAR Products for Building and Tenants
Documentation—Upload copy of policy or other communications to tenants or occupants recommending purchase of ENERGY STAR products, such as kitchen or office equipment. (2 points)

BOMA Best warn

While the use of Energy Star products is referenced in the rating system, it does not include prescriptive energy performance measures for building products.

To meet the Guiding Principles, agencies should purchase Energy Star or FEMP-designated products where possible.

01.04.03 - What building areas incorporate at least 50% of ENERGY STAR or DesignLight Consortium (DLC) approved lighting lamps and ballasts?

01.05.05 - Is 75% of the domestic water heating equipment efficient?

06.01.07 - Energy efficient equipment

06.01.08 - Water efficient equipment

09.01.10 - Use of environmentally preferable maintenance equipment

10.01.04 - Are tenants required to comply with specific environmental criteria? [Energy Efficiency]


While the use of Energy Star products is referenced in the rating system, it does not include prescriptive energy performance measures for building products.

To meet the Guiding Principles, agencies should purchase Energy Star or FEMP-designated products where possible.

01.04.03 - What building areas incorporate at least 50% of ENERGY STAR or DesignLight Consortium (DLC) approved lighting lamps and ballasts?

01.05.05 - Is 75% of the domestic water heating equipment efficient?

06.01.07 - Energy efficient equipment

06.01.08 - Water efficient equipment

09.01.10 - Use of environmentally preferable maintenance equipment

10.01.04 - Are tenants required to comply with specific environmental criteria? [Energy Efficiency]


While there are credits agencies can choose from below, these will not achieve total compliance with the Guiding Principles. It does not require the purchase of Energy Star or FEMP-designated products.

In order to meet the Guiding Principles, buildings would need to ensure they purchase Energy Star or FEMP-designated products as appropriate.

RSC 05 – Sustainable Procurement


While there are credits agencies can choose from below, these will not achieve total compliance with the Guiding Principles. It does not require the purchase of Energy Star or FEMP-designated products.

In order to meet the Guiding Principles, buildings would need to ensure they purchase Energy Star or FEMP-designated products as appropriate.

RSC 05 – Sustainable Procurement

Green Globes EB warn

While there are credits agencies can choose from below, these will not achieve total compliance with the Guiding Principles.

The rating system addresses environmental purchasing, but does not reference Energy Star or other standards.

In order to comply with the Guiding Principles, agencies must purchase products that meet the government's recommended specifications, standards and ecolabels or those that are FEMP products and ENERGY STAR. – but agency would need to specify energy star or FEMP designated products

Green Globes EB

While there are credits agencies can choose from below, these will not achieve total compliance with the Guiding Principles.

The rating system addresses environmental purchasing, but does not reference Energy Star or other standards.

In order to comply with the Guiding Principles, agencies must purchase products that meet the government's recommended specifications, standards and ecolabels or those that are FEMP products and ENERGY STAR. – but agency would need to specify energy star or FEMP designated products

Green Globes NC checked

8.2.3 Plug Load and Process Energy Management

Green Globes NC

8.2.3 Plug Load and Process Energy Management

LBC warn

It's stated that "Procurement of Energy Star and FEMP products are a key strategy outlined in the technical support and guidance documents offered to project teams." However, procurement of Energy Star and FEMP products are not explicitly stated in LBC standards.

In order to comply with the Guiding Principles, agencies must purchase products that meet the government's recommended specifications, standards and ecolabels or those that are FEMP products and ENERGY STAR.

Imperative 7 - Energy and Carbon Reduction

Imperative 8 - Net Positive Carbon


It's stated that "Procurement of Energy Star and FEMP products are a key strategy outlined in the technical support and guidance documents offered to project teams." However, procurement of Energy Star and FEMP products are not explicitly stated in LBC standards.

In order to comply with the Guiding Principles, agencies must purchase products that meet the government's recommended specifications, standards and ecolabels or those that are FEMP products and ENERGY STAR.

Imperative 7 - Energy and Carbon Reduction

Imperative 8 - Net Positive Carbon

LEED BD+C checked

Option 3 of Energy and Atmosphere credit Optimize Energy Performance


Option 3 of Energy and Atmosphere credit Optimize Energy Performance

LEED O+M checked

EA Prerequisite: Energy Performance

MR Credit: Purchasing


EA Prerequisite: Energy Performance

MR Credit: Purchasing

Energy Efficiency

Energy metering
GP 2.2. Optimize Energy Performance: Energy Metering
BOMA 360 checked

Building Energy Management 
Documentation—Upload copy of real-time energy metering report. (1 point)

BOMA 360

Building Energy Management 
Documentation—Upload copy of real-time energy metering report. (1 point)

BOMA Best checked

01.04.02 - What percentage of the building's energy consumption is sub-metered?


01.04.02 - What percentage of the building's energy consumption is sub-metered?

BREEAM checked

ENE 15 – Monitoring energy uses

ENE 16 – Monitoring tenanted areas


ENE 15 – Monitoring energy uses

ENE 16 – Monitoring tenanted areas

Green Globes EB checked

3.3.4 Energy Monitoring, Policy, & Management Optional Optional Optional

Green Globes EB

3.3.4 Energy Monitoring, Policy, & Management Optional Optional Optional

Green Globes NC checked

8.3.1 Metering

Green Globes NC

8.3.1 Metering

LBC checked

Imperative 7 - Energy and Carbon Reduction


Imperative 7 - Energy and Carbon Reduction

LEED BD+C checked

Prerequisite: Energy + Atmosphere - Building-Level Energy Metering

Prerequisite: Energy + Atmosphere - Advanced Energy Metering


Prerequisite: Energy + Atmosphere - Building-Level Energy Metering

Prerequisite: Energy + Atmosphere - Advanced Energy Metering

LEED O+M checked

EA Prerequisite: Energy Performance


EA Prerequisite: Energy Performance

Energy Efficiency

Renewable energy
GP 2.3. Optimize Energy Performance: Renewable Energy
BOMA 360 checked

Section 4: Energy

Renewable Energy (Up to 2 points)

Documentation—Upload specifications documentation for purchase of renewable energy for at least 25% of building consumption. - OR -

Documentation—Upload contract documentation for generation of at least 1 percent of renewable energy. (1 point)

Demand Response Program
Documentation—Upload section of contract document that stipulates reducing or shifting electrical usage during peak periods. - OR -

Internal Scheduling Program
Documentation—Upload past six-month energy distribution report illustrating how electricity was shifted during peak periods. (1 point)

BOMA 360

Section 4: Energy

Renewable Energy (Up to 2 points)

Documentation—Upload specifications documentation for purchase of renewable energy for at least 25% of building consumption. - OR -

Documentation—Upload contract documentation for generation of at least 1 percent of renewable energy. (1 point)

Demand Response Program
Documentation—Upload section of contract document that stipulates reducing or shifting electrical usage during peak periods. - OR -

Internal Scheduling Program
Documentation—Upload past six-month energy distribution report illustrating how electricity was shifted during peak periods. (1 point)

BOMA Best checked

01.05.11 - Are renewable-energy certificates or low-impact electricity purchased?


01.05.12 - Are renewable natural resources used on-site to generate at least 1% of the building's energy?


01.05.11 - Are renewable-energy certificates or low-impact electricity purchased?


01.05.12 - Are renewable natural resources used on-site to generate at least 1% of the building's energy?

BREEAM checked

ENE 10 – Demand side management capabilities for electricity

ENE 15 – Monitoring energy uses


ENE 10 – Demand side management capabilities for electricity

ENE 15 – Monitoring energy uses

Green Globes EB checked

3.4.1 Renewable and Alternative Energy Optional Optional Optional

Green Globes EB

3.4.1 Renewable and Alternative Energy Optional Optional Optional

Green Globes NC checked

8.4.1 On-site Renewable Energy
8.4.2 Off-site renewable energy credits

Green Globes NC

8.4.1 On-site Renewable Energy
8.4.2 Off-site renewable energy credits

LBC checked

Imperative 7 - Energy and Carbon Reduction

Imperative 8 - Net Positive Carbon


Imperative 7 - Energy and Carbon Reduction

Imperative 8 - Net Positive Carbon

LEED BD+C checked

Credit: Energy & Atmosphere - Renewable Energy


Credit: Energy & Atmosphere - Renewable Energy

Energy Efficiency

GP 2.4. Optimize Energy Performance: Benchmarking
BOMA 360 checked

Building Energy Management
Documentation—Upload copy or summary of building’s/facility’s energy management plan to include: commitment to ongoing improvement of energy performance; frequency of reporting (at least quarterly); performance assessment using ENERGY STAR benchmarking tool; energy performance goals; action plan; evaluation of progress; and review/reassessment process. (3 points)

BOMA 360

Building Energy Management
Documentation—Upload copy or summary of building’s/facility’s energy management plan to include: commitment to ongoing improvement of energy performance; frequency of reporting (at least quarterly); performance assessment using ENERGY STAR benchmarking tool; energy performance goals; action plan; evaluation of progress; and review/reassessment process. (3 points)

BOMA Best checked

BP2 - Has an ASHRAE Level 1 Energy Assessment been conducted in the last five (5) years?


BP4 - Is an energy reduction target in place at the building?


01.01.04 - Have three (3) years of energy consumption data been analyzed in order to establish trends?


01.02.01 - Do you benchmark energy performance using either BOMA BEST or ENERGY STAR Portfolio Manager portal?


01.02.05 - Has an ASHRAE Level 2 Energy Assessment been performed on the building in the last five (5) years?


01.03.02 - Does building management track and monitor building performance and consumption patterns?


BP2 - Has an ASHRAE Level 1 Energy Assessment been conducted in the last five (5) years?


BP4 - Is an energy reduction target in place at the building?


01.01.04 - Have three (3) years of energy consumption data been analyzed in order to establish trends?


01.02.01 - Do you benchmark energy performance using either BOMA BEST or ENERGY STAR Portfolio Manager portal?


01.02.05 - Has an ASHRAE Level 2 Energy Assessment been performed on the building in the last five (5) years?


01.03.02 - Does building management track and monitor building performance and consumption patterns?

BREEAM checked

ENE 12 – Local energy performance asset rating


ENE 12 – Local energy performance asset rating

Green Globes EB checked

3.3.4 Energy Monitoring, Policy, & Management: Optional (including sub-criteria): Optional

Green Globes EB

3.3.4 Energy Monitoring, Policy, & Management: Optional (including sub-criteria): Optional

LBC checked

Imperative 7 - Energy and Carbon Reduction


Imperative 7 - Energy and Carbon Reduction

LEED BD+C warn

To meet the Guiding Principles, agencies need to benchmark building performance each year, preferably in Energy Star Portfolio Manager.

