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Return to Cafeteria

Design Guidance

Overall Strategies

Beverage service can be provided using individual pre-packaged containers that require refrigeration or using on-demand dispensers. If pre-packaged options are available, select products that come in recyclable packaging. If beverage dispensers are used, provide recyclable or compostable cups, lids, and straws.

Best Practices

  • Select a coffee machine that does not continually heat water duing nonbusiness hours.
  • Offer beverage dispensers and reusable (glass or plastic) cups instead of pre-packaged beverages.
  • Clean ice makers regularly using sanitizing solution according to the manufacturers specifications to avoid the accumulation of biofilm, molds, mildews, and disease-causing bacteria.

Compare Beverages Options

EB = Existing BuildingsNC = New Construction and Major Renovation

Federal Requirements