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Measure: Use Energy Star certified appliances and equipment

Building Size: 5,000 gsf
Climate Zone: Hot - Humid

Measure: Use Energy Star certified appliances and equipment

Building Size: 5,000 gsf
Climate Zone: Hot - Humid
Use Energy Star certified appliances and equipment
Measure Simple Payback (years) Approximate Capital Cost ($) Annual Energy Savings (kBtu/sf) Annual Energy Savings (kBtu/yr) Annual Cost Savings ($/sf) Annual Cost Savings ($/yr)
Use Energy Star certified appliances and equipment 1-3 --- --- --- --- ---


Energy Star independently certifies appliances and their operation costs. Products include refrigeratorsopens in new window and dishwashersopens in new window for kitchens, vending machinesopens in new window and coffee makers for break rooms, and a large portion of computer and office equipmentopens in new window. Though a premium of $50-200 can apply for an Energy Star certified product, the energy usage is usually 10-40% lower than non-certified products, providing a typical payback within 1 to 3 years.

Special Considerations

  • Energy Star also administers the Portfolio Manageropens in new window program, a free resource that tracks energy and water usage of your building, which can lead to an Energy Star certification for your entire building!

Estimates for this measure come from the Department of Energy’s Energy Efficiency in Separate Tenant Spaces Feasibility Studyopens in new window.