The rating system encourages metering energy use and monitoring on a monthly basis as well as sharing the info with USGBC; however, the rating system does not require annual benchmarking.

Energy + Atmosphere prerequisite: Building-Level Energy Metering


To meet the Guiding Principles, agencies need to benchmark building performance each year, preferably in Energy Star Portfolio Manager.

The rating system encourages metering energy use and monitoring on a monthly basis as well as sharing the info with USGBC; however, the rating system does not require annual benchmarking.

Energy + Atmosphere prerequisite: Building-Level Energy Metering

LEED O+M checked

EA Prerequisite: Energy Performance


EA Prerequisite: Energy Performance

Water Use Efficiency and Management

Indoor water use reduction
GP 3.1. Protect and Conserve Water: Indoor Water Use
BOMA 360 checked
Water Management
Indicate that a building/facility benchmarks its water usage through EPA’s ENERGY STAR ENERGY STAR® Portfolio Manager. (2 points)
BOMA 360
Water Management
Indicate that a building/facility benchmarks its water usage through EPA’s ENERGY STAR ENERGY STAR® Portfolio Manager. (2 points)
BOMA Best warn

The standard addresses actual water use intensity and water use trends for office buildings only, but does not distinguish between indoor and outdoor water use.

To meet Guiding Principles, agencies would need to ensure they use strategies to minimize indoor water use and waste and distinguish between indoor and outdoor water use.

BP6 - Is a Water Management Plan in place at the building?

02.02.02 - What is the calculated Water Use Intensity for the building?

02.02.03 - What is the Water Use Intensity (WUI) range achieved by this building?

02.05.02 - Have three (3) years of water consumption been analyzed in order to establish trends?


The standard addresses actual water use intensity and water use trends for office buildings only, but does not distinguish between indoor and outdoor water use.

To meet Guiding Principles, agencies would need to ensure they use strategies to minimize indoor water use and waste and distinguish between indoor and outdoor water use.

BP6 - Is a Water Management Plan in place at the building?

02.02.02 - What is the calculated Water Use Intensity for the building?

02.02.03 - What is the Water Use Intensity (WUI) range achieved by this building?

02.05.02 - Have three (3) years of water consumption been analyzed in order to establish trends?

BREEAM checked

WAT 01 – Water monitoring

WAT 02 – Water efficient equipment: toilets

WAT 03 – Water efficient equipment: urinals

WAT 04 – Water efficient equipment: hand washing sink faucets

WAT 05 – Water efficient equipment: showers

WAT 06 – Water efficient equipment: appliances

WAT 10 – Reducing utility-supplied water consumption

WAT 12 – Water recycling

WAT 14 – Water strategy


WAT 01 – Water monitoring

WAT 02 – Water efficient equipment: toilets

WAT 03 – Water efficient equipment: urinals

WAT 04 – Water efficient equipment: hand washing sink faucets

WAT 05 – Water efficient equipment: showers

WAT 06 – Water efficient equipment: appliances

WAT 10 – Reducing utility-supplied water consumption

WAT 12 – Water recycling

WAT 14 – Water strategy

Green Globes EB warn

While there are credits agencies can choose from below, these will not achieve total compliance with the Guiding Principles.

The rating system addresses monitoring and reporting of total water use; however, it does not differentiate between indoor and outdoor water use for reporting purposes. The water audit covers major water use systems which may be useful in differentiating between indoor and outdoor consumption, but this is not explicit in the rating system.

To meet the Guiding Principles, agencies must measure reductions in indoor water use and provide specific parameters on a percent reduction.

4.1.1 Water Consumption (three paths):
  4.1.1A: Optional
  4.1.1B: Optional
  4.1.1C: Optional

4.2.3 Water Quality and Management: Optional Optional

Green Globes EB

While there are credits agencies can choose from below, these will not achieve total compliance with the Guiding Principles.

The rating system addresses monitoring and reporting of total water use; however, it does not differentiate between indoor and outdoor water use for reporting purposes. The water audit covers major water use systems which may be useful in differentiating between indoor and outdoor consumption, but this is not explicit in the rating system.

To meet the Guiding Principles, agencies must measure reductions in indoor water use and provide specific parameters on a percent reduction.

4.1.1 Water Consumption (three paths):
  4.1.1A: Optional
  4.1.1B: Optional
  4.1.1C: Optional

4.2.3 Water Quality and Management: Optional Optional

Green Globes NC checked

9.1.1 Plumbing Fixture and Fitting Standards

6.1.1 Performance and Green Design Goals

Green Globes NC

9.1.1 Plumbing Fixture and Fitting Standards

6.1.1 Performance and Green Design Goals

LBC checked

Imperative 5 - responsible water use

Imperative 6 - net positive water


Imperative 5 - responsible water use

Imperative 6 - net positive water

LEED BD+C checked

Prerequisite: Water Efficiency - Indoor Water Use Reduction

Credit: Water Efficiency - Indoor Water Use Reduction


Prerequisite: Water Efficiency - Indoor Water Use Reduction

Credit: Water Efficiency - Indoor Water Use Reduction

LEED O+M checked

WE Prerequisite: Water Performance


WE Prerequisite: Water Performance

Water Use Efficiency and Management

Procurement Water conserving products
GP 3.1. Protect and Conserve Water: Indoor Water Use
BOMA 360 checked

Green Purchasing
Check (from list) or describe (in text box) products and services that conserve energy and water. These may include ENERGY STAR® products, energy efficient products, low-flow water devices, products from local vendors/suppliers, or other. (1 point)

Water Management
Indicate building/facility uses water sense fixtures or other water conservation measures. (1 point)

BOMA 360

Green Purchasing
Check (from list) or describe (in text box) products and services that conserve energy and water. These may include ENERGY STAR® products, energy efficient products, low-flow water devices, products from local vendors/suppliers, or other. (1 point)

Water Management
Indicate building/facility uses water sense fixtures or other water conservation measures. (1 point)

BOMA Best checked

02.04.01 - Which type of water efficient controls are used for irrigation?


02.04.04 - Toilet: 4.8 L/flush or less (1.28 G/flush)


02.04.05 - Urinals: 1.9 L/flush or less (0.5 G/flush)


02.04.06 - Lavatory and kitchen faucets: 5.7 L/min or less (1.5 G/min)


02.04.07 - Shower heads: 7.6 L/min or less (2 G/min)


02.04.01 - Which type of water efficient controls are used for irrigation?


02.04.04 - Toilet: 4.8 L/flush or less (1.28 G/flush)


02.04.05 - Urinals: 1.9 L/flush or less (0.5 G/flush)


02.04.06 - Lavatory and kitchen faucets: 5.7 L/min or less (1.5 G/min)


02.04.07 - Shower heads: 7.6 L/min or less (2 G/min)

BREEAM checked

WAT 02 – Water efficient equipment: toilets

WAT 03 – Water efficient equipment: urinals

WAT 04 – Water efficient equipment: hand washing sink faucets

WAT 05 – Water efficient equipment: showers

WAT 06 – Water efficient equipment: appliances


WAT 02 – Water efficient equipment: toilets

WAT 03 – Water efficient equipment: urinals

WAT 04 – Water efficient equipment: hand washing sink faucets

WAT 05 – Water efficient equipment: showers

WAT 06 – Water efficient equipment: appliances

Green Globes EB checked

4.2.1 Water conserving fixtures

Green Globes EB

4.2.1 Water conserving fixtures

Green Globes NC checked

9.1.1 Plumbing Fixture and Fitting Standards

Green Globes NC

9.1.1 Plumbing Fixture and Fitting Standards

LBC checked

Imperative 5 - responsible water use

Imperative 6 - net positive water


Imperative 5 - responsible water use

Imperative 6 - net positive water

LEED BD+C checked

Prerequisite: Water Efficiency - Indoor Water Use Reduction

Prerequisite: Water Efficiency - Outdoor Water Use Reduction


Prerequisite: Water Efficiency - Indoor Water Use Reduction

Prerequisite: Water Efficiency - Outdoor Water Use Reduction

LEED O+M checked

WE Prerequisite: Water Performance


WE Prerequisite: Water Performance

Water Use Efficiency and Management

Water use in cooling equipment
GP 3.1. Protect and Conserve Water: Indoor Water Use
BOMA Best checked

03.01.01 - Is a training program on IAQ in place for Property Managers and Building Maintenance staff?


02.04.02 - What percentage of building's water consumption is submetered?


03.01.01 - Is a training program on IAQ in place for Property Managers and Building Maintenance staff?


02.04.02 - What percentage of building's water consumption is submetered?

Green Globes EB checked

3.2.4 cooling systems

Green Globes EB

3.2.4 cooling systems

Green Globes NC warn

The rating system does not include requirements to eliminate potable water use for cooling equipment; although there are credits for maximizing efficiency of cooling equipment to minimize water makeup.

In order to meet the Guiding Principles, agencies should use strategies to eliminate potable water use for cooling equipment.

9.2.1 Cooling Towers

9.4.1 Commercial Food Service Equipment

Green Globes NC

The rating system does not include requirements to eliminate potable water use for cooling equipment; although there are credits for maximizing efficiency of cooling equipment to minimize water makeup.

In order to meet the Guiding Principles, agencies should use strategies to eliminate potable water use for cooling equipment.

9.2.1 Cooling Towers

9.4.1 Commercial Food Service Equipment

LBC checked

Imperative 6 - net positive water


Imperative 6 - net positive water

LEED BD+C checked

Credit: Water Efficiency - Optimize process water use


Credit: Water Efficiency - Optimize process water use

Water Use Efficiency and Management

Water metering
GP 3.2. Protect and Conserve Water: Water Metering
BOMA Best warn

While the rating system covers the use of water meters and submetering water use, it does not explicitly address metering irrigation water usage.

To meet the guiding principles, agencies would need to meter irrigation water use.

02.04.02 - What percentage of the building's water consumption is sub-metered?


While the rating system covers the use of water meters and submetering water use, it does not explicitly address metering irrigation water usage.

To meet the guiding principles, agencies would need to meter irrigation water use.

02.04.02 - What percentage of the building's water consumption is sub-metered?

BREEAM checked

WAT 01 – Water metering


WAT 01 – Water metering

Green Globes EB checked

4.2.3 Water Quality and Management: Optional Optional

Green Globes EB

4.2.3 Water Quality and Management: Optional Optional

Green Globes NC checked Metering

Green Globes NC Metering

LBC checked

Imperative 5 - responsible water use

Imperative 6 - net positive water


Imperative 5 - responsible water use

Imperative 6 - net positive water

LEED BD+C checked

Prerequisite: Water Efficiency - Building-Level Water Metering

Credit: Water Efficiency - Water Metering


Prerequisite: Water Efficiency - Building-Level Water Metering

Credit: Water Efficiency - Water Metering

LEED O+M checked

WE Prerequisite: Water Performance


WE Prerequisite: Water Performance

Water Use Efficiency and Management

Outdoor water use reduction
GP 3.3. Protect and Conserve Water: Outdoor Water Use
BOMA 360 checked
Water Management 
Indicate that a building/facility benchmarks its water usage through EPA’s ENERGY STAR ENERGY STAR® Portfolio Manager. (2 points)
BOMA 360
Water Management 
Indicate that a building/facility benchmarks its water usage through EPA’s ENERGY STAR ENERGY STAR® Portfolio Manager. (2 points)
BOMA Best warn

The standard addresses actual water use intensity and water use trends for office buildings only, but does not distinguish between indoor and outdoor water use.

To meet Guiding Principles, agencies would need to ensure they use strategies to minimize outdoor water use and waste and distinguish between indoor and outdoor water use.

BP6 - Is a Water Management Plan in place at the building?

02.02.02 - What is the calculated Water Use Intensity for the building?

02.02.03 - What is the Water Use Intensity (WUI) range achieved by this building?

02.04.01 - Which type of water efficient controls are used for irrigation?

02.05.02 - Have three (3) years of water consumption been analyzed in order to establish trends?


The standard addresses actual water use intensity and water use trends for office buildings only, but does not distinguish between indoor and outdoor water use.

To meet Guiding Principles, agencies would need to ensure they use strategies to minimize outdoor water use and waste and distinguish between indoor and outdoor water use.

BP6 - Is a Water Management Plan in place at the building?

02.02.02 - What is the calculated Water Use Intensity for the building?

02.02.03 - What is the Water Use Intensity (WUI) range achieved by this building?

02.04.01 - Which type of water efficient controls are used for irrigation?

02.05.02 - Have three (3) years of water consumption been analyzed in order to establish trends?


Outside of using local plants, the rating system does not contain any credits that specifically target reducing outdoor water use.

In order to meet the Guiding Principles, agencies would need to employ water efficient irrigation strategies to reduce outdoor water use by 50% or more and use xeriscaping techniques or other strategies designed to minimize outdoor water use.

LUE 02 – Ecological features of planted area


Outside of using local plants, the rating system does not contain any credits that specifically target reducing outdoor water use.

In order to meet the Guiding Principles, agencies would need to employ water efficient irrigation strategies to reduce outdoor water use by 50% or more and use xeriscaping techniques or other strategies designed to minimize outdoor water use.

LUE 02 – Ecological features of planted area

Green Globes EB checked

4.2.2 Outdoor water consumption

Green Globes EB

4.2.2 Outdoor water consumption

Green Globes NC checked Water features and pools

9.8.1 Leak Detection

9.9.1 Irrigation

Green Globes NC Water features and pools

9.8.1 Leak Detection

9.9.1 Irrigation

LBC checked

Imperative 5 - responsible water use

Imperative 6 - net positive water


Imperative 5 - responsible water use

Imperative 6 - net positive water

LEED BD+C checked

Prerequisite: Water Efficiency - Outdoor Water Use Reduction

Credit: Water Efficiency - Outdoor Water use Reduction


Prerequisite: Water Efficiency - Outdoor Water Use Reduction

Credit: Water Efficiency - Outdoor Water use Reduction

LEED O+M checked

SS Credit: Site Management


SS Credit: Site Management

Water Use Efficiency and Management

Water efficient landscapes
GP 3.3. Protect and Conserve Water: Outdoor Water Use
BOMA Best warn

While the rating system covers the use of water efficient landscapes, it does not contain strategies to limit the potable use of water for irrigation to 50% or more below conventional practices.

To meet the Guiding Principle, agencies would also need to limit potable water use for irrigation to 50% or more below ASHRAE 189.1 or other ASHRAE standards.

02.04.01 - Which type of water efficient controls are used for irrigation?

09.01.02 - Use of native species

09.01.03 - Protect and/or restore habitat


While the rating system covers the use of water efficient landscapes, it does not contain strategies to limit the potable use of water for irrigation to 50% or more below conventional practices.

To meet the Guiding Principle, agencies would also need to limit potable water use for irrigation to 50% or more below ASHRAE 189.1 or other ASHRAE standards.

02.04.01 - Which type of water efficient controls are used for irrigation?

09.01.02 - Use of native species

09.01.03 - Protect and/or restore habitat


While there are credits agencies can choose from below, these will not achieve total compliance with the Guiding Principles. While the rating system contains a credit on using water efficient landscapes, it does not mention strategies or other requirements to reduce landscape water use to be 50% or less than conventional practices.

In order to meet the Guiding Principles, agencies would need to use strategies to reduce landscape irrigation to be 50% below conventional practices.

LUE 02 – Ecological features of planted area


While there are credits agencies can choose from below, these will not achieve total compliance with the Guiding Principles. While the rating system contains a credit on using water efficient landscapes, it does not mention strategies or other requirements to reduce landscape water use to be 50% or less than conventional practices.

In order to meet the Guiding Principles, agencies would need to use strategies to reduce landscape irrigation to be 50% below conventional practices.

LUE 02 – Ecological features of planted area

Green Globes EB warn

While there are credits agencies can choose from below, these will not achieve total compliance with the Guiding Principles.

The rating system addresses the use of water efficient landscapes and provides strategies for setting reduction targets. However, actual reductions in irrigation consumption are not tied to the strategies or addressed in the rating system.

To meet the Guiding Principles, agencies must water efficient landscapes and limit irrigation to at least 50% below conventional practices.

4.2.2 Outdoor Water Consumption
  4.2.2A.1: Optional
  4.2.2B.1 (four sub-criteria):
    4.2.2B.1.1: Optional
    4.2.2B.1.2: Optional
    4.2.2B.1.3: Optional
    4.2.2B.1.4: Optional
    4.2.2B.1.5: Optional

Green Globes EB

While there are credits agencies can choose from below, these will not achieve total compliance with the Guiding Principles.

The rating system addresses the use of water efficient landscapes and provides strategies for setting reduction targets. However, actual reductions in irrigation consumption are not tied to the strategies or addressed in the rating system.

To meet the Guiding Principles, agencies must water efficient landscapes and limit irrigation to at least 50% below conventional practices.

4.2.2 Outdoor Water Consumption
  4.2.2A.1: Optional
  4.2.2B.1 (four sub-criteria):
    4.2.2B.1.1: Optional
    4.2.2B.1.2: Optional
    4.2.2B.1.3: Optional
    4.2.2B.1.4: Optional
    4.2.2B.1.5: Optional

Green Globes NC warn

The rating system addresses the use of water efficient landscapes and provides strategies for setting reduction targets. However, actual reductions in irrigation consumption are not tied to the strategies or addressed in the rating system.

To meet the Guiding Principles, agencies must water efficient landscapes and limit irrigation to at least 50% below conventional practices.

9.9.1 Irrigation

Green Globes NC

The rating system addresses the use of water efficient landscapes and provides strategies for setting reduction targets. However, actual reductions in irrigation consumption are not tied to the strategies or addressed in the rating system.

To meet the Guiding Principles, agencies must water efficient landscapes and limit irrigation to at least 50% below conventional practices.

9.9.1 Irrigation

LBC checked

Imperative 1 - ecology of place

Imperative 5 - responsible water use

Imperative 6 - net positive water


Imperative 1 - ecology of place

Imperative 5 - responsible water use

Imperative 6 - net positive water

LEED BD+C checked

Prerequisite: Water Efficiency - Outdoor Water Use Reduction

Credit: Water Efficiency - Outdoor Water use Reduction


Prerequisite: Water Efficiency - Outdoor Water Use Reduction

Credit: Water Efficiency - Outdoor Water use Reduction

LEED O+M warn

To meet the Guiding Principles, the rating system needs to address the use of water-efficient landscapes and reducing outdoor irrigation; however, there are only enough points allotted up to a 40% reduction.

WE Prerequisite: Water Performance

SS Credit: Site Management


To meet the Guiding Principles, the rating system needs to address the use of water-efficient landscapes and reducing outdoor irrigation; however, there are only enough points allotted up to a 40% reduction.

WE Prerequisite: Water Performance

SS Credit: Site Management

Water Use Efficiency and Management

Alternative sources of water
GP 3.4. Protect and Conserve Water: Alternative Water
BOMA Best checked
02.05.03 - Are non-potable water sources used at the building?
02.05.03 - Are non-potable water sources used at the building?
BREEAM checked

WAT 10 – Reducing utility-supplied water consumption

WAT 12 – Water recycling


WAT 10 – Reducing utility-supplied water consumption

WAT 12 – Water recycling

Green Globes EB checked

4.2.2 Outdoor Water Consumption

Green Globes EB

4.2.2 Outdoor Water Consumption

Green Globes NC checked

9.6.1 Alternate Water Sources

9.6.2 Alternate Water Sources for Non-Domestic for Non-Potable Use

Green Globes NC

9.6.1 Alternate Water Sources

9.6.2 Alternate Water Sources for Non-Domestic for Non-Potable Use

LBC checked

Imperative 5 - responsible water use

Imperative 6 - net positive water


Imperative 5 - responsible water use

Imperative 6 - net positive water

LEED BD+C checked

Credit: Water Efficiency - Indoor Water Use Reduction

Credit: Water Efficiency - Outdoor Water Use Reduction


Credit: Water Efficiency - Indoor Water Use Reduction

Credit: Water Efficiency - Outdoor Water Use Reduction

Healthy, Effective Environments

Ventilation and thermal comfort
GP 4.1. Enhance the Indoor Environment: Ventilation and Thermal Comfort
BOMA 360 warn

While there are credits agencies can choose from below, these will not achieve total compliance with the Guiding Principles. The rating system addresses performance goals and strategies for routine space temperature, it does not cite either ASHRAE Standards 55 or 62.1. To meet the Guiding Principles, agencies must ensure they follow ASHRAE 55 and 62.1.

Indoor Air Quality
Documentation—Upload summary (no more than 2 pages) of building’s or facility’s IAQ plan to include performance goals and strategies for routine space temperature, humidity, particulate filtration systems, reduction of allergens and irritants, and CO2 monitoring. (2 points)

BOMA 360

While there are credits agencies can choose from below, these will not achieve total compliance with the Guiding Principles. The rating system addresses performance goals and strategies for routine space temperature, it does not cite either ASHRAE Standards 55 or 62.1. To meet the Guiding Principles, agencies must ensure they follow ASHRAE 55 and 62.1.

Indoor Air Quality
Documentation—Upload summary (no more than 2 pages) of building’s or facility’s IAQ plan to include performance goals and strategies for routine space temperature, humidity, particulate filtration systems, reduction of allergens and irritants, and CO2 monitoring. (2 points)

BOMA Best warn

The rating system does not reference ASHRAE 55.

To meet the Guiding Principles, agencies would need to ensure they meet the current version of ASHRAE 55.

03.04.04 - Do measured outdoor air ventilation rates meet the minimum requirements of Table of the current ASHRAE 62.1 standard?

03.05.04 - Are the measured outdoor air ventilation rates greater than those required by table of the current version of ASHRAE 62.1?


The rating system does not reference ASHRAE 55.

To meet the Guiding Principles, agencies would need to ensure they meet the current version of ASHRAE 55.

03.04.04 - Do measured outdoor air ventilation rates meet the minimum requirements of Table of the current ASHRAE 62.1 standard?

03.05.04 - Are the measured outdoor air ventilation rates greater than those required by table of the current version of ASHRAE 62.1?

BREEAM checked

HEA 14 – Thermal comfort

HEA 16 – Indoor air quality management


HEA 14 – Thermal comfort

HEA 16 – Indoor air quality management

Green Globes EB checked

6.1.1 Ventilation System Optional Optional Optional Optional Optional Optional
  6.5.1 Thermal Comfort
  6.5.1A.1: Optional

Green Globes EB

6.1.1 Ventilation System Optional Optional Optional Optional Optional Optional
  6.5.1 Thermal Comfort
  6.5.1A.1: Optional

Green Globes NC checked Ventilation Air Quality
  11.4.2 Thermal Comfort

Green Globes NC Ventilation Air Quality
  11.4.2 Thermal Comfort

LBC checked

Imperative 9 - healthy interior environment

Imperative 10 - healthy interior performance


Imperative 9 - healthy interior environment

Imperative 10 - healthy interior performance

LEED BD+C checked

Prerequisite: Environmental Quality - Minimum Indoor Air Quality Performance

Credit: Environmental Quality - Thermal Comfort


Prerequisite: Environmental Quality - Minimum Indoor Air Quality Performance

Credit: Environmental Quality - Thermal Comfort

LEED O+M checked

EQ Prerequisite: Minimum Indoor Air Quality


EQ Prerequisite: Minimum Indoor Air Quality

Healthy, Effective Environments

Daylighting and lighting controls
GP 4.2. Enhance the Indoor Environment: Daylighting and Lighting Controls
BOMA Best warn

The standard includes modules for various building types. While some modules address lighting controls and others address designing for maximum daylighting, there do not appear to be any modules that include provisions for designing for maximum daylighting.

To meet the guiding principles, agencies would need to ensure their building incorporates daylighting in the space.

01.04.05 - What percentage of lighting fixtures are controlled by sensors?

01.04.07 - What percentage of the building's lighting is connected to an addressable lighting control system? (9 points - Office, ESC, Universal)


The standard includes modules for various building types. While some modules address lighting controls and others address designing for maximum daylighting, there do not appear to be any modules that include provisions for designing for maximum daylighting.

To meet the guiding principles, agencies would need to ensure their building incorporates daylighting in the space.

01.04.05 - What percentage of lighting fixtures are controlled by sensors?

01.04.07 - What percentage of the building's lighting is connected to an addressable lighting control system? (9 points - Office, ESC, Universal)

BREEAM checked

HEA 01 – Daylighting

HEA 02 – Control of glare from sunlight

HEA 03 – Internal and external lighting levels

HEA 04 – Lighting control


HEA 01 – Daylighting

HEA 02 – Control of glare from sunlight

HEA 03 – Internal and external lighting levels

HEA 04 – Lighting control

Green Globes EB checked

6.4.1 Daylighting and Electrical Lighting Features: Optional Optional Optional Optional Optional Optional Optional Optional Optional

Green Globes EB

6.4.1 Daylighting and Electrical Lighting Features: Optional Optional Optional Optional Optional Optional Optional Optional Optional

Green Globes NC checked

11.3.1 Daylighting and Views
11.3.2 Lighting Design Quantity
11.3.3 Lighting Design Quality
11.3.4 Lighting Sustainability

Green Globes NC

11.3.1 Daylighting and Views
11.3.2 Lighting Design Quantity
11.3.3 Lighting Design Quality
11.3.4 Lighting Sustainability

LBC checked

Imperative 9 - healthy interior environment

Imperative 10 - healthy interior performance


Imperative 9 - healthy interior environment

Imperative 10 - healthy interior performance

LEED BD+C checked

Credit: Environmental Quality - Daylight

Credit: Environmental Quality - Interior Lighting


Credit: Environmental Quality - Daylight

Credit: Environmental Quality - Interior Lighting

LEED O+M checked

EA Prerequisite: Energy Efficiency Best Management Practices


EA Prerequisite: Energy Efficiency Best Management Practices

Healthy, Effective Environments

Low-emitting materials and products
GP 4.3. Enhance the Indoor Environment: Low-Emitting Materials and Products
BOMA 360 checked

Green Purchasing 
Documentation—Check (from list) or describe (in text box) use of alternative products rather than hazardous or toxic chemicals, radioactive materials and bio-hazardousagents. These may include green custodial products and services, elimination of hazardous material, environmentally benign adhesives, or other. (1 point)

Green Cleaning 
Documentation—Upload table of contents of green cleaning program and/or summary of program to include procedures for the purchase, use and disposal of products (including cleaning products, custodial paper products, trash bags, etc.); safe handling and storage of chemicals; procedures for managing spills or accidents; and training of personnel. Products should be Green Seal rated (or equivalent).

BOMA 360

Green Purchasing 
Documentation—Check (from list) or describe (in text box) use of alternative products rather than hazardous or toxic chemicals, radioactive materials and bio-hazardousagents. These may include green custodial products and services, elimination of hazardous material, environmentally benign adhesives, or other. (1 point)

Green Cleaning 
Documentation—Upload table of contents of green cleaning program and/or summary of program to include procedures for the purchase, use and disposal of products (including cleaning products, custodial paper products, trash bags, etc.); safe handling and storage of chemicals; procedures for managing spills or accidents; and training of personnel. Products should be Green Seal rated (or equivalent).

BOMA Best checked

BP7 - Is an Indoor Air Quality Monitoring Plan in place at the building?


03.01.03 - Is a plan in place to control construction-generated contaminants prior to base-building or tenant renovation?

03.02.01 - Does the air quality meet the goals set out in the IAQ Monitoring Plan?


06.01.06 - Building materials used for renovations.


10.01.04 - Are tenants required to comply with specific environmental criteria? (Criterion: Environmental Fit-up plan)


BP7 - Is an Indoor Air Quality Monitoring Plan in place at the building?


03.01.03 - Is a plan in place to control construction-generated contaminants prior to base-building or tenant renovation?

03.02.01 - Does the air quality meet the goals set out in the IAQ Monitoring Plan?


06.01.06 - Building materials used for renovations.


10.01.04 - Are tenants required to comply with specific environmental criteria? (Criterion: Environmental Fit-up plan)

BREEAM checked

HEA 16 – Indoor air quality management


HEA 16 – Indoor air quality management

Green Globes EB checked

6.2.1 IAQ Management

Green Globes EB

6.2.1 IAQ Management

Green Globes NC checked

11.2.1 Volatile Organic Compounds

Green Globes NC

11.2.1 Volatile Organic Compounds

LBC checked

Imperative 9 - healthy interior environment

Imperative 10 - healthy interior performance

Imperative 12 - responsible materials

Imperative 13 - red list

Imperative 14 - responsible sourcing


Imperative 9 - healthy interior environment

Imperative 10 - healthy interior performance

Imperative 12 - responsible materials

Imperative 13 - red list

Imperative 14 - responsible sourcing

LEED BD+C checked

Credit: Environmental Quality - Low-Emitting Materials


Credit: Environmental Quality - Low-Emitting Materials

LEED O+M checked

EQ Prerequisite: Green Cleaning Policy

EQ Credit: Green Cleaning - Option 4


EQ Prerequisite: Green Cleaning Policy

EQ Credit: Green Cleaning - Option 4

Healthy, Effective Environments

Radon mitigation
GP 4.4. Enhance the Indoor Environment: Radon Mitigation
BOMA Best checked

05.02.01 - Has a radon risk assessment been completed for the building?


05.03.01 - Are mitigation strategies in place to bring radon concentrations to within acceptable limits?


05.02.01 - Has a radon risk assessment been completed for the building?


05.03.01 - Are mitigation strategies in place to bring radon concentrations to within acceptable limits?

BREEAM checked

HEA 16 – Indoor air quality

POL 09 – Land contamination mitigation


HEA 16 – Indoor air quality

POL 09 – Land contamination mitigation

Green Globes EB warn

While there is a credit that agencies can choose from below, this will not achieve total compliance with the Guiding Principles. The rating system does not require a plan or policy be developed to routinely measure for radon levels in the building or to perform mitigation activities, where necessary. In order to meet the Guiding Principles, such a plan or policy would need to be enacted.

6.3.2 Radon requires a recent radon test if a bldg is located in a high risk area; however, there is no requirement to have a plan in place to test (and how often).

Green Globes EB

While there is a credit that agencies can choose from below, this will not achieve total compliance with the Guiding Principles. The rating system does not require a plan or policy be developed to routinely measure for radon levels in the building or to perform mitigation activities, where necessary. In order to meet the Guiding Principles, such a plan or policy would need to be enacted.

6.3.2 Radon requires a recent radon test if a bldg is located in a high risk area; however, there is no requirement to have a plan in place to test (and how often).

Green Globes NC checked Other indoor pollutants (tobacco, radon)

Green Globes NC Other indoor pollutants (tobacco, radon)

LBC checked

Imperative 10 - healthy interior performance


Imperative 10 - healthy interior performance

Healthy, Effective Environments

Moisture and mold control
GP 4.5. Enhance the Indoor Environment: Moisture and Mold Control
BOMA 360 checked

Indoor Air Quality
Documentation—Upload summary (no more than 2 pages) of building’s or facility’s IAQ plan to include performance goals and strategies for routine space temperature, humidity, particulate filtration systems, reduction of allergens and irritants, and CO2 monitoring. (2 points)

BOMA 360

Indoor Air Quality
Documentation—Upload summary (no more than 2 pages) of building’s or facility’s IAQ plan to include performance goals and strategies for routine space temperature, humidity, particulate filtration systems, reduction of allergens and irritants, and CO2 monitoring. (2 points)

BOMA Best checked

BP7 - Is an Indoor Air Quality Monitoring Plan in place at the building?


02.01.01 - Is a Water Damage Monitoring and Management Program in place in the building?


02.01.02 - Is a maintenance program in place for interior features requiring water?


BP7 - Is an Indoor Air Quality Monitoring Plan in place at the building?


02.01.01 - Is a Water Damage Monitoring and Management Program in place in the building?


02.01.02 - Is a maintenance program in place for interior features requiring water?

BREEAM checked

HEA 16 – Indoor air quality management


HEA 16 – Indoor air quality management

Green Globes EB checked

1.1.1 Environmental Management System (EMS) Documentation:

6.1.3 Control of Pollutants at Source

6.2.1 IAQ Management

Green Globes EB

1.1.1 Environmental Management System (EMS) Documentation:

6.1.3 Control of Pollutants at Source

6.2.1 IAQ Management

Green Globes NC checked Moisture Control Design Analysis

Green Globes NC Moisture Control Design Analysis

LBC warn

Both temperature and humidity are monitored, thereby moisture and mold control is utilized. However, nothing about mold control mitigation is explicitly stated.

In order to meet the guiding principles, agencies need to verify a moisture control and mitigation strategy is in place.

Imperative 9 - healthy interior environment

Imperative 10 - healthy interior performance


Both temperature and humidity are monitored, thereby moisture and mold control is utilized. However, nothing about mold control mitigation is explicitly stated.

In order to meet the guiding principles, agencies need to verify a moisture control and mitigation strategy is in place.

Imperative 9 - healthy interior environment

Imperative 10 - healthy interior performance

LEED BD+C warn

To meet the Guiding Principles, agencies would need to ensure they develop and implement a moisture control plan or policy.

The rating system has three credits that address moisture control; however, it does not require design teams to explicitly develop a plan for potential moisture control issues nor does it require implementation of any such plan.

Credit: Energy and Atmosphere - Enhanced Commissioning


To meet the Guiding Principles, agencies would need to ensure they develop and implement a moisture control plan or policy.

The rating system has three credits that address moisture control; however, it does not require design teams to explicitly develop a plan for potential moisture control issues nor does it require implementation of any such plan.

Credit: Energy and Atmosphere - Enhanced Commissioning

LEED O+M checked

EQ Credit: Green Cleaning


EQ Credit: Green Cleaning

Healthy, Effective Environments

Protecting IAQ during construction and operations
GP 4.6. Enhance the Indoor Environment: Indoor Air Quality during Construction and Operations
BOMA Best warn

Rating system references having an indoor air quality control plan in place prior to base-building or tenant renovations, but does not require that it be implemented.

To meet the Guiding Principles, agencies must still ensure they implement an indoor air quality plan to protect IAQ during construction.

03.01.03 - Is a plan in place to control construction-generated contaminants prior to base-building or tenant renovations?


Rating system references having an indoor air quality control plan in place prior to base-building or tenant renovations, but does not require that it be implemented.

To meet the Guiding Principles, agencies must still ensure they implement an indoor air quality plan to protect IAQ during construction.

03.01.03 - Is a plan in place to control construction-generated contaminants prior to base-building or tenant renovations?

BREEAM checked

HEA 16 – Indoor air quality management


HEA 16 – Indoor air quality management

Green Globes EB checked

6.2.1 IAQ Management

Green Globes EB

6.2.1 IAQ Management

Green Globes NC warn

While the rating system requires a plan or policy be developed to protect IAQ during construction, there is not a requirement to implement the plan or policy.

To meet the Guiding Principles, agencies would need to ensure they develop and implement a plan or policy for protecting IAQ during construction.

1.2.1 Environmental Management System (EMS) (four sub-criteria): Optional

Green Globes NC

While the rating system requires a plan or policy be developed to protect IAQ during construction, there is not a requirement to implement the plan or policy.

To meet the Guiding Principles, agencies would need to ensure they develop and implement a plan or policy for protecting IAQ during construction.

1.2.1 Environmental Management System (EMS) (four sub-criteria): Optional

LBC checked

Imperative 9 - healthy interior environment

Imperative 10 - healthy interior performance


Imperative 9 - healthy interior environment

Imperative 10 - healthy interior performance

LEED BD+C checked

Credit: Environmental Quality - Construction Indoor Air Quality Management Plan


Credit: Environmental Quality - Construction Indoor Air Quality Management Plan

LEED O+M checked

MR Prerequisite: Facility Maintenance and Renovation Policy


MR Prerequisite: Facility Maintenance and Renovation Policy

Healthy, Effective Environments

Environmental smoking control
GP 4.7. Enhance the Indoor Environment: Environmental Smoking Control
BREEAM checked

HEA 15 – Smoking policy


HEA 15 – Smoking policy

Green Globes EB checked

6.1.3 Control of Pollutants at Source: (four sub-criteria): Optional

Green Globes EB

6.1.3 Control of Pollutants at Source: (four sub-criteria): Optional

Green Globes NC checked

6.2.1 Environmental Management System (EMS)

Green Globes NC

6.2.1 Environmental Management System (EMS)

LBC checked

Imperative 9 - healthy interior environment


Imperative 9 - healthy interior environment

LEED BD+C checked

Prerequisite: Environmental Quality - Environmental Tobacco Smoke Control


Prerequisite: Environmental Quality - Environmental Tobacco Smoke Control

LEED O+M checked

EQ Prerequisite: Environmental Tobacco Smoke Control


EQ Prerequisite: Environmental Tobacco Smoke Control

Healthy, Effective Environments

Integrated pest management
GP 4.8. Enhance the Indoor Environment: Integrated Pest Management
BOMA 360 checked

Exterior Maintenance Management
Documentation—Upload copy of exterior maintenance management plan that includes, at a minimum, green pest control, fertilizer strategies, and storm water control. (1 point)

BOMA 360

Exterior Maintenance Management
Documentation—Upload copy of exterior maintenance management plan that includes, at a minimum, green pest control, fertilizer strategies, and storm water control. (1 point)

BOMA Best warn

Integrated pest management is addressed, however, there is not a requirement to implement pest mitigation strategies (only encouragement).

To meet the guiding principles, agencies must use an integrated pest management program at their building.

07.03.02 - Are pest reduction strategies in place at the building?


Integrated pest management is addressed, however, there is not a requirement to implement pest mitigation strategies (only encouragement).

To meet the guiding principles, agencies must use an integrated pest management program at their building.

07.03.02 - Are pest reduction strategies in place at the building?

BREEAM checked

LUE 04 – Biodiversity management plan


LUE 04 – Biodiversity management plan

Green Globes EB checked

6.2.2 Integrated Pest Management: Optional Optional Optional Optional

Green Globes EB

6.2.2 Integrated Pest Management: Optional Optional Optional Optional

Green Globes NC checked

11.2.5 Pest and Contamination Control

Green Globes NC

11.2.5 Pest and Contamination Control

LBC checked

Imperative 1 - ecology of place

Imperative 9 - healthy interior environment

Imperative 10 - healthy interior performance


Imperative 1 - ecology of place

Imperative 9 - healthy interior environment

Imperative 10 - healthy interior performance

LEED O+M checked

EQ Credit: Integrated Pest Management

SS Credit: Site Management


EQ Credit: Integrated Pest Management

SS Credit: Site Management

Healthy, Effective Environments

Occupant health and wellness
GP 4.9. Enhance the Indoor Environment: Occupant Health and Wellness
BOMA 360 checked

Community Impact
Documentation—Upload description (no more than 1 page) of wellness/fitness center and/or programming, either in building OR off-site but that tenants have access to and/or is facilitated by building. (1 point)

BOMA 360

Community Impact
Documentation—Upload description (no more than 1 page) of wellness/fitness center and/or programming, either in building OR off-site but that tenants have access to and/or is facilitated by building. (1 point)

BOMA Best warn

The rating system mentions the installation of natural environments around common areas, but does not reference other opportunities for occupant health and wellness.

To meet the guiding principles, agencies must promote other opportunities for increased physical movement and incorporate other health and wellness practices.

05.05.01 - Are features that attempt to simulate the natural environment installed in commonly occupied base-building areas?

05.05.02 - Is the building currently Fitwel certified?


The rating system mentions the installation of natural environments around common areas, but does not reference other opportunities for occupant health and wellness.

To meet the guiding principles, agencies must promote other opportunities for increased physical movement and incorporate other health and wellness practices.

05.05.01 - Are features that attempt to simulate the natural environment installed in commonly occupied base-building areas?

05.05.02 - Is the building currently Fitwel certified?

BREEAM checked

HEA 14 – Thermal comfort

HEA 16 – Indoor air quality management

HEA 17 – Acoustic conditions

HEA 18 – Legionella risk management

HEA 19 – Drinking water management


HEA 14 – Thermal comfort

HEA 16 – Indoor air quality management

HEA 17 – Acoustic conditions

HEA 18 – Legionella risk management

HEA 19 – Drinking water management

Green Globes EB checked

2.2.2 Existing Sites: Optional (three paths): Optional

6.5.3 Access to Potable Water: Optional Optional Optional Optional

6.5.4 Health and Wellness: Optional (three sub-criteria): Optional (four sub-criteria): Optional Optional (five sub-criteria)

Green Globes EB

2.2.2 Existing Sites: Optional (three paths): Optional

6.5.3 Access to Potable Water: Optional Optional Optional Optional

6.5.4 Health and Wellness: Optional (three sub-criteria): Optional (four sub-criteria): Optional Optional (five sub-criteria)

Green Globes NC checked Landscaping Transportation Facilities for bicycle commuting and long-term parking Building Walkscore

Green Globes NC Landscaping Transportation Facilities for bicycle commuting and long-term parking Building Walkscore

LBC checked

Imperative 9 - healthy interior

Imperative 10 - healthy interior performance

Imperative 11 - access to nature


Imperative 9 - healthy interior

Imperative 10 - healthy interior performance

Imperative 11 - access to nature

LEED BD+C checked

Credit: Location and Transportation - Surrounding Density and Diverse Use

Credit: Location and Transportation - Bicycle Facilities

Credit: Sustainable Sites - Open Space

Credit: Indoor Environmental Quality - Daylight

Credit: Indoor Environmental Quality - Views


Credit: Location and Transportation - Surrounding Density and Diverse Use

Credit: Location and Transportation - Bicycle Facilities

Credit: Sustainable Sites - Open Space

Credit: Indoor Environmental Quality - Daylight

Credit: Indoor Environmental Quality - Views

LEED O+M warn

To meet the Guiding Principles, agencies must adopt practices/policies that promote physical movement of its building occupants.

Prerequisite: Minimum Indoor Air Quality

Prerequisite: Environmental Tobacco Smoke

Prerequisite: Green Cleaning Policy

Prerequisite: Indoor Environmental Quality Performance

Credit: Green Cleaning

Credit: Integrated Pest Management


To meet the Guiding Principles, agencies must adopt practices/policies that promote physical movement of its building occupants.

Prerequisite: Minimum Indoor Air Quality

Prerequisite: Environmental Tobacco Smoke

Prerequisite: Green Cleaning Policy

Prerequisite: Indoor Environmental Quality Performance

Credit: Green Cleaning

Credit: Integrated Pest Management

Sustainable Procurement

Materials with recycled content
GP 5.1. Reduce the Environmental Impact of Materials: Materials - Recycled Content
BOMA 360 warn

Rating system includes points for green purchasing and recycling programs, but by earning these points, the building may not be fully complying with the intent of this guiding principle.

Ensure products that are purchased and used for building operations meet the requirements with RCRA 6002 as well as EPA recommendations for recycled content.

Green Purchasing
Documentation - Check (from list) or describe (in text box) products used that are made from recycled materials and that can be re-used or recycled. These may include construction products, landscaping, recycled content products, non-paper office products, office paper and paper products, or other. (1 point)

Waste Management and Recycling Programs
Waste management and Recycling Program: overall program that ensures on-site source separation of cardboard, mixed paper, glass, metal, and plastic from other waste. (1 point)

BOMA 360

Rating system includes points for green purchasing and recycling programs, but by earning these points, the building may not be fully complying with the intent of this guiding principle.

Ensure products that are purchased and used for building operations meet the requirements with RCRA 6002 as well as EPA recommendations for recycled content.

Green Purchasing
Documentation - Check (from list) or describe (in text box) products used that are made from recycled materials and that can be re-used or recycled. These may include construction products, landscaping, recycled content products, non-paper office products, office paper and paper products, or other. (1 point)

Waste Management and Recycling Programs
Waste management and Recycling Program: overall program that ensures on-site source separation of cardboard, mixed paper, glass, metal, and plastic from other waste. (1 point)

BOMA Best checked
06.01.03 - Office supplies
06.01.03 - Office supplies

While there are credits agencies can choose from below, these will not achieve total compliance with the Guiding Principles. While the rating system addresses responsible material procurement, it does not explicitly reference a requirement or metric related to recycled content of materials.

In order to meet the Guiding Principles, agencies would need to ensure they use RCRA section 6002 compliant products or those that meet or exceed EPA's recycled content recommendations.

RSC 05 – Sustainable procurement


While there are credits agencies can choose from below, these will not achieve total compliance with the Guiding Principles. While the rating system addresses responsible material procurement, it does not explicitly reference a requirement or metric related to recycled content of materials.

In order to meet the Guiding Principles, agencies would need to ensure they use RCRA section 6002 compliant products or those that meet or exceed EPA's recycled content recommendations.

RSC 05 – Sustainable procurement

Green Globes EB warn

While there are credits agencies can choose from below, these will not achieve total compliance with the Guiding Principles.

The rating system addresses environmental purchasing, but does not explicitly reference procurement of recycled content products.

To meet the Guiding Principles, agencies must purchase products that meet or exceed EPA's recycled content recommendations.

5.1.1 Cycle Renovations:

Green Globes EB

While there are credits agencies can choose from below, these will not achieve total compliance with the Guiding Principles.

The rating system addresses environmental purchasing, but does not explicitly reference procurement of recycled content products.

To meet the Guiding Principles, agencies must purchase products that meet or exceed EPA's recycled content recommendations.

5.1.1 Cycle Renovations:

Green Globes NC warn

While the rating system covers procurement of recycled content, it is included in combination with other factors defining a "sustainable" product (Pre-consumer recycled content % + Post-consumer recycled content % + Biobased content % + Third Party Sustainable Forestry Certification content %) and therefore can't be assured to meet the Guiding Principles requirement.

To meet the Guiding Principles, agencies must purchase products that meet or exceed EPA's recycled content recommendations.

5.1.1 Whole Building Life Cycle Assessment Optional

5.4.1 Product Sustainable Materials Attributes Optional

5.5.1 Structural Systems and Non-Structural/Interior Elements: Optional Optional

5.5.2 Material Reuse from Off-Site Optional Optional

Green Globes NC

While the rating system covers procurement of recycled content, it is included in combination with other factors defining a "sustainable" product (Pre-consumer recycled content % + Post-consumer recycled content % + Biobased content % + Third Party Sustainable Forestry Certification content %) and therefore can't be assured to meet the Guiding Principles requirement.

To meet the Guiding Principles, agencies must purchase products that meet or exceed EPA's recycled content recommendations.

5.1.1 Whole Building Life Cycle Assessment Optional

5.4.1 Product Sustainable Materials Attributes Optional

5.5.1 Structural Systems and Non-Structural/Interior Elements: Optional Optional

5.5.2 Material Reuse from Off-Site Optional Optional

LBC warn

It is stated that "In order to meet high diversion rates, project teams are expected to go beyond business as usual in order to stimulate and support recycling innovators if necessary. Project teams are encouraged to examine alternative construction methods that might reduce the amount of product waste, particularly where no recycling infrastructure exists locally, and to consider the challenges of recycling when determining whether to use specific products in the project." However, no more specifics are listed on how projects should utilize RCRA compliant products.

To meet the Guiding Principles, agencies must purchase products that meet or exceed EPA's recycled content recommendations.

Imperative 12 - responsible materials

Imperative 13 - red list

Imperative 14 - responsible sourcing


It is stated that "In order to meet high diversion rates, project teams are expected to go beyond business as usual in order to stimulate and support recycling innovators if necessary. Project teams are encouraged to examine alternative construction methods that might reduce the amount of product waste, particularly where no recycling infrastructure exists locally, and to consider the challenges of recycling when determining whether to use specific products in the project." However, no more specifics are listed on how projects should utilize RCRA compliant products.

To meet the Guiding Principles, agencies must purchase products that meet or exceed EPA's recycled content recommendations.

Imperative 12 - responsible materials

Imperative 13 - red list

Imperative 14 - responsible sourcing

LEED BD+C warn

To meet the Guiding Principles, agencies must purchase products that meet or exceed EPA's recycled content recommendations.

The rating system combines several environmentally preferable attributes into a single credit for sourcing of raw material, including recycled content, but it cannot be assured that it will meet the Guiding Principles requirement.

Materials and Resources credit: Sourcing of Raw Materials


To meet the Guiding Principles, agencies must purchase products that meet or exceed EPA's recycled content recommendations.

The rating system combines several environmentally preferable attributes into a single credit for sourcing of raw material, including recycled content, but it cannot be assured that it will meet the Guiding Principles requirement.

Materials and Resources credit: Sourcing of Raw Materials

LEED O+M warn

To meet the Guiding Principles, agencies must purchase products that meet or exceed EPA's recycled content recommendations.

MR Credit: Purchasing - option 1 - meet recycled materials and products criteria


To meet the Guiding Principles, agencies must purchase products that meet or exceed EPA's recycled content recommendations.

MR Credit: Purchasing - option 1 - meet recycled materials and products criteria

Sustainable Procurement

Materials Biobased content
GP 5.2. Reduce the Environmental Impact of Materials: Materials - Biobased Content
BOMA 360 warn

Rating system includes points for green purchasing, but by earning these points, the building may not be fully complying with the intent of this guiding principle.

Ensure products that are purchased and used for building operations meet the requirements with FSRIA as well as USDA recommendations for biobased content

Green Purchasing
Documentation —Check (from list) or describe (in text box) products and services that minimize generation of waste and release of pollutants. These may include bio-based products, non-ozone depleting substances, water management, reduced packaging waste or other. (1 point).

BOMA 360

Rating system includes points for green purchasing, but by earning these points, the building may not be fully complying with the intent of this guiding principle.

Ensure products that are purchased and used for building operations meet the requirements with FSRIA as well as USDA recommendations for biobased content

Green Purchasing
Documentation —Check (from list) or describe (in text box) products and services that minimize generation of waste and release of pollutants. These may include bio-based products, non-ozone depleting substances, water management, reduced packaging waste or other. (1 point).


While there are credits agencies can choose from below, these will not achieve total compliance with the Guiding Principles. The rating system addresses responsible material procurement, but it does not explicitly reference a requirement or metric related to biobased content of materials.

In order to meet the Guiding Principles, agencies would need to ensure they use USDA-designated products, where applicable.

RSC 05 – Sustainable procurement


While there are credits agencies can choose from below, these will not achieve total compliance with the Guiding Principles. The rating system addresses responsible material procurement, but it does not explicitly reference a requirement or metric related to biobased content of materials.

In order to meet the Guiding Principles, agencies would need to ensure they use USDA-designated products, where applicable.

RSC 05 – Sustainable procurement

Green Globes EB warn

While there are credits agencies can choose from below, these will not achieve total compliance with the Guiding Principles.

The rating system addresses environmental purchasing, and reference procurement of biobased content products but it is not mandatory and there is no procedure/policy for it.

In order to meet the Guiding Principles, agencies must purchase products that meet or exceed USDA's biobased content recommendations.

5.1.1 Cycle Renovations:

Green Globes EB

While there are credits agencies can choose from below, these will not achieve total compliance with the Guiding Principles.

The rating system addresses environmental purchasing, and reference procurement of biobased content products but it is not mandatory and there is no procedure/policy for it.

In order to meet the Guiding Principles, agencies must purchase products that meet or exceed USDA's biobased content recommendations.

5.1.1 Cycle Renovations:

Green Globes NC warn

While the rating system covers procurement of biobased content, it is included in combination with other factors defining a "sustainable" product (Pre-consumer recycled content % + Post-consumer recycled content % + Biobased content % + Third Party Sustainable Forestry Certification content %) and therefore can't be assured to meet the Guiding Principles requirement.

In order to meet the Guiding Principles, agencies must purchase products that meet or exceed USDA's biobased content recommendations.

5.4.1 Product Sustainable Materials Attributes Optional

Green Globes NC

While the rating system covers procurement of biobased content, it is included in combination with other factors defining a "sustainable" product (Pre-consumer recycled content % + Post-consumer recycled content % + Biobased content % + Third Party Sustainable Forestry Certification content %) and therefore can't be assured to meet the Guiding Principles requirement.

In order to meet the Guiding Principles, agencies must purchase products that meet or exceed USDA's biobased content recommendations.

5.4.1 Product Sustainable Materials Attributes Optional

LBC warn

While there are credits agencies can choose from to minimize harmful materials, there is no mention of the USDA BioPreferred program or products.

In order to meet the guiding principles, agencies would need to ensure these products are used.

Imperative 12 - responsible materials

Imperative 14 - responsible sourcing


While there are credits agencies can choose from to minimize harmful materials, there is no mention of the USDA BioPreferred program or products.

In order to meet the guiding principles, agencies would need to ensure these products are used.

Imperative 12 - responsible materials

Imperative 14 - responsible sourcing

LEED BD+C warn

To meet the Guiding Principles, agencies must purchase products that meet or exceed the USDA's BioPreferred program. The rating system combines several environmentally preferable attributes into a single credit for sourcing of raw material, including biobased material, but it cannot be assured that it will meet the Guiding Principles requirement.

Materials and Resources credit: Sourcing of Raw Materials


To meet the Guiding Principles, agencies must purchase products that meet or exceed the USDA's BioPreferred program. The rating system combines several environmentally preferable attributes into a single credit for sourcing of raw material, including biobased material, but it cannot be assured that it will meet the Guiding Principles requirement.

Materials and Resources credit: Sourcing of Raw Materials

LEED O+M warn

To meet the Guiding Principles, agencies must purchase products that meet or exceed USDA's biobased recycled content recommendations.

MR Credit: Purchasing - option 1 - meet biobased products category


To meet the Guiding Principles, agencies must purchase products that meet or exceed USDA's biobased recycled content recommendations.

MR Credit: Purchasing - option 1 - meet biobased products category

Sustainable Procurement

Environmentally preferable products
GP 5.3. Reduce the Environmental Impact of Materials: Products
BOMA 360 checked
Green Purchasing
Documentation—Check (from list) or describe (in text box) use of alternative products rather than hazardous or toxic chemicals, radioactive materials and bio-hazardous agents. These may include green custodial products and services, elimination of hazardous material, environmentally benign adhesives, or other. (1 point)

ENERGY STAR Products for Building and Tenants 
Documentation—Upload copy of preferred purchase policy for the building for ENERGY STAR and/or environmentally friendly products. (1 point)
BOMA 360
Green Purchasing
Documentation—Check (from list) or describe (in text box) use of alternative products rather than hazardous or toxic chemicals, radioactive materials and bio-hazardous agents. These may include green custodial products and services, elimination of hazardous material, environmentally benign adhesives, or other. (1 point)

ENERGY STAR Products for Building and Tenants 
Documentation—Upload copy of preferred purchase policy for the building for ENERGY STAR and/or environmentally friendly products. (1 point)
BOMA Best checked

BP11 - Is a Green Cleaning Program in place at the building?


06.01.02 - Cleaning devices, products and supplies.


06.01.03 - Office supplies


06.01.04 - Products used for building operations and maintenance.


06.01.05 - Cleaning Equipment.


09.01.09 - Use of environmentally preferable cleaning chemicals.


09.01.10 - Use of environmentally preferable maintenance equipment.


BP11 - Is a Green Cleaning Program in place at the building?


06.01.02 - Cleaning devices, products and supplies.


06.01.03 - Office supplies


06.01.04 - Products used for building operations and maintenance.


06.01.05 - Cleaning Equipment.


09.01.09 - Use of environmentally preferable cleaning chemicals.


09.01.10 - Use of environmentally preferable maintenance equipment.

BREEAM checked

RSC 05 – Sustainable procurement


RSC 05 – Sustainable procurement

Green Globes EB checked

5.1.1 Cycle Renovations:

Green Globes EB

5.1.1 Cycle Renovations:

Green Globes NC checked

1.1.1 Performance & Green Design Goals Optional

5.1.1 Whole Building Life Cycle Assessment Optional

5.2.1 Product Life Cycle Optional Optional

5.3.1 Occupant Exposure Screening Report (OESR) Optional

5.4.1 Product Sustainable Materials Attributes Optional

6.2.1 Volatile Organic Compounds: (two sub-criteria): Optional (two sub-criteria): Optional (four sub-criteria): Optional Optional

Green Globes NC

1.1.1 Performance & Green Design Goals Optional

5.1.1 Whole Building Life Cycle Assessment Optional

5.2.1 Product Life Cycle Optional Optional

5.3.1 Occupant Exposure Screening Report (OESR) Optional

5.4.1 Product Sustainable Materials Attributes Optional

6.2.1 Volatile Organic Compounds: (two sub-criteria): Optional (two sub-criteria): Optional (four sub-criteria): Optional Optional

LBC checked

Imperative 12 - responsible materials

Imperative 14 - responsible sourcing

Imperative 15 - living economy sourcing


Imperative 12 - responsible materials

Imperative 14 - responsible sourcing

Imperative 15 - living economy sourcing

LEED BD+C checked

Credit: Materials and Resources - Environmental Product Declarations


Credit: Materials and Resources - Environmental Product Declarations

LEED O+M checked

MR Prerequisite: Purchasing Policy

MR Prerequisite: Facility Maintenance Renovation Policy

MR Credit: Purchasing


MR Prerequisite: Purchasing Policy

MR Prerequisite: Facility Maintenance Renovation Policy

MR Credit: Purchasing

Sustainable Procurement

Ozone depleting substances
GP 5.4. Reduce the Environmental Impact of Materials: Ozone Depleting Substances
BOMA 360 checked
Green Purchasing
Documentation—Check (from list) or describe (in text box) products and services that minimize generation of waste and release of pollutants. These may include bio-based products, non-ozone depleting substances, water management, reduced packaging waste or other. (1 point)
BOMA 360
Green Purchasing
Documentation—Check (from list) or describe (in text box) products and services that minimize generation of waste and release of pollutants. These may include bio-based products, non-ozone depleting substances, water management, reduced packaging waste or other. (1 point)

While there are credits agencies can choose from below, these will not achieve total compliance with the Guiding Principles. While the rating system addresses ozone depleting compounds, it does not explicitly reference a requirement or metric related to ozone depleting substances.

In order to meet the Guiding Principles, agencies would need to ensure they avoid using ozone depleting compounds and high global warming potential chemicals.

POL 04 – Global warming potential of refrigerants


While there are credits agencies can choose from below, these will not achieve total compliance with the Guiding Principles. While the rating system addresses ozone depleting compounds, it does not explicitly reference a requirement or metric related to ozone depleting substances.

In order to meet the Guiding Principles, agencies would need to ensure they avoid using ozone depleting compounds and high global warming potential chemicals.

POL 04 – Global warming potential of refrigerants

Green Globes EB checked

3.2.4 Cooling Systems Optional

Green Globes EB

3.2.4 Cooling Systems Optional

Green Globes NC warn

The rating system requires the project team to do a life cycle assessment and choose the design that is the most environmentally friendly design - but there are 5 factors to take into consideration and the use of ODPs is only one of the 5; therefore it cannot be assumed a project would meet the GP solely based on this credit.

In order to meet the Guiding Principles, agencies must ensure they do not use ozone depleting substances.

5.1.1 Whole Building Life Cycle Assessment Optional

Green Globes NC

The rating system requires the project team to do a life cycle assessment and choose the design that is the most environmentally friendly design - but there are 5 factors to take into consideration and the use of ODPs is only one of the 5; therefore it cannot be assumed a project would meet the GP solely based on this credit.

In order to meet the Guiding Principles, agencies must ensure they do not use ozone depleting substances.

5.1.1 Whole Building Life Cycle Assessment Optional

LBC checked

Imperative 13 - red list


Imperative 13 - red list

LEED BD+C checked

Prerequisite: Environment and Atmosphere - Fundamental Refrigerant Management

Credit: Environment and Atmosphere - Enhanced Refrigerant Management


Prerequisite: Environment and Atmosphere - Fundamental Refrigerant Management

Credit: Environment and Atmosphere - Enhanced Refrigerant Management

LEED O+M checked

EA Credit: Enhanced Refrigerant Management

MR Credit: Purchasing

EA Prerequisite: Fundamental Refrigerant Management


EA Credit: Enhanced Refrigerant Management

MR Credit: Purchasing

EA Prerequisite: Fundamental Refrigerant Management

Solid Waste Diversion

Hazardous waste
GP 5.5. Reduce the Environmental Impact of Materials: Hazardous Waste
BOMA 360 checked

Waste Management and Recycling Programs
(2) Universal and Hazardous Waste: including procedures for proper storage and disposal of mercury-containing fluorescent bulbs and other mercury-containing devices; batteries; toner cartridges; and electronics. (1 point)

(5) Onsite Trash Compaction: program that enhances efficient disposal or recycling operations and lowers waste removal transportation costs by decreasing the frequency of removal. Should include paper, cardboard, bottles, glass and/or aluminum cans. Compaction of construction/demolition waste, hazardous waste and bulk waste are NOT in the onsite trash compaction program. The program may be comprehensive or limited in scope. (up to 2 points)

BOMA 360

Waste Management and Recycling Programs
(2) Universal and Hazardous Waste: including procedures for proper storage and disposal of mercury-containing fluorescent bulbs and other mercury-containing devices; batteries; toner cartridges; and electronics. (1 point)

(5) Onsite Trash Compaction: program that enhances efficient disposal or recycling operations and lowers waste removal transportation costs by decreasing the frequency of removal. Should include paper, cardboard, bottles, glass and/or aluminum cans. Compaction of construction/demolition waste, hazardous waste and bulk waste are NOT in the onsite trash compaction program. The program may be comprehensive or limited in scope. (up to 2 points)

BOMA Best checked

BP9 - Is a Hazardous Building Materials Management Program in place at the building?

BP10(a) - Is a Hazardous Chemical Products Management Program in place at the building?

09.02.02 - Has an environmental site assessment been completed for the property?

09.03.02 - Are controls in place to address migration of known soil/groundwater contaminants into the building?


BP9 - Is a Hazardous Building Materials Management Program in place at the building?

BP10(a) - Is a Hazardous Chemical Products Management Program in place at the building?

09.02.02 - Has an environmental site assessment been completed for the property?

09.03.02 - Are controls in place to address migration of known soil/groundwater contaminants into the building?

BREEAM checked

RSC 06 – Optimizing resource use, reuse and recycling


RSC 06 – Optimizing resource use, reuse and recycling

Green Globes EB checked

5.1.2 Environmental Purchasing Optional

6.3.4 Health, Safety, and Management of Chemicals and Hazardous Materials (two paths):

6.3.4A (five sub-criteria):
  6.3.4A.1: Optional
  6.3.4A.2: Optional
  6.3.4A.3: Optional
  6.3.4A.4: Optional
  6.3.4A.5: Optional

6.3.4B (six sub-criteria):
  6.3.4B.1: Optional
  6.3.4B.2: Optional
  6.3.4B.3: Optional
  6.3.4B.4: Optional
  6.3.4B.5: Optional
  6.3.4B.6: Optional

Green Globes EB

5.1.2 Environmental Purchasing Optional

6.3.4 Health, Safety, and Management of Chemicals and Hazardous Materials (two paths):

6.3.4A (five sub-criteria):
  6.3.4A.1: Optional
  6.3.4A.2: Optional
  6.3.4A.3: Optional
  6.3.4A.4: Optional
  6.3.4A.5: Optional

6.3.4B (six sub-criteria):
  6.3.4B.1: Optional
  6.3.4B.2: Optional
  6.3.4B.3: Optional
  6.3.4B.4: Optional
  6.3.4B.5: Optional
  6.3.4B.6: Optional

Green Globes NC warn

While there are credits agencies can choose from below, these will not achieve total compliance with the Guiding Principles. The rating system has requirements to follow RCRA subtitle C and subtitle I and the Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Act (CERCLA) but it does not require proof of compliance.

To comply with the Guiding Principles, agencies must demonstrate that they follow these requirements. Other indoor Pollutants

Green Globes NC

While there are credits agencies can choose from below, these will not achieve total compliance with the Guiding Principles. The rating system has requirements to follow RCRA subtitle C and subtitle I and the Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Act (CERCLA) but it does not require proof of compliance.

To comply with the Guiding Principles, agencies must demonstrate that they follow these requirements. Other indoor Pollutants

LBC checked

Imperative 12 - responsible materials

Imperative 13 - red list


Imperative 12 - responsible materials

Imperative 13 - red list

LEED O+M checked

EQ Prerequisite: Green Cleaning Policy

EQ Credit: Green Cleaning


EQ Prerequisite: Green Cleaning Policy

EQ Credit: Green Cleaning

Solid Waste Diversion

Solid waste management
GP 5.6. Reduce the Environmental Impact of Materials: Solid Waste Management
BOMA 360 warn

While there are credits agencies can choose from below, these will not achieve total compliance with the Guiding Principles. The rating system addresses diverting construction and demolition waste, it does not specify that at least 50% of construction and demolition material be diverted from landfills. To meet the Guiding Principles, agencies must ensure at least 50% of construction and demolition materials are diverted from landfills.

Waste Management and Recycling Programs
(4) Bulk Waste: including guidelines for diversion of as much material as possible from landfill by salvage for donation or reuse, or for recycling. Includes large or bulky items not typically generated on a day-to-day basis and that are generally removed separately from the regular waste stream, such as furniture and appliances. (1 point)

BOMA 360

While there are credits agencies can choose from below, these will not achieve total compliance with the Guiding Principles. The rating system addresses diverting construction and demolition waste, it does not specify that at least 50% of construction and demolition material be diverted from landfills. To meet the Guiding Principles, agencies must ensure at least 50% of construction and demolition materials are diverted from landfills.

Waste Management and Recycling Programs
(4) Bulk Waste: including guidelines for diversion of as much material as possible from landfill by salvage for donation or reuse, or for recycling. Includes large or bulky items not typically generated on a day-to-day basis and that are generally removed separately from the regular waste stream, such as furniture and appliances. (1 point)

BOMA Best warn

The rating system encourages diversion of waste materials and provides credit for higher rates of diversion, but there is not a requirement to achieve greater than 50% diversion [it is an optional credit]

To meet the Guiding Principles, agencies must divert at least 50% of materials from landfills.

BP14 - Is a Waste Reduction Work Plan in place at the building?

08.01.01 - Is a Waste Reduction and Diversion Policy in place at the building?

08.02.01 - What is the building's Reduce, Reuse, Recycle (3Rs) diversion rate?

08.02.02 - What is the building's capture rate?

08.03.01 - Are any of the following waste diversion initiatives in place at the building?

08.05.02 - Are other measures in place in the building to improve waste diversion?

10.01.04 - Are tenants required to comply with specific environmental criteria?


The rating system encourages diversion of waste materials and provides credit for higher rates of diversion, but there is not a requirement to achieve greater than 50% diversion [it is an optional credit]

To meet the Guiding Principles, agencies must divert at least 50% of materials from landfills.

BP14 - Is a Waste Reduction Work Plan in place at the building?

08.01.01 - Is a Waste Reduction and Diversion Policy in place at the building?

08.02.01 - What is the building's Reduce, Reuse, Recycle (3Rs) diversion rate?

08.02.02 - What is the building's capture rate?

08.03.01 - Are any of the following waste diversion initiatives in place at the building?

08.05.02 - Are other measures in place in the building to improve waste diversion?

10.01.04 - Are tenants required to comply with specific environmental criteria?

BREEAM checked

RSC 02 – Reuse and recycling facilities

RSC 06 – Optimizing resource use, reuse and recycling


RSC 02 – Reuse and recycling facilities

RSC 06 – Optimizing resource use, reuse and recycling

Green Globes EB checked

5.2.1 Facilities for Storing and Handling Recyclable Materials: (six sub-criteria): Optional (five sub-criteria): Optional (two sub-criteria): Optional (four sub-criteria): Optional Optional

5.2.2 Consumables/Disposables: Waste Reduction and Recycling: Optional Optional Optional Optional Optional

Green Globes EB

5.2.1 Facilities for Storing and Handling Recyclable Materials: (six sub-criteria): Optional (five sub-criteria): Optional (two sub-criteria): Optional (four sub-criteria): Optional Optional

5.2.2 Consumables/Disposables: Waste Reduction and Recycling: Optional Optional Optional Optional Optional

Green Globes NC warn

While there are credits agencies can choose from below, these will not achieve total compliance with the Guiding Principles. The rating system has requirements to track the amount diverted, but it does not set a minimum diversion rate of 50% as required by the Guiding Principles.

In order to meet the Guiding Principles, agencies must demonstrate a 50% diversion rate. Construction Waste

10.6.2 Post occupancy solid waste recycling

Green Globes NC

While there are credits agencies can choose from below, these will not achieve total compliance with the Guiding Principles. The rating system has requirements to track the amount diverted, but it does not set a minimum diversion rate of 50% as required by the Guiding Principles.

In order to meet the Guiding Principles, agencies must demonstrate a 50% diversion rate. Construction Waste

10.6.2 Post occupancy solid waste recycling

LBC checked

Imperative 16 - net positive waste


Imperative 16 - net positive waste

LEED BD+C checked

Prerequisite: Materials and Resources - Storage and Collection of Recyclables

Credit: Materials and Resources - Construction and Demolition Waste Management


Prerequisite: Materials and Resources - Storage and Collection of Recyclables

Credit: Materials and Resources - Construction and Demolition Waste Management

LEED O+M checked

MR Prerequisite: Waste Performance


MR Prerequisite: Waste Performance


Risk Assessment
GP 6.1. Assess and Consider Building Resilience: Risk Assessment
BOMA Best checked

09.01.14 - A long term climate change risk assessment

09.01.16 - A short-term hazard assessment

09.01.18 - Has the resilience plan been reviewed, signed, and dated by senior management within the last three years?


09.01.14 - A long term climate change risk assessment

09.01.16 - A short-term hazard assessment

09.01.18 - Has the resilience plan been reviewed, signed, and dated by senior management within the last three years?

BREEAM checked

RSL 01 – Flood risk assessment

RSL 03 – Natural hazard risk assessment

RSL 07 – Climate-related transition risks and opportunities

RSL 08 – Social risks and opportunities

RSL 09 – Fire risk assessment

RSL 10 – Security risk assessment


RSL 01 – Flood risk assessment

RSL 03 – Natural hazard risk assessment

RSL 07 – Climate-related transition risks and opportunities

RSL 08 – Social risks and opportunities

RSL 09 – Fire risk assessment

RSL 10 – Security risk assessment

Green Globes EB checked

1.2.1 Risk Assessment & Facility Adaptation: (three sub-criteria): Optional Optional Optional

Green Globes EB

1.2.1 Risk Assessment & Facility Adaptation: (three sub-criteria): Optional Optional Optional

Green Globes NC checked Site and building resilience

Green Globes NC Site and building resilience

LBC checked

Imperative 6 - net positive water

Imperative 8 - net positive carbon


Imperative 6 - net positive water

Imperative 8 - net positive carbon

LEED BD+C checked

Credit: Location and Transportation - Sensitive Land Protection

Credit: Sustainable Sites - Site Assessment


Credit: Location and Transportation - Sensitive Land Protection

Credit: Sustainable Sites - Site Assessment


Building Resilience
GP 6.2. Assess and Consider Building Resilience: Building Resilience and Adaptation
BOMA Best checked

09.01.13 - Has a resilience or business continuity plan been prepared for the building that includes the following components?

09.01.15 - An adaptation plan based on assessed long-term climate risks


09.01.13 - Has a resilience or business continuity plan been prepared for the building that includes the following components?

09.01.15 - An adaptation plan based on assessed long-term climate risks


While there are credits agencies can choose from below, these will not achieve total compliance with the Guiding Principles. BREEAM provides credits that address various risk assessments for fire, climate, security, and social, there is no language that requires proof of anything being implemented.

In order to meet the Guiding Principles, agencies must demonstrate that these findings are being implemented.

RSL 06 – Emergency plans and climate-related physical risks

RSL 07 – Climate-related transition risks and opportunities

RSL 08 – Social risks and opportunities


While there are credits agencies can choose from below, these will not achieve total compliance with the Guiding Principles. BREEAM provides credits that address various risk assessments for fire, climate, security, and social, there is no language that requires proof of anything being implemented.

In order to meet the Guiding Principles, agencies must demonstrate that these findings are being implemented.

RSL 06 – Emergency plans and climate-related physical risks

RSL 07 – Climate-related transition risks and opportunities

RSL 08 – Social risks and opportunities

Green Globes EB checked

1.2.1 Risk Assessment & Facility Adaptation: Optional

1.2.2 Emergency Procedures, Response, & Facility Upgrades: (four sub-criteria): Optional Optional Optional Optional Optional (three sub-criteria): Optional Optional Optional

Green Globes EB

1.2.1 Risk Assessment & Facility Adaptation: Optional

1.2.2 Emergency Procedures, Response, & Facility Upgrades: (four sub-criteria): Optional Optional Optional Optional Optional (three sub-criteria): Optional Optional Optional

Green Globes NC checked

6.1.3 Site and building resilience

Green Globes NC

6.1.3 Site and building resilience

LBC checked

Imperative 6 - net positive water

Imperative 8 - net positive carbon


Imperative 6 - net positive water

Imperative 8 - net positive carbon

LEED BD+C checked

Credit: Energy and Atmosphere - Grid Harmonization

Credit: Water Efficiency - Alternative Water

Pilot Credit: Assessment and Planning for Resilience

Pilot Credit: Design for Enhanced Resilience


Credit: Energy and Atmosphere - Grid Harmonization

Credit: Water Efficiency - Alternative Water

Pilot Credit: Assessment and Planning for Resilience

Pilot Credit: Design for Enhanced Resilience

LEED O+M checked

EA Credit: Grid Harmonization


EA Credit: Grid Harmonization